News - The Lachmann 556 Is God Tier Warzone 2. Best Lachmann 556 Class Setup

best class setup mw2

In today's article, I'm going to be showcasing to you guys one of the best assault rifle class setups in the game as of right now for me, but it could also be for you. You want to make sure you test out this weapon. I want to mainly talk about why I'm using these attachments, of course, and what I've gone towards for each thing.

So we have the 40-round magazine, and we want to make sure we have enough bullets to shoot the enemies and get them out as fast as we can, so that's why I've gone towards the 40-round magazine there, and then we have the stock, so what are we using for the stock latchman? S9 factory: Okay, this gives you sprinting speed and walking speed.

Crouch movement speed, aim, and down sight speed Now if you've been watching my articles, I like to be speedy. I like to be Sonic. I like to run around as fast as I can and make sure I get as many kills as I can to get kill streaks. Okay, now, I'm not the type of player to, like, sit in the back of the map, so if that's you, maybe this is not for you.

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Okay, I like to run around, so that's the stock I've gone towards. For the optic, I've gone with the SZ Mini. I just love the way this looks. I mean, when I'm shooting, it just looks satisfying. I like my optics to look good instead of, you know, distracting. I don't want something too big or bulky when I'm shooting.

best lachmann 556 class

I want to feel comfortable when I'm killing my enemies. That sounded crazy, but that's just how it is for the laser. We have gone toward the last 44. I just like the way this is because it gives you aim-down sight speed and aim-in stability again; you can use as many laser sights on this gun as you want and go towards more hip firing types, just like I did with my Avail 46.

You can check out that article on the channel, but with today's one I've gone more towards just getting that aim down the site speed and the aim and stability there, so again, make sure you use things that are best for you now. I, actually, wasn't planning to do this, but I've put a suppressor on this gun, and the reason why I wasn't really planning to is because most of my class setups have suppressors, and I've just been that guy in Call of Duty ever since I started playing Modern Warfare 2: Black Ops.

best lachmann 556 class mw2

I just love suppressors. I like the sound, and then the sound also gives you the feel of the gun. I'm using a headset, and it just feels nice when I'm shooting with a suppressed weapon, and when I get that kill, it's just perfect. So I go towards suppressors. I've gone with the Ecoline GSX, which gives you sound suppression and recoil.

Again, for smoothness, you don't have to go towards a suppressor; you can go with the RF Crown 50 or whatever you want, but for me, man, this is what I'm using now for the tuning. We have actually moved the scope closer to me so I can see it more, and, lastly, for the stock, we have gone more toward it in the downside speed.

I've also moved the scope closer to me so I can see it more, and, lastly, for the stock, we have moved it more towards us, increased stock, and gone for more aim and walking speed. Okay, make sure you tune your attachments. To your playstyle and how you want things moving and how you want things looking, don't just copy and paste class setups on YouTube.

best lachmann 556 class setup

I'm going to be so real with you—that's not something I don't do, and that's something I wouldn't recommend because you're going to use the gun and you're going to be like, "Why is this not hitting the way he's hitting it?" Because you need to adjust toward that. What is best for you? enough waffling from me on that topic—but the secondary topics, we have gone towards them, P890.

The Kimbo Pistols—now these things are disgusting. I did hear that they got a Nerf, but I don't know, man. I don't know man, it still feels like it's hitting, but yeah, when I'm panicking and I need to reload or if I'm about to die and I have no more bullets in my gun and I need to run over someone's body to get bullets.

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I could just switch to this, and I've got the one MW laser, we have the 12-round mag, we've got the akimbo of course on the rear grip, so we have two weapons, and then for the muzzle we've got the Fort Steel Fire, and for the tactical. I've got the stim, and I always roll with the stim in my next class setup.

best lachmann 556 class setup mw2

I might switch it up and use something different, but this always helps me when I'm on a For the lethal we've gone to, we'll sign a bit more toxic. I've got the molotov when I'm running around shipments; I can throw this around, and people just end up on fire. Yeah, it's funny, and it kind of just helps me in the last moments of when I'm about to die to bring them with me, you know, that sort of toxic kind of feeling, but go towards what you want again.

For the perks package. I've gone with double-time scavenger, fast hands, and quick fix. This is just my main perk package now for the field upgrade. I've actually gone towards the Battle Ridge; now go towards what you want to use, but for me, man, I want that adrenaline rush. I want that regeneration of health.

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Trust me, this is going to help me a lot, so again, this is my class setup. Do you like this gun? Do you like this class setup? Join the family, man. If you enjoyed it, man. Addiction plays more articles soon, and I'm out

lachmann 556 class mw2

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