News - The Massive Warzone 2 Season 3 Content Update. All New Features, Zombies, More - Warzone 2

Ranked. Now kicking it in to my perks, this is going to be something that's very cool in my opinion, with our new perk being the Gunslinger vest. This will come out on launch, and it is going to help with secondary weapon specialists. It's going to have weapon slots—no primary slots—but you're going to have two secondary weapon slots.

mw3 update

You're going to have four equipment slots, so that's going to be two tactical, a lethal, and a field upgrade. And we're going to have four gear slots so we're going to have gloves boots and two pieces of gear on top of that for our second vest we're going to be talking about the molder, assault rig this will also come out on launch and it is going to be equipped with five equipment slots with two being tacticals two being lethals and a field upgrade we're going to have three gear slots just like normal but we're actually going to start with maximum Reserve ammo and resupply lethals and tacticals from dead players, our third vest is actually going to be the compressor carrier this is also going to come out on launch and with this being equipped you're going to be assisted healing and gas protection you're going to have one lethal that you are able to run you're going to have three gear slots being your gloves boots and gear and immediately regenerate Health after a kill or a objective capture so this is going to be very good for you guys who like to play respawns maybe, hardpoint maybe you guys want to play domination.

mw3 warzone update

Or even the new Capture the Flag game mode, and we have reduced the effects of gas grenades. Now our new perk is going to be boots, and we're going to have reinforced boots. These are also going to be launching on the launch, and they are immune to movement, reduction, and effects. I don't know what this means or what this has in store, but these new boots might be worth it.

Our other new perk is that we're going to get the high-grain antenna. This will also be on launch, and it's going to help with the mini map being zoomed out for you and your nearby allies. lastly our new tactical is going to be the EMD mine. This will be launching midseason, and it's going to be a proximity-triggered mine that sticks to surfaces.

new mw3 content

Once triggered, the mine shoots out tracker devices and reveals the enemy location and direction until removed, and honestly, this sounds kind of like Siege with the legion trap or the listen trap. If it makes sense, I don't know, but basically, you're going to be able to see the enemy's footsteps.

Maybe they bleed a little bit while they're at it, but will this be for players only if they pop it, or will this be for the whole team? Either way, that is going to be a little broken, in my opinion, but you will catch out on the EMD mine midseason. Now we're going to be moving over to the field upgrade.

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This field upgrade is going to be definitely different for you guys who play multiplayer or even War Zone. This one is going to be called enhanced vision goggles. This will be launching midseason, and you can toggle between normal vision and enhanced vision to interrogate, track Target, and be highlighted.

rebirth ranked

This is going to be crazy. Well, we got to the zombie part, and for all my zombie fans out there, I know we are a zombie community. But I have some news to break to you guys unfortunately all zombies content is going to be midseason once again but we're going to talk to you guys fully of what's going on what to expect what you guys are in store for what new schematics you guys can get so let's get started so the dark Aether story is going to continue with Dr Jansen says in here in the patch notes take a chance on Jansen, as a full scale rescue mission is launched after the doctor enters a new and terrifying region of the dark ather so I'm guessing on screen right here we're actually going to be teleporting somewhere different this time either going to protect Jansen, or we're going to go and help the doctor, that needs, saving.

Next on the list, we have to take on the third rift, so it looks like we're going to get another rift in the game, and for this one, it says the void skap houses, insanity, and inducing. There are horrors within, including a new and diabolical disciple variant, so we're going to get a new disciple variant that doesn't sound too bad, provide fire support, and find Dr.

season 3

Jansen before she's consumed by the darkness. It looks like she's almost at the end of her trip, so we'll see what this has in store for us. Moving on over to schematics, you can see three different schematics on screen right here, and I'm guessing all of these will be obtained in the new portal you see at the bottom of the screen, with our first one on screen being dead wire detonators.

I don't know what this really has in store for us other than exploding, maybe on zombie impacts. But I'm looking forward to the golden mask filter. With our third perk being the sergeant Barrett, this is going to help you be immune to Merc, and from what I take it, this might be helpful not only for in-game or playing against maybe some mercs, the warlord or the Legacy, but I have a feeling maybe there's going to be either a new boss this game that we're going to need to defeat or maybe there's going to be mercs in the new portal that have no idea what's coming to them.

season 3 content

Lastly, on our zombie midseason launch, we're going to be getting a new warlord rain maker, and this is going to be a hold-up on Ra Island. If I pronounced that right, I'm sorry if I didn't. This heavily armored psychopath makes it rain artillery fire with little regard for its own forces. This looks like it's going to be a very OP warlord.

In my opinion, maybe it'll have some cool rewards or some containment. Points for us: moving over to Rebirth Island, this is going to be our new update for War Zone, and I know all you guys really are looking forward to this, and I got some cool news for you guys: now a lot of people are talking about Rebirth Island, but they're not breaking it down piece by piece, like we're going to be talking about what is really going on with rebirth.

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I know a lot of people are complaining about prisons getting blown up, water towers getting taken down, and a whole bunch of other things, but there's actually more to Rebirth Island than we actually knew. What I mean by that is, let's start talking about all of the little areas in the map that got a little bit of a rework, with our first one obviously being Rebirth Island in general.

warzone 2 season 3

This is going to be way brighter and way better for gameplay. But you can see on screen right here that nothing's blown up, and the reason being that there's actually going to be two different game modes for you guys, rebirth islands, coming out on launch on April 3rd, and this is going to be a normal rebirth island map.

The MASSIVE Warzone Season 3 Content Update! ALL New Features, ZOMBIES, More - Modern Warfare 3.
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