News - The Hidden Scam Call Of Duty Warzone 2

I'm telling you, I'm looking at the loading screen while I'm making this commentary. I'm looking at the loading screen of Call of Duty. They have a glowing ass guy. It looks pretty sick. It looks like it's a ghost with blue, glowing skin all over him. It looks badass, but I have to stop and realize that if I go and buy out this number one, which is $30, I can get three burritos from my local burrito place for that $30.

I would rather have burritos than play a [__] operator in a article game. All it is pixels. All it is for people to enjoy and for people to actually see me easier within the game. Why would I want to do that when I can just get easy operators for free within the game? Start waking up, ladies and gentlemen, man, especially with this gun.

modern warfare 3

As you see in this gameplay, yes, I'm playing like a rat, but this gun is very good, but just take your time, use your time wisely, and just take your time to go get this gun. No gun, no operator; nothing is worth $30, I don't even I don't even care if it's $10 or $15; nothing is worth that type of money.

Please, we really need to start just understanding this concept within this game because it is creating a toxic community, and all they are showing is that all they care about is the new operator; they don't care about the game; they don't care about the maps; all they care about is more and more operators.

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Can you name how many maps have been created within this game since its launch? I can; it's [__]. Sixty-two of them are literally the only good ones other than that. It's like, Ah, what are you going to do with it? But I can't tell you how many operators there are every day. It's a brand new operator in the [__] store.


It's a brand new this it's a brand new gun. It's a brand new bundle. I can't tell you how many of those have been shown to me when I load up this game; every day it's something new, probably about 40 or 50 of them. I could be completely wrong; who the hell knows? But all I know is that they are spending more time, more money, and more of their resources on that [__] and why is that?

Because they are spending money, the Call of Duty Community is spending more money and more time worrying about that whack ass that has nothing to do with the game than the actual game itself, and that is why Call of Duty is continuing to go downhill, and that is why we are shooting for Exify to be released or something new to make this have actual competition because the gameplay itself has so much potential.

I've stayed with it many times in the past, but all I know is that as we play this game, we start to see that nothing is new, very limited stuff is coming out, and they keep getting rid of the good stuff. They always bring out the [__], and all they care about is this operator, [ __ ]. Do not spend your money; do not waste your time.


Trust Rick, and I promise you guys we will see changes in the future. I'm not going to show an entire thing; it's a long ass gameplay, and I know you guys have enjoyed seeing me on the third and second levels, but this gun is phenomenal. I end with 91 kills, which makes these guys rage. They are dogs at the game.

I'm the best. You know I'm just kidding, but let's get into it, man. I hope you guys have a great freaking day.

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