News - The $80 Warzone 2 Weapon Is Here. Season 3 B. E. A. S. T Glove Update

modern warfare 3 season 2

It would be funny if it just bugs out and shows the P camo on the actual blueprint itself, but yeah, let's go punch some other enemies with tier 2 Bounty and tier 2 Pack-a-Punch. It's a disciple. Do a little jump punch on this guy and still do some decent damage. I mean, as you pack-a-punch this thing more, the better it gets, so it could be viable if you guys want to spend some money and you invest in pack-a-punch.

Punch on this thing; it's honestly not too bad, but again, something to just have fun with Not Meant To Be The Meta of Zombie or anything, but so I'm going to switch things up a little bit while you're playing zombies. If you're already stale of the content that is available and if you've beat in all the a miss, you have nothing else left to do, but now when it comes to tier three, our good old Beast glove there we have it once again, no camo but against tier three zombies.

I mean. Honestly, not bad. Honestly, not bad at all. Still, let's see one hit on regular zombies with no armor. And then mini-bosses—I mean, two, three, and four hits tops—it's still fun to bring in if you want to maybe preserve some ammo while you're in the Tier 3 zone for whatever reason.

mw3 beast glove

I can't really complain about it. Yeah, this is a fully maxed-out Gladiator blueprint, of course. I'm not sure. I mean, actually, I am sure the Gladiator probably does the same amount of damage. If it doesn't have the Beast Glove blueprint, then we get into that P-to-Wi territory. He stayed still for me, just for the game. I appreciate that.

Exfil with the b.e.a.s.t glove?

Exfil with the b.e.a.s.t glove?

Disciple, you just straight up box in the xill zone here, my. God, imagine a quick fix, zombies. Just constantly get health back as you punch, but I'm positive if somebody xvilles with this Beast glove, they'll unlock the base version of The Gladiator as you would expect with any xville for a new DLC weapon, but they'll be able to spawn in with the Beast Club so long as they keep it in their stash.

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You know, in their inventory, they just won't unlock a permanent version of the Beast Club that they could bring into multiplayer or war zones. Hopefully, that is very clear. I came on the Xville with me.

Solar eclipse on rebirth!

Now, ladies and gentlemen, over in the war zone today, they've actually added the solar eclipse to rebirth, which I didn't expect them to do, but hopefully you experienced it for yourself outside.

mw3 beast glove gameplay

Please make sure to touch some grass and experience a beautiful phenomenon that many folks are going to be seeing for the first time today and could even be their last time ever seeing one today, so definitely worth checking out. Make sure you guys go outside, but hey, if you want to experience it again in game, then we have an ear on rebirth, which is pretty damn funny. I didn't expect that, but variable time of day updates are coming to rebirth later in the season as well, just as a reminder.

Warzone gameplay

Warzone gameplay

And what are the odds? Get the Gladiator Blueprint right out of the gate with a personal supply box. Dro It On The Ground—that's what it looks like—kind of looks like the Thanos Gauntlet from afar, but yep, there we have it.

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You're in a war zone, and we're dead. Is he going to finish? Rip that CDL skin. Yeah, the two are pretty good. I mean, don't use melee weapons all that often in the war zone, if really at all. I mean, on a blue moon. Sorry about that, and we got the SE ball finishing move hell, yeah. The swing's too fast on.

Warzone mobile

mw3 dollars80 melee weapon

This thing now, ladies and gentlemen, there is some bad news when it comes to the Beast Club over in War Zone Mobile, so I wanted to review it in a match of Red Dan Plunder, even in the small multiplayer. But for whatever reason, there's a really strange bug within Mobile that doesn't recognize the fact that I already claimed the sector featuring The Gladiator melee weapon head over into, your gunsmith click on a load out that lets you switch to a melee weapon look over at the Gladiator and as you can see it says it's locked I have to purchase the battle pass which I did and also progress the battle pass the tier 75, well over in the main game I already claimed the Gladiator blueprint but regardless of that I should still be able to use this Beast glove for free and the weird thing is on mobile I just can't do that it's visible, and I'm sure when you hop in game with it it'll have the same inspect animation and the same damage output as it does in the mainline series because all the damage multipliers do transfer over from the main game but it that I can't bring this in game unless I go ahead and buy the rest of my tiers.

mw3 dollars80 weapon

Or if I go ahead and just grind them legitimately. Now I do have 40 tokens I could use, but that's still not enough to get to Tier 75. I could buy the rest and bring it in, but you guys probably get the idea. There's a massive bug here with mobile that looks like there's a massive bug that says I don't have the Gladiator even though I've already claimed it.

It acknowledges that I claimed it, but I still can't equip it. That's a weird bug, and in all honesty, it's weird that the UI of the battle pass in war zone mobile doesn't reflect the big map that we have inside of Modern Warfare 3i in regular war zone, so probably in oversight, you'll see clips of the Beast 11 war zone mobile posted all over YouTube. I'll probably make a post about it in the next couple of days, but there we have it when it comes to a really weird bug here inside of the mobile experience.

Final verdict

Final verdict

Now here's my final verdict: unless you're a big fan of the Monsterverse and really like all four of the Titan collection bundles. I don't think you're missing out on that much other than the really cool look of this Gladiator blueprint.

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It's just a skin again; it's not a separate melee weapon, and I think that's probably a good thing because, like I mentioned earlier, it would have been quote unquote paid to win if it was an actual melee weapon, not a blueprint, and you had to pay $80 for it. That would have been crazy, but the fact you can't equip any camels on it is kind of a bummer, but at least you can still grind Gladiator camels while using this blueprint, and honestly, this should have been a reward for both beating the event and buying maybe one to two bundles of tops but having to buy all four.

mw3 godzilla x kong event

That's not something that a lot of folks can go ahead and do here inside of Call of Duty, so I got this for the sake of reviewing it. I mean, I use the Cod points that I've been gifted over the last few months by the study, so a big special thanks to the PR team at Activision for providing me with the Cod points for this little.

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