News - False Permanent Bans, Levels Reset, Huge Bugs. Warzone 2 Emergency Update - Warzone 2

broken cod update

Welcome back to a brand new article. Earlier today, we received a brand new update titled 1.42. This was around 2.2 gigabytes. I did cover all the new content that came in with this update; there's a lot of new features, patch notes, and new content. Things like that usually come with these updates.

The problem is that there is a bad side to this update, and that is what it did; it actually completely broke the game. There are many different issues that ended up happening as a result, and there are some things that you definitely need to be aware of, and I'm just going to cover everything that you need to know about that in regards to today's article.

I wasn't even planning on making this article, but I just wanted to keep you guys aware of it. The very first thing is that there were major server issues. This means that while loading into the game, you would probably lose connection; you wouldn't even be able to connect to the servers once you were able to; the game would lag, cause crashing, and your game would probably shut off.


There are just major problems with stability. If you guys recall, the same exact problem actually ended up happening during the season 2 reload. Update: When that went live, it actually completely broke the game. At one point, skill-based matchmaking was even turned off, and it just wasn't registering because everyone was reset to level one.

The same thing happened today; everyone was pretty much reset. If you ended up jumping onto the game later that day, I believe your blueprints were removed, and any loadouts that you had made and saved were reset. Your operator skin was set to the default skin I loaded up, and I saw I was using the default operator.

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On top of that, there were just a bunch of other issues going on. Call of Duty did acknowledge and address these, and they posted this a couple hours ago. They said we'd deployed an update to address the following issues that arose today: restored account data following a temporary service outage, so now it should be good to go.

cod bans

Your levels are fine, and nothing is permanent when it comes to these types of things. Then they said killstreaks are once again usable while using a controller. This was also an issue if you played War Zone and were unable to call in kill streaks. I believe only people with a keyboard or mouse are able to do that.

That was on at the time, and you weren't able to use them, but they did a playlist update. You restarted your app, and you were good to go, and they did fix that. They said they also resolved hitching that could occur after killing an enemy on rebirth. Island Upon Startup players will now be taken to Cod HQ.

Rather than multiplayer, menus are no longer unexpected. Close while viewing the after-action report claiming battle pass rewards or purchasing a bundle now. One of the craziest things about this update is that apparently players have been falsely banned. I'm not entirely sure how true this is; maybe people are actually cheating and they're getting rightfully banned, but as of right now A lot of people are complaining over on Twitter, even War Zone Meta, who tweeted out saying War Zone is permanent.

cod emergency update

Bann a bunch of players are allegedly getting falsely banned in War Zone and Modern Warfare 3, and this is happening in the midst of the ongoing server issue, and he's asking if anyone else has gotten this issue, then on top of that engine only, which is actually a cheat provider, ended up tweeting saying the Cod update is anti-cheap.

Receives some new detections for various cheats when the driver is running those scans. The user mode part of the anti-che detects the scan done by the colonel driver as cheating behavior, resulting in innocent players getting banned now. Sincerely, you can't take the word for it because this is literally one of the biggest cheating companies.

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You can't really take their word for it, but there were other people that tweeted. For example, forward he said don't play Call of Duty right now; genuinely, everyone is getting Perma banned at the moment, and then he makes a little thread he says if your account has been affected, you can submit an appeal for now.

cod false bans

I'm sure they'll see it, and we'll get an official statement from Call of Duty and Ricochet. over the last couple days. Ricochet has announced that they've banned over 27, 000 accounts just over the weekend alone, and many of these players who were hit were for using unlocked tools, so maybe it wasn't you that was cheating; someone must have gotten on their account and used an unlock tool for unreleased Camos operators.

Things like that, they started detecting that with their systems, and they have started banning these players now. The thing is, apparently, today there was a huge influx of players that were getting banned with today's update. Maybe the Ricochet now detects a little bit better and people were banned rightfully, so maybe there is actually a false ban going on.

If it is an actual issue, just stay away from playing the game at the moment, and apparently what the engine owner is saying is that the Ricochet anti-che is actually so broken that, in simple terms, the anti-che is detecting the anti-che. As a sort of cheat, it's basically self-reporting itself and banning players falsely.

cod leaks

Because of that, we'll know a little bit more as the days go on, but as of right now, the majority of issues that have happened with today's update have been resolved. They've been doing consistent small playlist updates, if you look over at the official Cod updates. On Twitter, they've said a couple of things.

For example, we are investigating an issue preventing some players from using kill streaks. They then followed up by saying there was a service outage that prevented progress from being tracked in various modes and features, including events, challenges, battle passes, and access to specific modes like recovering.

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And then they followed up with another tweet saying they've deployed a fix that has restored functionality to the loadouts, and then they said they're working on other issues that originated. Since the service outage, they have been very vocal about all of the different issues; they've given us updates on them; they've told us they're investigating and working on them.

cod perm bans

The one thing that they haven't mentioned anything about so far is the anti-Che, if it's false. Banning players if there's really a problem with it. I hope they do give us a statement just to clarify if there's actually a problem, or maybe I think as more people start talking about it and as it starts picking up a little bit more on Twitter, they might acknowledge it whether it's true or false.

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