News - The "new" Top 5 Smg Meta For Warzone Season 3 Reloaded

best smg 3

It has been a very strong weapon for a very long time, and they didn't change any of the damage value, so to this day it is still pretty strong, and so with this build, you already know we're going with these M35 compensated flash hiders. Do I really need to explain that one the underbarrel, we're going again with the DR6, hand stop for ads speed, aim walking speed, sprint of fire, and movement speed, and then we're going with the 40-round mag, but you could also go with the 50 I do it just again for movement speed, especially for a map like Rebirth, but we got the 40-round mag, and then we also got the no stock for Max movement speed for Sprint of fire speed movement speed aim walking speed and ad speed, and because the no stock obviously gives it a lot of gun kick and increases the recoil, and all of that basically, we're going to try to minimize that by throwing on an optic, and I personally chose the Nidar model 2023.

For an SMG, this is honestly probably one of my favorite optics, if I do decide to use one. I am an ironide type of guy, and I don't mind the iron sides, but with this lack of stock, it does kind of make the WSP 9 shake a little bit. So throwing on the Zim compensated flash hider and also this Nidar model, it is pretty easy to control.


Definitely it gives it a lot smoother of a recoil pattern, if you didn't notice by now. For a lot of these builds, I don't throw on a barrel anymore. Now, you could throw on a barrel if you wanted, but I've just noticed that, especially with the damage values on a lot of these weapons, you're not really fighting past 10 to 15 M Max, so there's really no need for a barrel for you to have 20+ meters in your effective damage range. Most of your battles are going to be close quarters with an SMG, so I build all of my SMG and all of my secondaries for the maximum movement speed possible, especially if you're playing on a map like Rebirth.

Smg 5

Smg 5

That being said, that being said brings us to our last close-range weapon, and that is the striker 9.

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Now I've had a LoveHate relationship with the striker 9 for a very long time, but definitely, as of the past few weeks. I've begun to love the striker 9, and one thing I do like about the striker 9 is just how consistent it is, and honestly, with this build, you can't go wrong with it. You guys already know we have the Zim 35 compensated flash hider, the Dr6 hand stop for ad speed, and walking speed.

Sprint the fire and move M speed, and then with this one we're throwing on the 50-round mag. The next attachment we got is the no stock for sprint of fire movement speed, aim walking speed, and ad speed. Now this is where I switch things up just a little bit. We got the rear grip, the Saen ZX grip, which helps with firing, aiming stability, gun kick control, and recoil control.

bp50 3

I notice that I build my SMGs for maximum movement speed, but with this build, specifically with the striker 9, it does tend to get a little inaccurate. Whenever you don't use this rear grip. I throw on the rear grip to kind of help with the idle sway and the sway while you're shooting, and I just feel like I was missing a lot of my shots because I didn't have this rear grip.

Once I threw this on, it smoothed out a little bit, and so I definitely recommend giving this specific build a try again. For all of these builds, it's definitely a personal preference. You could switch out a few attachments; if you wanted to totally up to you, you could go with a different stock; if you wanted to, you could go with something like the Lockman Br400.

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heavy brace stock for movement speed and sprint speed, maybe even the Lockman MK2.

Warzone Season 3 Reloaded is here and there is a new smg meta! There was a lot of weapon changes but these are the best smg close range weapons you should be using on Rebirth Island.
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