News - 40 Kills With This New "meta" Loadout - Warzone 3

ashika island

I'm coming at you with a banger article that you're not going to want to miss. In this article, I'm going to be giving you my meta. Loadout for War Zone 3 season 2 reload. Now, with season 2 reloaded, comes a brand new meta. Just kidding, it's the same one as before. I'm joking i'm joking of course, I'm talking about Ram 7 and HRM 9.

Now these guns are the best weapons that you can be running after the newest update. I ended up dropping 40 kills on a chica with it, and believe me, I was frying that entire lobster. Noty game with that Let's get into this high-kill game on Asika and load out at the end. Elin, let's go; he's a $7 million ball rider.

Let's, Go all right guys, getting into the primary for this load out, we're going to be talking about the ram 7 now the ram 7 we're going to start off with the Cronin headwind long barrel now the Cronin headwood long barrel is going to help us out tremendously with bullet velocity and range aiming idle Sway and firing aim stability giving us that pack punch that we need for that high ttk, while keeping us on target.

best class

The next attachment that we're going to be talking about is the BT7, or spirit fire suppressor. Now that the VT7 is going to keep us off the radar, it's going to help us out tremendously with our recoil control, bullet velocity, and damage range. Now the next attachment is, of course, the brewing and heavy support under Barrel.

Now the brewing and heavy support under Barrel is just going to help us out with the gun kick control, aiming Ido sway horizontal recoil, and firing aim stability, basically making this gun a beam with zero to little recoil. The next thing you're going to want to slap on is that 60-round drum mag.

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Now the 60-round drum mag is going to help us fight multiple enemies and give us that maximum ammo capacity that we need. For my final attachment, I'm going to be throwing on the HVS 3.4 pad. Now this stock is going to help us out tremendously. With the gun kit control and recoil control, again making this gun an absolute laser beam and allowing you to hit your shots with precision, that'll do it for the ram 7.

best class setup 3

Moving on to HRM 9, All right guys, for the HRM 9, we're going to start out with the thorn 90 barrel. Now, the thorn 90 barrel is going to help us out with our hipfire and tact spread, but what we're really using it for is that aim-down sight speed, sprint to fire speed, and sprint speed, giving us the fast movement that we need for a submachine gun and more.

War Zone 3: Next up is the Zen 35. Flash hider Now, this muscle is not going to keep you off the radar completely, but it's going to help us by keeping our ping short, aiding in the vertical recoil and horizontal recoil, and firing aim stability, making it to where you are not going to miss. Of course, we're going to want to run the 50-round drum mag; this is going to give us max ammo capacity and be able to fight multiple enemies multiple times.

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For the rear grip, we're going to be running the PCS 90 assault grip. Now the assault grip is going to help us out with our gun kit control and recoil control, making it to the point where you have zero recoil on this gun. And last but not least is the folding stock. Now the folding stock is going to help us out again with our recoil control gun kit control and firing ability, making it to where you can engage in those medium to longer ranges.

With this submachine, Gun, and those guys will do it for the HRM, 9 all right. I mean, I'm not going to lie. Hopefully we get a new load out soon because this one is getting a little stale. But until then, if you want to fry your lobbies, just like you saw me doing earlier, you're going to want to use the RAM 7 and the HRM 9.

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Don't forget to like the article. Along with that, if you'd like to see this action live, be sure to check me out on {629}. Grey, we stream Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

This is the META Loadout that you need to be running in Warzone 3! Be sure to give it a try and let me know in the comments what you think! Watch Me Live.
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