News - The New Secret Trick To Get The Jokr Gold Warzone 2


This is Mike, or Geekomo. Welcome back to another Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 article. A couple articles ago, I got this close to getting the Sab gold, but I ran into a bunch of sweaty tryhards that slowed me down. Absolutely not not even you can stop us on the grind of the gold camo baby; we got it, Sab, finally got it gold.

I do think the marksman rifles are going to be the first weapons that we get in platinum. Also, this gold makes me feel like my vision is bad; why is it so blurry? We go that's what I wanted right there between the knives, the saber, and the riot shield. It has been a hot minute since I've done a full-auto weapon here on the channel.

We're going to get to him eventually; it's just part of the journey on the road to Orion, so yeah, welcome back. Today, we are going to be using the ebr14. The next Marksman rifle on our list is something for which I have absolutely no idea what attachments to use. I literally just went through and yo-loaded.

This is about to be the best or worst weapon of all time. Also, take a look at what I put on my back. The Joker is level 5. All you've got to do is line up your shots, hold fire, and hope no one comes around the corner. Ready, set, man, that's amazing; hold on; gotcha; thanks for coming out. Yeah, well, you deserve that, and I deserve that all right.


We're going to try it out again. Are you ready, team? Line up the joker hold. You got stunned, but it doesn't matter; I got a kill. I got another kill, let's go baby, so today's article is going to be the EBR, but it's also going to be an attempt to get the Joker one step closer to gold, okay, stop stop, on, all right.

I deserve that. That's right. I'm holding down the lane, baby, and holding down the zones. You guys know objective players, and I have always been a top-tier objective player; that's pretty much what I'm known for here on the channel. I will say that shipping is chaotic. I think we talked about it in the last article shipment.


It is chaotic, but nowhere near as chaotic as it was before. Like, honestly, the old shipment was just an absolute nightmare. I, personally, think they've done an excellent job with this shipment. It's fun; it's fast-paced, but it's not just dying all the time. I swear in modern warfare, in one shipment, you would spawn and get shot in the back spawn shot in the back, this EVR.

I normally am not a big fan of the single-fire weapons, like it's weird because I love sniper rifles, but I don't know that single-fire guns are just not that fun. I've always felt like the play style on singles just doesn't match my style. You do a lot better if you play slowly, right? The run and gun kind of like ads on ads is difficult with the single fire at least in my experience, but I don't know if this EBR is hitting a little differently.

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Two can sweat at this game boy all right, I'm going to get a joker kill right here, okay all right, ready, hold fire. We're good teammates; don't be AFK right now, man; there's a guy in this crate right here. I got him, let's go baby, another one over there, ah. I was popping off right there too; I'm dead, and I feel like my team is kind of getting just Pub stopped right now, like that's just the vibe I'm getting this early; this is insane; they've had a veto over this entire game.

gold camo

I just commented that this was not chaotic anymore, from 87 to 200. I felt the destruction of that lobby; we got absolutely owned on the plus side. I'm locked in and ready to go, and you can literally sprint across the map and kill me, and I'm AFK. It's free kills if you play against me while I'm grinding.

The Joker's camog is literally like printing money. Just walk up to me, riot shield in hand, and get any kills you want. All right, here we go. Are they going to go left or right? I think they're going right three, two, and one. The very beginning is very important to the Joker camel grind, and I picked wrong; Humongous is on the other team.

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That's like Dad joke central right there: "One, two, and I'm garbage." It's early. Where's my coffee? And I got killed by my humongous, embarrassing dad. I'm hungry hi, I'm hungry. I'm dad that's the definition of a gigantic joke. Right there, man, I love this EBR. The EBR is about to change the game for single-fire weapons for me.

gold jokr

Did everybody quit? Is everybody all right? It's time for the joker, baby. Three, two, one. Let's watch it. Yeah, get ready. My teammate called it a mortar strike in the same spot. Are you serious? I'm just going to keep firing the joker boys for today's joker camo grind. Come on, come on, come on! Come on come on got it, I got it; surely there's someone over there, right?

Yes, I got one. Let's go don't look over here. Don't look over here. Don't look over here. Here we go. Here we go, Bomb. Get the camera! My, that's got to be one of the most satisfying things of all time for all the people that grinded out the joker before shipment got here. I am so sorry; like, I respect what you did, and I'm proud of you either way, but man, this is much easier.

how to get jokr gold

Yes, teammate with the riot shield, get right in front of me while I'm playing. Man, that was just pristine. You are probably the best teammate of all time. Quad, feed, please be the final kill, please be the final kill, this is going to be the best moment of my Call of Duty career right here. Juan, what should be in a single-kill shotgun?

Play just great—you know how hard I worked to get that gigantic first place on the losing team shouts, "My man, where's my microphone?" Yo, Hugh BG, easy. I had this little blue Yeti from when I first started my YouTube channel. I was nervous back when I used to film those articles. This is a Spiker Geeker model.

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Welcome back! Leave a like if you're a fan of the articles—that's where it all began, but I plugged it back in for the World Cup article yesterday, and if you haven't seen that. I think it's one of my favorite articles on the channel. It was an absolute blast. This guy and I were going back and forth; he was trash talking hard, and then I scored like two goals in a row, and suddenly I was his best friend.


Is the EBR a one-shot headshot? The hip fire accuracy sure ain't there; let me test this out; with this fire rate, buddy teammate get If you're going to use a riot shield, get out of the way. Wait, does my teammate have a Chopper Gunner? Yeah, something tells me this could be a fast lobby right here because we're out of Dorado.

We're literally having a CDL match right now. I cannot believe this is a one-shot. That is crazy. I'm not even in hardcore right now, so come on, come for the tags. Come for the tags; that's the one fun thing I like about Kill Confirmed. I feel like you can just bait the tag so easily. Are you ready?

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