News - The Most Op Loadout Warzone 2 Zombies Ever (use Before Removed)

Go ahead and pop a couple plates. We have a lot of zombies over here. Let's get a decoy grenade out. Make it a little bit easier on ourselves. Man, this Ram honestly isn't even that bad, in my opinion. I mean, we are still shredding this boss with just the normal gun. It's going to hurt us a little bit right there, and we did get hurt.

Let's go ahead and self-result and finish this guy off well. That didn't go as well as planned, so let's go ahead and see if we can get a result from these people. I think they're going to help us out. I think they're going to help us out, sweet. We'll go ahead and finish it. We'll go ahead and use our abilities to see if we can knock this abomination out.

golden ivry

Awesome wasn't too hard at all. In reality, it did take a little bit of running, and man, I cannot get left alone by these zombies. There are two other guys who randomly pulled up with me. Take advantage of them, please. So we can see right here that we just got the scorcher, which is a very weird thing to be getting in the Tier 3 Zone in my opinion, and we did just get an epic ather to plan, so we'll go ahead and stow that as well.

This gun is definitely very good, in my opinion, and it is going to absolutely shred zombies. Let's go ahead and talk about the next gun. All right, fortunately we don't have any time to talk about the second weapon, so we're going to have some fun expelling and using the purifier with a Tier 3 Pack-a-Punch and a purple tool on it.


Look at that mangler; just get absolutely shredded. I mean, we could just tap fire on this thing and have some fun. I mean, this is a broken weapon in my opinion now, considering that it is broken and Call of Duty is Call of Duty. I expect this to get patched soon, but if you guys want to, I would definitely take advantage of the first weapon in today's top build for MWZ zombies.

As you can see, we are just having some fun. We do have instakill on this, so it makes it a little bit easier. But in reality, this is already an instant tap to begin with, and you can just see how much fun we're having with it. We've already gotten 250 kills in one game with this, so we're going to go ahead and help out this random with some of these manglers.

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Look at those just two, three taps, and they're instantly dead. Then go ahead and sit here and just spam this and have some fun. Now for our second weapon, we're going to be talking about a good old classic, and it's going to be the WSP, or the Swarm. The Swarm is one of the best guns, in my opinion, to be running, and it was very good to run back in the day in season 1, or the beginning of Modern Warfare Z zombies.

modern warfare

Unfortunately, this gun is a little bit nerfed prior to being OP beforehand. And we got unlucky and actually got an infested stronghold or ather nest in the middle of our Outlast contract, so it's going to make it a little bit harder for us, but I'm sure we'll be able to do this now this is with no.

Pack-a-Punch no ether tools or anything on this we're going to see how far we can get with none of those on our weapons you can already see we are kind of getting shredded off of rips we're going to have to take a break, and well would you look at that there's a mimic and he just got shredded from the swarm, with no Pack-a-Punch in tier one now running this with dual wields does make this gun 10 times easier in my opinion to use and we're going to have to milk out a little bit of the zombies gaining a little bit more XP, we got a nuke it's going to make our life a little bit easier let's see if we can knock out this infested area while we have some extra time on our hands we're almost there.

modern warfare zombies

Incompleted so we just got done getting it all cleaned out with the swarm; it wasn't that bad. We're going to have to switch around. Maybe we can clear out this infested area as fast as possible. We have a couple more, and hopefully this is the last one. We can see what rewards we got from Tier 1 using this swarm.

So we finally got everything cleared out from the invested area to the Outlast Contract Mission, and you can see we use this with no Pack-a-Punch, and it's still very good. Yes, we are in Tier 1, but let's go ahead and give this a shot in Tier 2, and we're going to have to put a pack-a-punch on this, I believe.

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All right, we are on tier 2, boss. Unfortunately, I had to do a tier 2 pack-a-punch on this swarm because it just didn't feel right with the tier 1 pack-a-punch damage-wise. If you guys are looking to play maybe a little bit longer and want to do it, you know that at a normal pace, a tier one pack-a-punch is going to be plenty, but for the sake of the article.

mw3 aether blade

I'm going to try to speed it up with a tier 2 pack-a-punch. Seeing how fast we can destroy a boss by ourselves in the Tier 2 zone, it's not doing too badly. Obviously, we have to hit all head shots for the first guy just to break his original shield; it's not doing too badly; that's one clip out of 200.

That's kind of going to be both of our clips out of 200, so we got them about, I'd say, a little over a quarter. We got the half-health soon as this breaks, and we should be able to absolutely melt him here in a second. You can see we're not running away or anything; these triggers can hold for a while as we have 200 in each of the mags once we pack a punch.

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It doesn't matter if it's tier one, tier two, or tier three. Just like that, he's done, and I'd say that took about a minute and a half, and we got death perception out of that. That was a great reward for all of our hard work, so honestly, this gun, in my opinion, is still very good. It is very good, in my opinion, against tons of zombies or a big swarm to clear out, especially if you're going in the tier four zone or even the tier five zone.

mw3 best weapons

And last but not least, let's talk about the guns and what attachments I have been running on them. So for the first weapon, we are running the Swarm, and we're just going to go ahead and talk over really quickly what these attachments are. We're going to be using a barrel, and we're going to be using the WSP Reckless 90-long barrel.

For the laser, we're going to be running a hip shot L20, and for our ammo, we're going to be running 9 mm high grd rounds. And for our magazine, which is going to be key, we're going to be running the 100-round drum mag. This is going to be for both of our weapons off of rip, and it's going to make more ammo when we pack-a-punch, making it 200 per mag, which helps a lot.

mw3 dark aether

And lastly, but not least, we're going to be running the WSP. Kimbo race stock: this is going to be an aftermarket part or a conversion kit you guys can put on the weapon. We're not going to talk too in depth about these weapons just because they're zombies. I don't feel a need to talk about that as we're just looking for mobility and a little bit of range added on for these weapons, and for the ram 7, we're going to be running the barrel, and it's going to be the FSS imperator, light barrel, we're going to be running a muzzle, which is going to be the case break, and we're going to be running the key ingredient to making this gun super key, which is the under barrel at the Jack purifier.

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