News - New Warzone 2 Zombies Money Glitch After Patch. Season 1 Reloaded Warzone 2 Money Duplication

money glitch mw3 zombies

This is the new way to get unlimited money after the season 1 reloaded update. There are a few different steps needed in order to duplicate unlimited money in Modern Warfare 3 zombies after the patch. Obviously, somebody can drop you Max money to save on a tombstone, but that is not the point of this article.

I'm going to show you how you can duplicate your money and save it to use in every single game that you play. This method can technically be done solo, but I will explain more on that later in the article because that method will take much longer to do. When you load into your game, your only objective is to get as many points as possible.

You can do this by completing contracts, and each player on your team will get the same amount of points. At the end of your game, you're going to drop all your money on one person so that they can set their tombstone. With that money, for the sake of the article, my starting money is 200, 000. For each player, however, your squad can stack up around 100 to 150,000.

mw3 zombies money glitch

Points collectively, if you are efficient with your contract farming, the amount of money you have when you die doing the Tombstone glitch is the amount that will be saved in your tombstone. In this case, I'm now saving 460, 000 on my tombstone. After the update, you can no longer duplicate money in one game with multiple people, so this is the full after-patch method.

Get yourself the tombstone perk in any way you would like, and have the other players in your squad drop you all their money. Next, you're going to hold down your ping in order to leave your squad. This step is very important because if you want camo unlocks to max out all your guns or even get bot lobbies, you must check out Mitch {447}.

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They're 100% legit, so use code gray for 5% off. The player that got dropped the money, which in this example is me, is then going to set their tombstone by dying and holding to bleed out. You must wait for the plea for help timer to fully run out, and then after the red eliminated screen tallies up all your XP.

You're going to just press leave. If your teammates have a tombstone that they don't want to lose, they can quit on the xfill or the bad signal portal, and I will show you how to do that in just a moment. When it is my turn to quit, invite your friend to your lobby and hop into your next game. Now the first player that has set their tombstone is going to go over to it and take everything out of it so that it crumbles.

Then you're going to drop all your money to the other player, and that player is now going to set their tombstone in the exact same way that I just showed you when I did it since I crumbled my tombstone. I am now free to force quit my game, and my Tombstone will stay with the money I had in it if I don't care about keeping my backpack, guns, or armor satchel.

I can then force quit my game right now if I want to, but since I want to keep the items that I have on my character, I'm going to go over to the bad signal portal and quit on the portal animation. If you choose to do this first, make sure that you leave your squad so that your teammate can set their tombstone.

While you are using the portal, all console players can quit on the purple portal animation, but if you play on PC, then you must wait for the black screen. After the portal animation to force quit your game, you could also use the xfill to quit, but I will show you the new way to do that in a little bit when it's time for my next quit.

Now invite your friend once again, and at this point in the article, we have now duplicated our points one time. This means that both players now have a tombstone set with the same amount of points in their tombstones, and in this example's case, both players now have 460, 000 points in their tombstone.

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In this next game, you're going to repeat everything we just did, so I'm going to save a new tombstone once again, but my friend is first going to drop me all the points from his tombstone. Now that I have the new point value, I'm going to get the tombstone and perk and leave my squad. Then I shall set my tombstone.

Again, by downing myself, bleeding out, waiting for the XP screen after the red eliminated screen, and then pressing leave match, at this point, to keep their safe Tombstone, your teammate is going to make sure that they crumble their Tombstone, and then they're going to force quit their game. This can be done using the portal like I just showed you, or if they didn't bring anything into the game, they could just force quit their game right now.

Now load into another game and from your new tombstone. Take everything out of it so that it crumbles, and you're going to drop all your money to add to your teammates, points total. They are now going to set their tombstone the same way that I showed, and I will leave the squad so that I can keep my tombstone.

When I'm going to go force quit this time, I'm going to use the xfill to quit, but you can use any of the three options. When using an xfill to quit, there's no longer any timing involved. On all platforms, all you have to do is fully xfill until the XP tallies up, and on this screen that says leave match, you are not going to press leave match but force quit your game.

This will keep your Tombstone and save all the XP you have. For future knowledge, you can use this method to unlock gold camos for your guns while still keeping your Tombstone. Now, when I load back into the game, my friend has Max money and is going to do the money drop for me one last time. Once I have Max money, I leave the squad and set my tombstone.

The same way I have done throughout this entire article, my friend is going to force quit his game, and this will keep his tombstone in his next game. Now both players have set a tombstone with Max money in each of their tombstones. We can now use the money to use all the items or drop them off to other players if we want, as long as we crumble our tombstones and force quit our games.

Like I showed in this article, our tombstone will stay with Max Money in it forever. Technically, you can do this solo, but it'll take a very long time. You can farm contracts all game, then set your tombstone to save your money in it, and then next game you're going to crumble your tombstone, then you're going to spend all game farming points from contracts once again, and at the end of your game, you're going to save a new tombstone with your higher points balance.

Repeat this process until you have as many points as you want. It is possible, but it'll just take a very long time. Click the new after-patched Tombstone glitch article that's on your screen right now. If this article helped you out, make sure you leave a like.

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