News - Orcus Boss Fight Easy Solo Guide. Act 3 Mission "defeat Zakhaev" Warzone 2 Zombies

And now we have a new objective, and we're heading to a new spot again marked by that yellow dot, and that objective is to get to the neutralizer. Again, you're going to have zombies spawning, and you're going to have manglers. Some bosses in this field in front of you here, especially you're going to see there's some traps.


Some booby traps trip mines. Things like that: just take your time, keep pushing forward, and head towards your next objective. As you approach the neutralizer, zombies will continue to spawn, and a helicopter will deposit some mercenaries on the ground. Go ahead and deal with them before you run up to the neutralizer.

It's not a big deal here; you can only get a few zombies and not too many mercenaries. An important thing to note in this building right here is that it's right next to where you're going to activate that neutralizer. There is a buy station so you can buy armor whenever you need it; it's going to come in huge quantities, and there is also an ammo pile so you can constantly refill your ammo, your tacticals, and your lethals.

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These will be huge pieces of armor whenever you need them. Refill your ammo whenever you need it. These guys are here that I'm shooting at, and I'm like, Why am I not doing any damage? Those are our guys. So, you don't need to shoot at them like I did. Go ahead and activate the neutralizer, and then shortly after that, there will be an explosion and a helicopter will spawn.

coldwar zombies

You need to go ahead and shoot the helicopter and take it out. This is a great time to use your ray gun because it'll take it out in seconds, and immediately there Here Comes The Big Daddy, big orcus, and just lay into him with your ray gun. Now and again, if you don't have the ray gun, you're going to be all right.

Just use your regular weapon. Now this guy only has a few attacks, and they're really all pretty easy to deal with. You basically just kind of want to stay away from them a little bit. Just kind of stay behind these buildings. Keep putting shots into him, as you can hit the purple spots. Those are his weak spots.

They are his weak spots. You do more damage when you hit him there; you can do damage as you're shooting him in the other spots as well. Really, he's only got a couple of attacks, like I said; he can lunge at you, as he just did toward me, and I ran away from it, and he can breathe this kind of etheric fire at you as well, just like that.


I just want to go ahead and mention that one more time you have a buy station and an ammo pile that you can use at anytime, and again, it's inside a building, so you are fairly safe there, so if you need more ammo, go get it. If you need more armor, go buy it. You're going to have some zombies spawning in on you.

Deal with them. They're not a big deal, especially if you have the ray gun, but like I said, even with your AR, whatever other weapon you choose, if it's triple papped, you're going to be melting these guys anyway. It's not a big deal now. Is another attack, and it's actually his coolest one, where he burrows underground, and he comes up underneath you and shoots you into the sky.

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It seems like it's going to do a ton of damage to you, but it's not. It's actually just a little bit of fun. Just make sure you pull your trigger, and you'll be totally fine. Other than that, it's really not that big of a deal. Once you get him below just about half health, he brings out his final attack, and that's really the only other attack that he has, and he sends out these kinds of orbs, kind of like the void bow, and deriz and draa.

easter egg

If you play that, you can see them right there floating in front of me. These things will attack you; they're going to come for you; they're going to do some damage again; they're going to take armor off you; but once again, you have a buy station and you have an ammo pile. Just make sure you're shooting these things out of the sky, because they do hurt you.

If you can shoot them before they hit you, that's great; otherwise, you should just be laying into the Big Worm as much as possible. Just keep shooting him for his weak spots, and you will get through this a little bit faster. And that's really all there is to this boss fight; there's nothing special about it as far as tactics that you need to use.

Just again, use the buildings as cover. Move around and refill your ammo. Refill your armor, and just keep shooting him. Aim for the weak spots and shoot and shoot and shoot. That's all there is to this boss fight. Like I said at the beginning, it's really not that difficult of a boss fight, especially when you compare it to the end of Act 2.

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This is way easier than the end of Act 2, so if you did that one solo, you can definitely do this one solo. You help me out big time by doing so. I would greatly appreciate it if you left a comment as well. Take care, guys.

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