News - The Entire History Of Forgotten Guns Warzone

warzone nostalgia

Seriously, right now, it might take six bursts to down a fully-plated enemy. Please do something about the burst. Guns, so the manga whatever was added about halfway through Modern Warfare 2's life cycle and it's a gun that I don't think anybody was asking for the deagle has always been a universally hated gun in war zone Not Call of Duty but specifically war zone it's a high recoil high damage gun if you hit two head shots you're going to down them but other than that it's really bad I think everyone can agree this is the worst starting pistol in war zone but what if I told you there's a deagle that's fully automatic, that would be the GS manga it's pretty much the same gun only more recoil, less damage and a higher rate of fire and that's about it there's really no place for this gun in war zone right now nor has there really ever been could maybe argue that it's good for underwater, combat in the final circle on Von Del but other than that there is absolutely no reason to be using this gun similar to the M16 I don't think this gun has ever been in the ground loot.

Rotation this is another one that you might remember just because of how recently it was added to the game Lockman Shroud is a burst MP5. SMG that was added in season 5 reloaded of Modern Warfare 2, which to me just felt way out of place. We just talked about how trash burst guns are, but this is the last time we've ever seen any burst gun do a decent job in a war zone.

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I think it's weird that we've had the Modern Warfare MP5, the Cold War MP5, and the Lochman sub, a.k.a., the Modern Warfare 2 MP5. Then, in the same game, they decided to add pretty much the same exact gun but just a three-round burst variant. To me, it just screamed: redundancy. And just like in Ex1.

This was added to war zone 2 just before War Zone 3 which I think was yet another desperate attempt to get people to play Modern Warfare 2 before it would die kind of like trying to get people in The Nostalgia feels like the MP5, is back in war zone but really it wasn't however the gun was actually pretty solid for the remainder of war zone 2 but ever since the Modern Warfare 3 integration, it's become trash alongside, all the other Modern Warfare 2 Guns another reason you may have remembered this gun aside from it being added to the game recently, is that it was in the ground loot rotation throughout all of season 1 of War Zone 3 and if I'm being honest I thought it was one of the worst guns you could pick up some reason I only had a gold variant and this is a gun I would avoid at all costs, but that's the entire history of Forgotten guns in war zone if you're still watching this article you must have liked this article at least a little bit so maybe consider subscribing.

Go ahead and comment on which of these you completely forgot about. I would love to hear everyone's opinions. Check out some of my other war zone history articles. Stop by one of my live streams right here on YouTube. You don't even have to go to another app. Join my Discord if you're feeling crazy.

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Today we look at the entire history of forgotten guns in warzone. These are guns that may have been in the game previously, never to make a return. Or are still in the game, but are so useless you forgot about them. There were a ton of guns I personally forgot about while making this video and I bet you forgot about at least one of these guns.
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