News - New Warzone 2 X Gundam Season 4 Crossover Early Gameplay. Operators, Event, More. Warzone 2

New mw3 update patch notes & weapon balance changes

New mw3 update patch notes & weapon balance changes

Welcome back to a brand new article. In this one, we're going to go over and talk about today's brand new update and, more importantly, the Gundam collaboration that we're going to get in Season 4, talking about the operator skins, a new unreleased finishing move that we got a first look at, and all the details that we know of so far that are going to be coming in.

But let's get into it. So these patch notes just dropped. It says that for multiplayer UI, equipment skins can now be previewed in the store. They also did some bug fixes, which I'm not going to read all of, but here's a screenshot just to see what all the bug fixes look like: all really minor fixes.

cod gundam

Then, when you go into gameplay, they resolve an issue causing Kimo weapons to be given less reserve ammo than intended following a map infiltration. Sequence progression weapon Prestige camos can now be unlocked for the NW2 weapons, and then Maps derail added Collision to prevent an exploit that allows players to get into the Blue Train card near the crossing area for modes.

Arcade EOD padding no longer reduces incoming explosive damage by power weapon, and infected blink perk icons are no longer shown on the HUD. One in the Chamber weapon match section of the aftermarket report is no longer empty upon completing a match, and then they did some weapon balance changes for the DG58.

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decreased the neck, torso, arm, and hand damage multipliers from 1.1 to 1. This is all multiplayer, by the way, and then The Marksman rifle lock with MK2 resolved an issue causing incompatible attachments to remain equipped in the gunsmith. Handguns Decor implemented measures to prevent exploits that allow players to fire faster than intended.

cod gundam crossover

Attachments adjusted the pros and cons of multiple optic attachments to reflect their true stats. The Coro enforcer's optics, the dragon's eye optics, and the KR Marauder Then for the purse. High-grain antenna gear addresses an issue causing equipment detected by allies with signal jammers not to appear indicated on the compass, and then the equipment scatters mine in hardcore mode.

Players equipped with EOD padding are no longer immune to stun effects for the field upgrade enhanced vision goggles. Players will no longer be forced to unequip upon a dead battery; instead, vision is blurred until the goggle is manually removed, and then the war zone Patch notes are very small. The Lockwood MK2 resolved the issue, causing incompatible attachments to remain equipped in the gunsmith.

The core 45 implemented measures to prevent exploits that allow players to fire faster than intended. Attachments, they did the pros and cons things for those same optics, the Coro, the dragon's eye, and the KR Marauder, and then they did two bug fixes. Fixed an issue preventing the Call of Duty endowment challenge to track 20 operators using snapshot; I saw the comments; apparently, it is now properly working, so if you have not started that challenge, you can now do it; and then they fixed an issue allowing players to enter a vehicle while using the biometric scanner.

Mw3 gundam crossover event in season 4

Mw3 gundam crossover event in season 4

Now for , the main topic for today's article, we're going to talk about a big season 4 crossover that's going to happen. I remember I already talked about a different one, which was going to be with Fallout. It looks like there's going to be yet another crossover, and that one is going to be with Gundam.

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It is expected to either be the biggest event or the second biggest one following Fallout. But from my understanding, it's a Japanese and anime show, and in the show itself, it's set in the year 0079. And basically, what's going on is that there's a war, and within the war, they use these Mecca robots called Gundams.

And from my understanding, each gundam is completely different from the next, depending on the technology they put on it and the different powers that it has. It will change color; some of them will have wings; some of them will use swords; and some of them will use sabers. And they're completely different; some will even use weapons.

cod gundam event

Now For the release date of this crossover, we know it's going to be sometime during season 4. There's a couple ways they can release it: one, it could be in the first part of season 4, or they can end up doing Fallout first, and then this will come in the reloaded update. There's also the opportunity that they can include it in the battle pass.

We've seen that in the last two seasons where they had Snoop Dog, they also ended up having The Walking Dead, so any of these crossovers could potentially come into the battle pass. I'm going to guess it's probably going to be left for the crow because he's going to be one operator skin, and it doesn't seem like it'll be that big a collab compared to gundam's entire universe, and fallout's entire universe where they have multiple different operators.

A lot of what's going on in The Crow is just based on one guy in one movie, so I don't think there's going to be a lot involved with that. They couldn't bring in multiple operators from that movie, but anyway, the first thing that you can expect with this brand new event is going to be the new operator skins.

Mw3 gundam operator skins

Mw3 gundam operator skins

Now there are so many different Gundams that honestly. I have no idea what they're going to pick other than the main character itself, which I'm almost guaranteeing is going to be the main and first one that they are going to be bringing in, which is called the rx78.

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If I am not wrong and this is what he will look like, it's not as crazy as some of the other ones where they have wings and they have all these This one's like a basic version of some of the other Gundams that I've seen so far, but because it's the main character, you could probably expect this one to be one of the first ones that will be available.

In terms of other ones, I have no idea what they could be. I tried to look up other main characters, but there are so many of them that they can literally pick whatever they want. Maybe it could end up being like Warhammer, where they brought in so many different operator skins because that universe is so massive.

cod gundam operators

They could probably end up doing the same thing here, adding like three to four different operator bundles, and then maybe even including in like a bonus thing sort of like Godzilla. If you get all three bundles, you'll be able to get yourself that weapon blueprint. They could probably do something very similar here because there is a weapon blueprint that's going to be coming in with this collaboration, which I'm going to talk about a little bit later in the article.

NEW MW3 x Gundam Season 4 Crossover EARLY GAMEPLAY! Operators, Event, MORE! - Modern Warfare 3.
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