News - New Tombstone Dupe Glitch After Patch. Unlimited Money/tier 3 Crystals And More. Warzone 2 Zombies

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Tombstone duplication, glitch after patch, Make sure you subscribe, Smash, because I'm going to be streaming in a few and I will be dropping rare items for you guys. Let's get into how you performed this glitch in the first place. Yes, they did end up patching a lot of glitches with season 2, so basically, instead of adding content with season 2, they pretty much removed content.

There are a lot of things to do with this duplication. But it still works, and I'm going to show you guys exactly how to do this in this article. Step one is that you do need a friend for this glitch; it's really not solo; you guys can do it solo, which I will explain in a minute. But once you guys have either a friend or if you want to just go in the game and do it solo, it doesn't matter; you are going to be doing these few things.

We got cash, we got all the stuff we needed, and now we do not drop schematics. In that Discord, but once you're done getting the items you then want to get Tombstone, which you can find out around the map or just craft it before you go into the game and pop it in the beginning, then you are going to be doing these few simple steps, and yes.

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I'm going to be showing you guys how to duplicate it and get unlimited items. Unlock all of the schematics for a cheap price. Checkout silent services We also offer bot lobbies where you can get Interstellar, camo, and hard camo unlock and nuke skin services. Here are the reviews; they absolutely love it at cheap prices.

So once you have that tombstone, you then want to go to a place where you want to put your tombstone and get down by fall damage. Whatever it is, if, after that, you want to plead for help, then have your buddy revive. At this point, you guys are set with that step. At this point, you guys can do two different things: either duplicate it or give it unlimitedly to your friend, or activate it yourself and use it in the game to get schematic contracts and all that stuff like that.

mw3 zombies glitch after patch

I'm first going to explain how to do this if you want to activate it in your game and use this glitch to just have a stash of items. So if you want to do that, simply activate everything, then go into Tier 3 and take out all of the enemies, or go into the dark ether, but keep in mind that with the dark ether, you will 100% lose that tombstone, and you definitely will have to get another sash from somebody else, so the best thing to do is just stay in Tier 3 and get those schematics.

Then, to get whatever you need to get from grinding tier three, you are going to have to xfill to collect the items, and you will lose the tombstone. Now if you do not get any items that are valuable to you and you want to keep your Tombstone stash that you used that your friends gave you, as you guys can see.

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I got all these items. I used them, and I didn't get anything special from this game. What you want to do to get those items back without having a friend drop them for you again is just do this next part of the glitch. You are going to be simply leaving your squad and dying out completely while being solo, and then just having the game end by itself.

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At this point, when you load back up into the game, your tombstone will still be there, and you can now, at this point, collect the items in a tombstone. Which is going to be all the items that you had before you activated, the items from last game, so all those tools that you got and everything will be there.

The cash, and, basically, what this glitch is if you're doing it for this reason, is just unlimited storage. You'll always have this tombstone here. If you do this glitch now, you guys might be asking, How do I duplicate it? Well, in order to duplicate it, you will need a buddy to help you. Like I said in my Discord, we have a group of moderators and admins that can help you, but once you have a buddy and you want him to do this glitch, instead of him activating the stuff onto his character, he is instead just going to xill with these items for you, and you are going to xill with these items.

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By the act four xfill, where you guys xfill and close your application at the blue-purple screen if you're on console, but if you're on PC, you would wait till the black screen to close out of your game. At this point, you'll have the items. What is basically happening now is that after your buddy gives you the items, he then wants to leave.

mw3 zombies new tombstone glitch

Squad, make sure you're alone, then die out and just have the game end by itself. Now, when he loads back into the game, he will still have those items in his stash. Even though he just gave it and you guys have successfully duplicated the items you guys can choose whichever path either putting it on your own character or giving it to other people to dupe for them now in order to get your Tombstone stash to stay there every time and do this glitch over and over and over you want to again rinse and repeat this whole glitch from the beginning, you need to get Tombstone yet again then get down plead for help have a buddy revive you or it could just be a random player on the map what you can do is just go next to a group of players die plead for help and then they'll revive you but once you do that step you then can use your items or give it to your friend, then you want to leave the squad be by yourself and completely die out then when you load back into the game you'll still have your Tombstone with the items Keep on rinsing and repeating this every game to keep your Tombstone stash and to have unlimited items, so hopefully everything makes sense, but sadly, if you do want to keep your Tombstone, at the end of every game, you will have to die out completely.

mw3 zombies new unlimited rare items glitch

If you guys try to close the app or anything, your Tombstone will be gone. They really, really did a lot with patching it; they kind of broke Tombstone. Because you can't even get Tombstone to work if you're a solo player and you don't even want to glitch; literally, if you're solo and you get down and you just let the game end and you have Tombstone, the tombstone won't work and your Tombstone won't be there, so by patching this, they completely bugged out and messed up.

Tombstone for solo players is a completely useless perk, and I hope that they revert the patch because. I mean, a lot of people play solo, and that is one of the big perks of being solo, you know, with the tombstone perk while being solo because you don't always have somebody to revive, so anyways, that's it.

mw3 zombies tombstone dupe

I really hope you guys enjoyed it. I went through the tombstone after the patch glitch. And may Allah bless you

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