News - Pack-a-punching The New "bp50" Warzone 2 Zombies

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As you can see, I have already gone through multiplayer and got Interstellar on my gun, so let's test this gun out on zombies. That is going to be the main plan for today, just to see if this gun is going to be a capable gun that we can actually go ahead and use in zombies and if it will be an absolute demon or not.

What does that new name say, the Toro? Chakuro is 50, so we can just melt through these zombies now with no problem whatsoever. We should be able to just fly through them, so we're going to head straight to that Tier 2 zone and see what this gun can do in Tier 2. As you can see, I've got a legendary tool, a tier 2 pack-a-punch, so all I really need to do eventually is tier 3 pack-a-punch it once I get a bit of cash together.

So I know, unfortunately, with season 2, we didn't really get too much zombie content added into the game, and a lot of it is coming in season. However, I am glad that they actually introduced the new event to zombies as well. I thought it was just going to be by playing the new game mode that came out, but it actually seems like you can do the new event in zombies, which is pretty cool.

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I'm glad they've done that because recently, with a lot of the events that they've been bringing out, you just haven't been able to do them in zombies, like you haven't been able to complete any of the challenges, get any of the blueprints, camos, or anything like that in zombies, whereas with this event, we can still play zombies IES or the game mode in multiplayer and get the rewards, which is a pretty good addition.

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But it is a bit unfortunate we've got to wait till basically the mid-season update to actually get a lot of the new content that's planned for zombies, we're basically in the tier 2 zone now so we can really start seeing what this gun's going to be like in tier 2 hopefully at tier one Pack-a-Punch it's actually going to be very viable and very usable in the tier 2 Zone we'll just have to see when we do find a couple of zombies which looks like there is a couple that have just spawned in so let's go ahead and test this against these tier 2 zombies and see how quickly we can melt through tier 2 Zombies, with this gun okay so it really doesn't feel too it doesn't feel too bad at all to be honest at tier one Pack-a-Punch in a tier 2 Zone which is always good I always like having a gun that's going to be nice and Powerful, in the tier 2 Zone.

Especially when it's only tier one Pack-a-Punch, there aren't too many more upgrades that have been done to it, and as always, the plan is to get into tier three as fast as we possibly can, so as you can see, even against those light armor zombies, it's going to melt through them with no problem whatsoever, which is great.

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That's exactly what I was hoping to see, so I spent a little bit of time in Tier 2, but not too long. I do want to Chuck this St. to Tier 2 Pack-a-Punch and test it in that Tier 3 zone so we're not spending too long running around without it. So to be honest I think what I am actually going to do is equip this tier 2 Pack-A-Punch which has then melt through the tier three zombies hopefully with any luck, and it doesn't seem to be too bad, at tier three it doesn't seem to be doing too bad of damage I mean the next thing we can do of course is chck that legendary a for tool on to try and make it a little bit more powerful and actually make it a lot more usable against these tier three zombies but doesn't seem too bad at all we do seem to have to get through the tier three zombies there not too many problems, but of course putting that legendary a forol on should make a nice difference which we're going to do right now don't really want to take on a mega Abomination, just yet I would like to get to tier three before we do any of that so let's go through into the tier three zone now we can sort of see what damage is going to do like legendary f tool tier 2 Pack-A-Punch.

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It really shouldn't be too bad of a gun right now, which doesn't look like it's going to be; it looks like it should melt through these zombies. Pretty quickly with no problems. After Pack-a-Punch in, but with this high we can get it to 90, so it's interesting to see if once we get deeper into the Tier 3 Zone, if that's going to make a big difference or not, but so far this gun seems to be very capable in the Tier 3 Zone; it doesn't seem to be struggling at all.

We have a whole bunch of zombies here, and we should just be able to melt through them with no real problem. To be totally honest, we can get through the zombies pretty easily again, even with 90 bullets in the magazine. It's really not too bad to start taking out a lot of zombies. So far, everything does feel pretty good with this gun.

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I'm not going to lie, it feels pretty powerful, it does the damage, it's got decent mobility speed, the recoil is easy to control on it, and it does feel like a very good gun so far, but of course we'll put it to the proper test. We'll do some Bounties in here, we'll take down a mega Abomination, all of that sort of stuff, and just see how good it is going to be in those sorts of situations.

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So as you can see now we're a lot deeper into the tier three Zone there's a whole bunch of zombies sort of around me we can now sort of test this gun really at tier 2 Pack-A-Punch to see what sort of damage it's actually going to do against these zombies, and see how powerful is going to be against them so far doesn't seem too bad at all seems like it's going to cope with all the zombies that are running at us and running around near us, really doesn't seem to be struggling in any Department as of right now I've not noticed anything that's too bad about it like I said the only realle thing is the 90 round magazine but that doesn't seem to be too bad for this gun it seems to have enough ammo in the in the magazine, to do the damage you want to do to the zombies which is always good to see.

And don't forget, guys, this is just tier 2 pack-a-punch, and when we tier 3 pack-a-punch this, of course, it's going to do even more damage. It's got the legendary a-for tool on it. This gun seems to be very powerful for what it is like a Tier 2 Pack-A-Punch; it definitely feels like a very strong assault rifle.

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The only other gun that I felt this confident with in the Tier 3 zone at Tier 2 Pack-A-Punch is probably the lock with 680, and we all know how broken that gun is. That gun's ridiculously broken. You never have to worry if you're using that gun because it is just so good. But so far, this gun has not left me in a position where I just don't feel confident.

In this video we take a look at what happens when you pack-a-punch the BP50 in mw3 zombies! Pack-A-Punching the BP50 in MW3 Zombies This Happens. Pack-A-Punching the BP50 in MW3 Zombies Best Weapon.
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