News - The New "2 Shot" Origin 12 Loadout Warzone 3. Best Haymaker Class Setup - Warzone 2

best haymaker class 3

What's good YouTube In today's article, we're bringing you guys the Origin 12 in War Zone 3. Before we get into anything, drop a like on the article, man. Let's see if I can break 200 likes. I know y'all can do it. Comment Shadow be on the screen; let's get right on to this broken heymaker setup for the muzzle man.

There are a lot of muzzles you can choose from for this. You know, you could call it the orange and 12; it's literally the orange and 12 man. You can put on a suppressor, but like I said, man, in every article I do, all the suppressors in this game are so mid-man. I'm sorry, none of them are really good.

Look at the fact that it reduces the damage range. All of them reduce damage range, and on a shotgun, damage is crucial. So do not put on a suppressor; it is completely useless. You need to put on a choke. And you know what? Luckily, it's the first choke to unlock; it's the x10 full choke. It's the best choke in the game, plus it's 6 to effective at minimum damage range.

best haymaker class setup

You need to put this on, man. A lot of people say that the Bryson improved is good as well, because it does help with that shotgun spread along with that hit, so if you don't want to put on the x10 full choke and you want more of you, a more all-rounded choke man, you put on the Bryson improve but put on the x0 full choke man right now, the bare man.

There are two barrels we can use for this shotgun. You've got the jab 30 short barrel, which is going to help obviously with that aim down size speed Sprint of five speed; it's a short bar; it's going to help more with that mobility; and then you've got the imperor Long Bar that helps that bu velocity and range.

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We'll go to show the details. Real quick helps so much without effective minimum damage range and bull velocity. It is literally crucial for this shotgun to make it one of the best secondaries in the game, man. I only show the best secondaries, and this is easily one of the best. Put on the imp with a long barrel if you want mobility.

I guess you can put this on, but it's just really not going to help put the imperator's long barrel on; it's going to literally make this gun completely break the laser. Luckily, it's the second laser we put on the Verdant hooks now. The next article I do with this origin 12 I probably won't use this man.

best haymaker loadout

There is probably a better laser to use, in my opinion. The Corvis is really good, but you know what? It's probably this one I'm using; it does literally the same as the Corvus, but it helps that Sprint to fire speed. It's also the second laser to unlock, which makes it so good. It really helps you guys out so much that you don't have to grind much for the laser, so, in my opinion, the best laser is easily The Verdant hook box laser you want to put this on right now for the ammunition, man Now that I know the 12 Gorge dragons breath did catch a heavy Nerf.

I think it really does affect the damage. In today's article, man, it just makes it more broken. I'm sorry, it just does, because when you shoot it with a shotgun, they're not going to see it in their vision; they're going to say fire, which makes it more RP, and it does help with that effective damage range.

best haymaker setup 3

Minimum damage range doesn't matter; BL velocity doesn't matter; it's a closeup weapon that helps that effective damage range. Put on the 12 G dragon's breath. If this thing does get nerfed again, I wouldn't recommend putting it on, but it's still overpowered. Put on the dragon breath rounds now, finally for the magazine.

We're on the 20-round drum, man; it's probably the best even for solos. CU, you want to just spam this thing, man? Even if it's from a distance, you're going to need the ammo to be able to kill him. 12 rounds is just not enough, man. In my opinion, it's really just not enough. Unless you're playing solos and you're just really shooting up close, that will be enough, but when you do shoot with a shotgun, sometimes you're shooting from long range as well, so I put on that 20-round drum.

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I have no idea why anyone put on the five-round mag; it's literally useless. Do not put this thing on; put on the 20-round drum right now. This is the origin 12-man that we did run in today's article. Let's get right on to the skies, destroy them, and use your T to hunt down the rest of them. You need to get this game played, man.

best shotgun

This origin 12—we need to get it, man. One of the best shotguns in the game, I need to get a few more kills recking they got light-out chest both they had two light-out chests over there that is very, just look at that. Let me say this: This is incredible. This is incredible. That one, but we'll get him.

Back, you have to be cheating. There's no chance, no chance. He's not cheating. I did not miss a

Best HAYMAKER Class Setup Warzone 3 Best HAYMAKER Loadout MW3 Warzone 3 Meta HAYMAKER After Update HAYMAKER Season 1. the NEW 2 SHOT ORIGIN 12 LOADOUT in WARZONE 3! Best HAYMAKER Class Setup - MW3. The Grind Never Stops.
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