News - New Warzone 2 Zombies Money Duplication Glitch (full Detailed Guide) Unlimited Money Glitch Warzone 2 Zombies

Intro & requirements

Intro & requirements

This is how you can duplicate unlimited money in Modern Warfare 3 zombies. This is extremely easy to do, and I'm going to give you a full, detailed guide on how you can do it. By the end of watching this article, every single person will be able to get Max money. First, you're going to need a friend to help you with this, but by the end of it, you both will have Max Essence.

Time savers

To find someone before you start, these are a few things that are not required for the glitch, but they will save you a lot of time and make this much easier for you. You will also make more money if you happen to have these items. I suggest you bring in some items like crystals and wrenches for both players; this will make farming contracts much easier and a lot faster.

Bringing in a tombstone, can, or two can be beneficial, as well, because it'll give you a little extra money not having to buy it in game and save you time from running over to the perk machine. A scorcher case will also make this process much faster because you'll be able to fly around the map and go over to your HBTs and your next contracts. You can also do this glitch with a third person to make this entire process even faster, but I know it is harder to find a full squad sometimes, but I thought I would mention it because it is possible to do every single step exactly the same with a third person in your game.

Step 1 farming money

Step 1 farming money

Step one: when you load into your game, you're going to do as many contracts as you can, and if you brought those items to help you, then you can kill HVTs.

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In literal seconds, as you see me doing here, while player one is doing a contract, player two can be waiting near another contract to start it as soon as player one finishes theirs. This will be the fastest way for you to farm contracts to stack more money, and you both will get the same points for completing a contract.

Bounty contracts are by far the fastest ones to complete, especially if you bring in a scorcher case to fly around to the HVT. But you can also do the spot control contracts, which can be done very quickly as well. The cargo delivery contracts are easy, but sometimes you can get screwed when the drop-offs spawn super far away, so I would stick to the Bounty and Spore contracts.

If neither of those spawn near you, then you can start a random contract that's different from those, and you can pull up your map and cancel it by holding down on y for Xbox and triangle on Playstation. This will get a new contract to spawn near you, and hopefully it's a bounty, so you can farm even faster next if you're interested in any camo unlocks to max out your guns or even get bot lobes.

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Step 2 glitch setup

Step 2 glitch setup

Step two: once you and your teammate have farmed up a lot of points and are nearing the end of your game, you must both buy the tombstone perk, or if you brought one in from your stash, you can use that as well. At this point, it is important to note that if you have a tombstone on your map, you must crumble it by taking everything out of the tombstone.

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On the map on top of this building, there are a few zombie spawns up here, and you can use the cranes to fly around the map to get to where you need to go after you pick up your glitch.

Step 3 money glitch

Tombstone. Step three: Now that both players have the tombstone perk, you're going to give player two all of your points, then player two is going to down themselves, and they will hold to bleed out once they fully bleed out and start spectating player one.

duplication glitch

Player 1 will then revive them. After you revive player two, have player two drop all of the essence in their bag to player one. Player two can now open their menu and leave the match. It's important to note the number of points that both of us are starting with. As you can see, both of us started with about 105, 000 points.

By giving one player all of the points, they are able to save double the points in their tombstone, which will soon be able to be duplicated. Again, the number of points that you have when you die is what is going to be saved inside your glitch. Tombstone, so once that player has saved the points, they are free to drop them back to the other player.

By doing it this way, when both players load into the next game, they will spawn with doubled money instead of the original amount that they had because both players swapped their points. From here, player one now has all the points, so you are going to down yourself and hold to bleed out. When the plea for help timer shows on your screen, you're going to leave the match from the menu.


It is important to note that both players cannot self-revive while doing this glitch, or it will not work at all when you get back to the lobby. All you have to do is invite your friend, and then you can load into another game, make your way back over to your tombstone, and you will see that both of you have the money that you set in the tombstone.

As you can see, the double total of our original points is now 212, 000. For each of us, it is very important to farm as much money as you can as fast as you can when you're doing your contracts to speed up the process for you. The more you start with, the less time you're going to have to spend doing this entire process to get Max Essence because the more you start with, it'll just get doubled, and keep doubling until you get Max Essence.

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You have now duplicated your total points between both of you, so make sure that both of your tombstones. Crumble by taking everything out of it, and from here you must both go ahead and grab the tombstone and perk again, or if you brought another one in using a can from your stash, then you can use that also.


Now you're going to repeat the exact same steps as before. You're going to drop all of your points for the other person, and they will down themselves after they hold to bleed out. Wait for them to be spectating, and then revive them. have that person drop all the money to you and now they can leave the match from the menu once again after the other person has disappeared from your game and it's just you with all of the points you must down yourself as well and hold to bleed out then you're going to leave the match through the menu screen when The Plea for help timer shows up invite your friend to your game again and keep doing the same steps from the start of step three until you both reach Max points.

Do not continue on to the next step until both players set their Tombstone, by Downing themselves with Max money on their player before they die you have to set your Tombstone. One last time with the max money inside of it so that in all of your future games that you play, your Tombstone will spawn in with 1 million points for you and your friend.

Modern Warfare 3 Money Glitch - This is the only way you can duplicate money in mw3 zombies! im going to show you how to get unlimited money in modern warfare 3 zombies.
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