News - How To Open The Dark Aether Rift Cod Warzone 2 Zombies Mwz

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It's Smith here from {345}. We got a quick guy for you today in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3: Zombie on how to open the dark envelope of a rift. This is the new thing that's coming with the new season one update for Call of Duty: Zombie. There are a few issues here, so this is where you'll get it.

It's on the map. Here, you need to complete the Act 4 story. Mission first, and you will get the diary. You can use the diary on the first platform, which is the cryo one. Now there is a really bad bug here, so I want to get this out of the way first. Sometimes you can't interact with these pedestals at all, so we've come in at the start, we've checked it, they don't work, we've waited 10 minutes, checked it again, they don't work all the while doing quests and whatnot, and it just doesn't seem to fix itself.

So, when you've done this article, when you've got all of these items and you come in with them all, don't pop all your drinks and all your awesome stuff, your crystals, and that until you've checked the pedestals work. I don't think there's other steps necessary. I do think it's a bug. But, you know, I don't know how to fix it.

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We tried all sorts of different things to see if it would work, but it didn't, so what you need to do is gather four unique items and then come back and place them all on the pedestal together. Place one and then leave; you'll lose it all, so gather all four items. The first one is a dog collar. All you've got to do is find a dog house and put inside a piece of meat and a Molotov cocktail.

This will give you a purple dog collar. All of these are very similar. You will get a purple item first, and you must upgrade it to a gold item. There's a purple dog collar there. What you then need to do is find an ether tear. These are these small portals that send you flying up into the sky.

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Each of the different items corresponds to different pools, so grab any tier; it will fly you into the sky. For the dog collar, you need to see the red portal just in front of you. There in the sky, they are in different places; it's not always the same; sometimes these will take you to Tier 3 locations, so make sure you're prepared for that.

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When you go through the portal, it will take you somewhere, and then you will see a contract appear nearby. It's a different one because it's purple instead of the normal color you can see on the mini map there. It's a purple contract, so you have to grab the contract, kill your target, loot the target, or loot the Aether P it puts up, and you will get the gold version of a dog collar.

It's very similar for all of these items, so next up we have the one where we've got to hunt down these Aether balls. I forget what they're called Harvester orbs, but for this one, you do need to have a specific ammo type. You need a dead wire. You can see here that the orbs have changed color, so use dead wire ammo to kill them.

Once it dies, it will drop a security camera on the floor again. This is a purple version of the security camera. Once you get the purple version of the security camera, you pretty much need to repeat the same steps. Find any other tier on the map; they're not always in the same spots; sometimes they are in different locations, so you might find them where I find them on the map; here you might not.

modern warfare 3 zombies

It's the same again this time you're going through the orangey port, whatever that one is there, and again, this will take you to a new location, which can also be tier three, so I won't recommend doing this unless you'll expect some tier three combat because it can get pretty, hairy, so again, once you get to the other side, you will see again in the mini map up there, the purple quest icon.

Grab the contract and kill the target. Once you've killed the target, make sure you loot the ether pole that it drops, and you'll be able to get the gold version. So for this one here, it popped us into Tier 2 right in the middle of the storm. A bunch of stuff was going on; everything went wrong.


We didn't expect this at all, but thankfully another group came in and rolled in for us, so we got away with it. As you can see in the reward Rift, there's the golden version of security, Camera, so next up we have the pills. I think for the pills you need to have brain rot ammo on a weapon, find any ather nest that doesn't have to be a stronghold ather nest, and shoot one of the cysts.

The cyst will turn green. You can then sit near the cyst and interact with it. It does take a little while, maybe 5–10 seconds, so it's going to leave you vulnerable. Put down a monkey or have some friends cover you. Once it's dropped, you can interact with the cyst again to pick up the pills.

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Bottle again; this is the purple version of the pills. See, I've got the pill bottle there. Once you've got that, it's a very similar concept. Again, you need to find another Aether tier. Anyone works fine. Head up into the sky. Now, as you can see here, I've got the dog collar on with me as well, so make sure you're going to the right one for this one we're going to.

Green, Grab the next contract and again kill the target. Now there are some bugs with this. Once you initiate the bounty, the item you've got is used, so if you initiate the bounty for the dog collar and don't complete it, you will lose a dog collar. I'm not sure if that's a bug or intended, but don't do the Bounty until you're ready to complete it; otherwise, you will lose the item and have to repeat the process again.

Once you've got all of these items, you need to return to the dark Aether Rift location, and you need to put the items in the following spaces: The diary goes on the cryo, which is the ice one; the dead wire, which is the lightning bolt, is for the camera; the napalm, which is the fire icon, is for the dog collar; and the brain rot, which is the sort of skull and crossbones icon, is for the pills.

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So nice and quick, nice and easy, get what you need. Get back to the game. If we helped you out today, do like and subscribe. Take care

The Dark Aether portal appears on the map once you have completed the Act IV mission. this guide on How To Open The Dark Aether Rift In COD Modern Warfare 3 Zombies explains how you interact and use the 4 different pillars with the Cryo, Dead Wire, Napalm, and Brain Rot images on them.
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