News - The New Warzone Meta After The Update (best Weapons)



Weapon changes

Dg5617 damage, so these weapons are exactly the same. After that short range damage, and we'll discuss that in a minute, just know these are still two of the best weapons; at long range, they're just not going to be competitive with SMGs, and you're going to see that a couple times throughout this patch notes, now that bass B was previously a best weapon.

Max and Min damage got reduced, which means all around it is a worst weapon. I still think it'll be competitive, just not the world-beater like it was before. Now our akimbo, core 45s retes, and tires all got nerfed; these are pretty much no longer usable up close because they want us using SMGs up close.

Then we have our marksman rifles, so the DM 56 Max and mid damage got reduced; in other words, these ones aren't going to be usable. Then we have our KVD enforcer and MTZ interceptor. This MTZ interceptor was previously the best weapon. Now, I think both of these are still going to be usable and very good at long range.

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To be clear, the MTZ Interceptor Nerf was not a big enough Nerf to make an overall difference to this weapon. Essentially, what it does is that three bullet kills are going to be way less reliable, and I believe two bullet kills will not be reliable whatsoever. So what this means is that even if you're hitting body shots, you are going to be nuking people.

This is still the best of the best weapons, and then our short-range meta, the Haymaker, and the Fenic were the previous two essentially best weapons, both of which got nerfed, so essentially, they want us to be using our long-range weapons at long range and our short-range SL SMGs. Up close, we now need to know what the best weapons are at long range and what the best weapons are at short range.

Weapon stats

Weapon stats

So to start out, we are going to be looking at assault rifles. Now, the two lines that I want to show you here are the DG58 and the F556. Here is their short-range damage; the biggest drop-off is at their short-range damage.

Now these lines are essentially going to move up, and the short-range time to kill is going to be slower. However after this range after 35.6. M and after 38 M they are still the exact same weapons they're going to perform just as well just up close they will not so we need something to replace it and if we're looking at the time to kills for assault rifles there is one line that is below all of the other ones and it's that light blue line it is the ram 7, this weapon I don't know how but has gone under the radar now it is a difficult weapon to use because it has a lot of recoil but if we build a class to reduce the recoil, the ram 7 is going to be one of the best sniper support weapons in the game which means if you use it with the fr556 with the DG with the MTZ Interceptor or with a sniper rifle.

It is going to be godly, similarly, if we go ahead and look at our SMGs. Our up-close best SMG is essentially going to be the WSP. Swarm, but another good option is the Rival 9, which I'm going to show you a class setup for, and then probably the most consistent one with only one damage drop-off is the AR9.

New meta / best weapons

New meta / best weapons

So those are going to be the kind of three SMGs that you are going to look at, so let's hop in the game and I can show you what I'm talking about so the way that I'm going to show you this is I'm going to show you what I used before and what I would change to now so if you saw my other load out article you're going to be ahead of the curve here so this was my broken class before it was the MTZ Interceptor and a Clos range bass B, so the MTZ Interceptor is still going to be really good.

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You can still use this; it's just not going to be as OP as before, so just to be clear, the weapon that I was using here or the attachments that I was using here were the Eagle ey two-time scope 20-round mags, the FTAc Ripper, the Spitfire suppressor, and the MTZ long-shot Pro Barrel. This will still work just the same as before.

best weapons

Where I would change things is with the secondary weapon. I would either use a rival, Or, specifically, I think the Ram 7 is going to be the go-to weapon in this scenario. I think the Ram 7 is going to be the best sniper support and the best close and mid-range weapon for the next little while, but the problem is that I haven't made a class for it yet.

I haven't leveled up the RAM 7 yet, so I'm going to do something I've never before done on one of these articles. Now, the other class that I used to use was the FR 5556 with the retes because they were really good up close and you didn't need them. The other class that I used was FR 5556, and the attachments that I used were as follows: I used once again the eagle 60-round mags, the brewing and heavy-support Spitfire suppressor, and the 600-mm-long barrel.


You can still use those if you're going to use this at long range; it's not going to be good up close. Just know that now. That is why, before, I used it with the rifle because I only needed a weapon that would nuke someone up close, like a shotgun. Now you're going to need a longer-range weapon, so there's a couple of weapons that we can actually use here, the first of which is the WSP Swarm.

As far as the Swarm goes, the attachments that I use on it—you can't see it—it's behind my head: the Fortress heavy stock, the 50-round mag-hollow point ammunition, and the Sonic suppressor. And finally, the WSP, Ruthless L. Barrel, so all of these are still the same, and you can use this. The other weapon that I would use is the Rival 9, so for Sniper support for close range, once again going over it, the Ram 7, even the Rival 9, the Amr 9, can work as well, and the WSP Swarm.

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Now what I use on this one is the Rival fa tactical stock. The Rival Vice assault grips the 40-round mag. The xrk edge under Barrel and the shadow strike suppressor, so all of these are viable, and these are going to be pretty much the meta The thing that you need to know and the thing that you need to understand about what they were trying to do with this is make it so SMGs are good up close, and then you have your long-range weapons the long range weapons including the F-556.

cod best weapons

The interceptors, I think, are going to be some of the best too. One thing that I'm going to be looking for over the next few days is something to fall in that bass P, the fully automatic, long-range assault rifle. I don't know what it is yet, but the MCW has really good recoil, but it's time to kill sucks.

Todays Call of Duty Warzone Meta update made a big change to weapons in Warzone and shakes up the meta. In this video we look at the new meta after the update in Call of Duty Warzone. Hope you enjoy! The 1.
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