News - Nuke Tutorial For Warzone 3. Step By Step Guide


I'm going to be breaking down. The War Zone 3 nuke and how to do it It's a little bit different than it was in the past in War Zone 2. It's still three elements: the first element is a crown that puts a mark on your head; the second element is a damage over time effect; and the third element is an EMP and radar scrambler.

You can't use vehicles with the third element. There are two main differences. The first is that no one can currently pick up the element, so if you drop the element on the ground, no one can pick it up and move it. That's a huge improvement from the last game; it makes it a lot easier, and the last is that the third element actually spawns in a chopper, and once you shoot it down and pick it up, that's when the reactor spawns.

You do not have to wait until the fourth or fifth zone to do it; it spawns as soon as you pick up the last element. Keep that in mind so you can do this a lot faster and you don't have to wait till the end of the game or you can; it's completely up to you and how the flow of the game's going, so without further ado, let's get right into it.

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To start things off, I recommend getting at least one or two helicopters. For your team, I always land on a helicopter. I would advise at least two people to go do cashes, as it gives you quick money and boxes and streaks that you can use throughout the game. Two of my teammates usually go to the military base and do the extended cash routes there.

Whoever has the heli usually goes for orb number one. I always grab the heli and do the first element every single time; that's my job. The first element in the new contract is altered just a little bit; it's a two-step process. First, go to the radioactive sign on the map. Open the duffel bag and acquire a Geer counter.

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Now once you pick the Geer counter up, a green circle will spawn on the map not far away, and you have to go use the Geer counter to find the element. Once you have the Geer counter in your hand, you want to get this number as close to 10 as possible. When the number starts going up, that means you're getting closer and closer to the element.

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Okay, this is what the first element looks like once you find it. It is in a box that is marked with a war zone nuke symbol on it, but it makes no sound, so you're going to have to look for it and find it with your eyes. Once you find it, you open it, and it will spawn. Now that I have it, I want to go drop it off in a safe location in an open field—an open area that is hard to set up and defend.

You want teams to fight over this because they can't pick it up. Remember that, but you don't want to put it in a spot where people can just sit in buildings around it and not really fight each other because then it's going to be a real big pain to come and pick it up later. Now there's a very advanced trick here.

So as you can see on the map, it looks as if the circle will either end in cargo or Oldtown. So I'm going to gamble here and drop the be on one of the static reactor spawns in Oldtown, so while I'm doing be. I'm taking be to the drop location where I'm going to drop it on the map my teammate is currently doing, the second element.


So for the second element, you have to go to the marked safe on the map and drill the safe. You have to stand by it, kind of like a recon, and once the timer finishes, the second element will spawn. It's pretty easy to do; you're only going to run into a problem if a team is camping on it. Other than that, one person should be able to do it just fine.

I have been in the desired location. And my teammate was able to solo do the safe and get the second element, so now we're going to focus on the third element, which is shooting. Down the chopper: once you shoot down the chopper, the third element will drop into a crate. Once you pick up this element from the crate, the third element is T.


The reactor will spawn. Clusters are very strong in this game for whatever reason they got buffed and they're almost a guaranteed kill if someone is in the radius of the cluster now for ingame when you're trying to send streaks at the reactor once you have the bomb planted clusters, last the longest and they're almost a guaranteed kill if someone's diffusing the bomb also you can have two clusters called in at the same time as opposed to only one air strike at a time it's very hard to constantly call in Pas so I would recommend using clusters, as they are very strong in this game one thing to note is as soon as you shoot down the Chopper and pick up the last element T you're going to have 5 minutes to plant the bomb so there's a little one 1 and 1/2 minute window where there's no time on the clock and it's waiting for the reactor to fly in and drop once the reactor hits the ground you have 5 minutes to plant the bomb so you got to be very very, quick here I would make sure that you have vehicles.

And everyone has their load out and you have streaks before you pick them up because it gets really crazy in those 5 minutes trying to do everything if you're not already set up, so as you can see here when it says bomb site revealed awaiting bomb arrival in the bottom left with a zero on the timer, this is the 1 minute window that I was referring to once the reactor drops from the sky and hits the ground, the 5-minute timer starts, so you can see here that I was able to drop the be, exactly.

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Where the reactor spawns, now these reactor locations I mentioned before are static, so if you have a general idea of where you think the zone is going to close and you have had a reactor there in that area before, you can almost bet that it's going to go to that same exact location. One thing that is super important is making sure you have a portabby nearby or some buy station, whether it's a static buy station or a portabby.

They're very, very useful late game, so if you're on the rooftop, you throw the pite down, you have a look over, and if your teammates die, you can buy them back. I just want to show you guys how we go through the first couple steps of the process and break it down for you guys. Thank you guys so much, and have a wonderful day.

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Let's get it, baby, wp9 is fire. I just saw you punching everyone in the head. I sit down, boys, so.

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