News - The Hidden Scam Call Of Duty Warzone 2

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Gun ladies and gentlemen, it's Rick, and welcome to another brand new YouTube article. Subscribe, let's try to get 50 likes—that's a five, that's a zero—and let's get into it, man. So in today's article, we're going to be talking about the hidden scam within Call of Duty that has been here for many years that I feel like a lot of people are not really noticing.

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And as you see within this gameplay I'm using the brand new bp50, which is a new assault rifle within the Call of Duty battle pass that you can get it's a couple tiers away from the beginning so it takes a little while to get if you do it without skipping tiers but if you're kind of just like me if you're somebody that doesn't like to waste money you don't want to buy Cod points or you don't want to use your Cod points, to have to be able to skip tiers to get the gun but a lot of people win this game are actually doing this quite often now here's where the scam comes into play, people keep on seeing that the gun is really good, so they want to get it unlocked quicker it makes common sense right like if you want to get the gun if you want to use it in war zone if you want to use it in multiplayer you don't want to have to play the game for a week or so or depending on how much you play you don't want to have to play the game for a long period of time until you unlock the gun so what people have started doing is they buy the $30.

Version of the battle pass. This allows them to get 25-tier skips, which makes them able to get the gun right away. The reason this is a scam is that as you unlock the gun, obviously it's going to be very good, as you have seen throughout this game. Now, yes, I'm camping like a little baby [__] as normal, especially on Rust, but you guys get the point, but the problem is that as the gun is good, it continues to get better.

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A lot of people are going to be asking for a Nerf, especially in multiplayer, because this thing is OP as [ __ ]. As you play it, two weeks go by, and it's phenomenal. Then here comes the update. The update is going to Nerf the gun; it's going to make the gun have more accuracy problems and have less damage within this game.


So basically, what Activision has now just done is stolen your money because you have only wanted to get that $30 in there so you can get the gun as quick as possible, and therefore now the gun is a dog. To me and to a lot of other people, in my opinion, this is a scam. This is something that has continued to be a problem in Call of Duty.

You know people are going to want to get the gun quicker; you know people are going to want to buy it as soon as possible; you're taking their money, and after a little while of using the gun, after a little while of it being a little overpowered, you then nerf it to make it unusable. Never pay for a [__] battle pass.

We all know these guns are going to be free to use. We all know they're going to be something that we can get on our own. You just have to play the game; it's okay. And yes, the best thing is that you get enough Cod points within the battle pass to where you don't even have to buy a battle pass ever again in the future.

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Just spend your time grinding it out. There is nothing in this game. I don't care if it's a gun. I don't care for skin. Nothing in this game is worth spending $30 on; this is where they keep on pulling off this [__]. I get it. The operator skins look great. I get it. The gun is very OP. Just spend a day playing the game level up.

Let the battle pass Go ahead and get the [__] gun unlocked, naturally, and make sure you guys go back to the battle pass and make sure you turn off the automatic tier skip or automatic, where it automatically unlocks stuff for you. Make sure you turn that off. I didn't even know that it was on. I was confused as to why I couldn't even unlock what I wanted in the battle pass.

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Make sure you turn that off. Very simple If you have a PS5, like I do, click the middle of the PS5 controller. And you'll be able to see where you can turn it off. That way, you can go and unlock the weapon. Choose your own path throughout the battle pass and get unlocked as quick as you can; otherwise, it's going to take you a little bit, like it was taking me for a few hours, but man.


Activision loves these little scams and these little things that they continue to do. I remember first seeing this in Black Ops 2: The Peacekeeper. I remember when we had to buy DLCs to get them unlocked. To get new maps to get new guns, we had to go back in time and buy a DLC. Remember that [__] and the peacekeeper were phenomenal?

I remember using them; they were one of the best guns in the game. It was a great thing, but getting a new gun was so rare back in time that it was a great feeling to have it. Everybody in their family went out to buy that DLC. I bought it, used it for a little while, and after about a month or so, I don't correctly remember when it happened, but they nerfed the [__] out of that gun and made it unusable.

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Like always, when I was a little kid, I didn't think much of it. I was like, Okay, it is what it is. I just'm not good at the game, but then I started getting older and I started seeing in this game they continue to do this over and over and over again, something we continue to keep on not being able to see.

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I don't know if we're just oblivious to it. I don't know if we're just taking it. But, ladies and gentlemen, stop giving Activision money. It's the quickest and easiest solution. We have to start talking with our wallet, not with our mouse. The second problem is that they continue to buy these operators.

They continue to buy this black one because it looks cool. Ladies and gentlemen I don't know if you realize you don't get to [__] see your operators; the enemies get to enjoy it unless the guy has a cool ass glowing hand on your gun. Other than that, it's a [__] waste of money. You guys truly have to start waking up and spending your money correctly, especially given the fact that people are still buying these games and spending $70, and spending more and more and more money on operators, camos, guns, and all this.

modern warfare

It is showing us why nothing is going to change in the future. We need to start realizing that if you want change, if you want the game to get better, if you want the franchise to be saved, you need to start realizing that the first issue starts with us, the Call of Duty Community, the way we spend our money, and how we react to this new We cannot continue to give free money to these stupid ass creators for all this dumb [__].

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