News - The Massive Warzone Season 3 Content Update. All New Features, Rewards, More - Warzone 2

New warzone season 3 new modes

New warzone season 3 new modes

what's going on guys welcome back to a brand new article today we're going to go over everything you need to know in regards to the season 3 war zone update, this update is a lot bigger than you expect and it's just completely massive everything I cover here is in regards to war zone and the article might still be like over 10 minutes long but anyways let me save you some time and let's jump into it so we have four brand new modes the very first one is called war zone boot camp this will be available on Yik, stand this mode is pretty much for people who are new to war zone trying to learn how to play it's going to be set with the majority of them being Bots so 44 players total there's going to be 24 Bots and 20 actual players you won't be able to use this as an XP farm it's just a way for new players to learn and understand the game and it's going to be set on yours extent XP will be limited you won't be able to do any camo challenges, or any sort of challenges that will unlock you rewards.

cod season 3 update

Mainly for the reason that they don't want this to be a farm, the next mode that we have is going to be rebirth and revival. This will also be available at launch; it's a pretty obvious mode, and it's pretty much a resurgence, just on Rebirth Island, because that'll be the new map that we have this season.

The following map that we have is going to be called Rebirth Resurgence, loaded; this will be coming in the mid-season update. The only difference is that it'll Play Just Like Resurgence but you will spawn in with your regular Loadout so you get to pick and choose what Loadout you want every time you die you will come back with your Loadout so you don't have to worry about getting Loadout drops or pretty much looting around the map the final brand new mode for war zone is going to be rebirth lockdown which will be available during the midseason update plays exactly like vondo lock down you got to capture some sort of an objective, and it's just going to be on rebirth Island and that's going to have a player count of 28 players the next set of content are going to be the public events we have a total of three of them being introduced the first one is going to be called The Rebirth infill strikes this will come in the midseason, update, and what will happen is at the start of a match this won't happen every match it's just completely random I'm guessing it happens like maybe 20 to 30%.

New warzone season 3 public events

New warzone season 3 public events

Of the time, but right when you queue into a match while you are flying in, if it does happen, there will be a little animation sequence very similar to how it is on Vondo. When you're on the airplane, you'll see that little strike out, hit down, and destroy the market, then drop all that loot. It'll be the same way here, and it's going to happen in three different possible locations.

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The first one will be Lighthouse; the left side is what it looks like before; the right side will be what it looks like after the strike happens; the second location will be prison; the left side once again; the right side; the whole point that they're doing this is to try and get different rotations going on and trying to mix it up so that way it feels like a different experience every match; and the third location we have will be the water tower; the left side is normal, the right side is after it's been destroyed, and these are the only three locations that could possibly get hit with these infield streaks.

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The next public event that we have is called The Climb and Punishment, which will be available in Yhan. It'll be available at launch, and what happens is that when you are in the GLO, it will give you a notification. In the new public event Climb and Punishment, two ladders will spawn, one for you and one for the enemy, and if you talk to them, you both can climb up the ladder at the same time, and you will both be able to spawn in, so it's sort of like just talking to them and negotiating and mind tricks and all that, and then the next public event that we have is called Heavy Armor, which will also be available in the mid-season update, and this is meant for all Resurgence modes.

When this public event takes place, it usually happens while you are filling up on the plane, and then once you jump off, you're going to get an extra plate, which means it'll take your health to 150.

New warzone season 3 contracts

New warzone season 3 contracts

Head to that Ron Vu point and immediately destroy them. Expect additional rewards for neutralizing the swarm of drones and their rapid succession. Ensure you inspect the vicinity because they drop armor plates, redeploy drones, and possibly an advanced UAV. Just a disclaimer: even if you activate the contract and you do it, other players can actually steal your loot if you end up shooting them and not getting to the loot.

Rebirth resurgence nuke champion quest

In time, the next one is the new mission contract called the Resurgence. Champions, quest for the very first time, and you'll be able to complete the champion quest in Resurgence. And this will be available on Rebirth Island you'll need to get that five wins in a row or I believe 30 wins Total in order to activate the contract and it says the ultimate contract mission is confirmed to be active on rebirth Island once a certain number of consecutive, wins or a total number of wins are achieved very similar to the other contracts you'll need to use three different elements and by completing and activating the nuke you'll be able to get things like an animated calling card, a charm, a sticker, a weapon camo, and an operator skin, and they only show us the camo and the operator skin, and this is what they look like compared to the crazy.

New warzone season 3 equipment

New warzone season 3 equipment

You know animated ones that we've seen already this operator skin isn't the craziest looking the camo doesn't look all too good but it is, because it's Resurgence and it's a little bit easier to do than Battle Royale now we jump into the new equipment that's going to be available the first one is a new field upgrade called Squad Ridge which will be available at launch this photo is a diagram that pretty much shows how it's going to work out you're going to need to find this new field upgrade either by buying it at a buy station or looting it say for example the green player ends up using it anyone in the vicinity, of that Circle also ends up getting access to it and what it does it will vaporize, the gas within the radius of effect surrounding the user and it also grants battle rates to both you and any teammate that stand within that radius and on top of that you get the battle rage effects which is infinite tactical Sprint increase health and regeneration.

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