News - Sledgehammer, This New Warzone 2 Update Is Useless

But it needs to be balanced; it can't be completely broken where everything else is irrelevant; it has to be balanced across the board, and like I said earlier, it's not the hitfire, it's the range. This is the range of this thing. Nine times out of 10, you're going to be able to destroy someone up close and personal even if they go ahead and reduce the hitfire spread because hitfire spread means nothing when they're up in your face.

modern warfare 3 haymaker nerf

But what is the most annoying part about this thing? The fact that you could spray it at Max speeds and almost cross-map people at times, not cross-map. I'm overexaggerating when I'm talking about that type of range, but at the end of the day, it's still ridiculous. Ridiculous range for a shotgun.

You know, maybe a pump action will be a little bit more reasonable for the shots that you're hitting with this thing, but no, this is a semi-auto that shoots extremely fast because of the effect of the aftermarket part. You know the Jack Magift kit, and it's just destroying at all ranges. I mean, there's times where I'll just be turning corners just before firing this thing because obviously you slap on a massive mag with this thing, and it just, you know, destroys you.

modern warfare 3 new patch notes

When you turn a corner, you have like so many bullets, and you're just flying through them and getting them from the other side of the spawn. It's just mind-blowing that this was the change that they wanted to make. I'll say this though: I think it should be reverted a little bit, not completely, because, you know, I don't think the hip-fire spread should be like non-existent.

You know, it's just like shooting in a straight line, obviously, but I think that's the fun of this weapon. Right, is it not the fact that you have something that you could tap fire pretty quickly? You know, you can hip-fire it. You know, I think the fun of this gun is to be able to land shots consistently without the hip-fire being a problem?

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I think the biggest issue is just the range and the damage that it has. If that gets toned down a bit and the hitfire is normal. I think this gun will be better balanced; it'll feel better and more connected when you're engaging with enemies, and at the same time, you're not going to be overpowering.

modern warfare 3 new update

Every single weapon you could possibly find, I'll tell you: I can kill someone faster with this weapon than a pump action. Imagine that this gun can kill faster than a pump action up close and personal. Well, I shouldn't say the regular hay maker, but with the Jack Mag LIF kit, yes, you will destroy it because you could just fly bullets out of the weapon.

You know I'm going to dive deeper into all the aspects of the update with the new game modes, the new aftermarket, part of the new skin, and stuff of that sort, but your personal preference right now after giving that stuff a try is: what do you think are the fun, do you think they're bad, or do you just not even play Call of Duty anymore and you tune to the channel just to hear about it, but you know you're not going to bother playing it anyway?

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