News - New Top 5 "updated" Pro Meta Best Ranked Play Classes Warzone 2 Season 3. Cdl Best Class Setups Loadouts

best cdl classes mw2

And I thought that some of you guys would love some of the knowledge once again here for Modern Warfare 2 Season 3 of rankplay, and you'll be able to pull off some pretty funny moments like I do right here.

Edge-47 grip

556 high velocity

High Velocity rounds and this is going to maximize our bull velocity and yeah this might be a small thing allowing us our bullets, to connect a little bit more at farther the ranges and farther range gunfights are a little bit rare in multiplayer but in rankplay you want to have the most Competitive Edge possible in, any sort of situation and, that's why we got a rock the high velocity rounds they will make a huge difference in, the super long range gunfights of like 50 plus meters next up we got the stock of the TV {219}hh that aiming stabilitg,we'llo have less sway on thegun,n and thus our first shot accuracy will be a lot moreaccurate,e and we'll be able to take down our opponents even fastey for those longer ranges but that we rock this stock or feel free to switch to other stocks if you'd like and for our last attachment we got the demo , clean shot grip rear grip which is going to maximize experience of fire speed and our ads speed and now if all the attachments shown here this is probably the best one the most important one because it allows you to bring up the gun faster and.

Demo cleanshot grip

Demo cleanshot grip

Stun grenade

Stun grenade

Trophy system

You should still be able to Beast moving onwards now that we have arguably the best SMG in the game, which is the meta SMG of the Vasive 9k. When it comes to running this gun, you want to have the muzzle of the AVR T90 Conf, which is going to maximize your horizontal and vertical recoil control once again, and as an SMG, you definitely want to have this on because SMGs Tend to have a little bit more recoil than ARs, and this will help you get some farther ranch kills; they've got medium range in those clutch situations, and very similarly to the muzzle on the attack 56, you're going to have a faster time to kill with this muzzle one, so definitely have it on for our underbro; we actually have the edge 47 grip as their underbarrel, once again giving us the best recoil, stabilization, and aiming ability, making this gun more accurate for longer range kills.

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True-tac grip

be very situational and it increases your overall movement which is amazing and finally for our last attachment we got the rear grip of the true tack grip which is going to be the most important attachment once again with that spin to fire speed and ads speed allowing you to bring up the SMG A lot faster and giving you a super fast time to kill so, that if you're like the true tag group it's effective and like usual the Vasan f9k is just going to be that gun for you to use you don't have to use another attachment, because {219}errattachmentstares kind of unnecessary on thisgun,n as you can see it's extremel,{219}u, know you don't even need that lon- rangekill,l but if you can reach onrain,n killsmatchg Therecoil ofl this gun would be effective but,honestly,y you just need to be able to get to that mediumrange,e andyeah,h this gun is trulysplendid.

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We've got the dzs, open comp muzzle xrk, tr9 trigger action Sigma, IV optic xrk, pistol stoc, and the Chronann Lima 6 for your grip, and honestly, you don't even need all these attachments. Sometimes I just go naked with the gun, and I just have like a red dot or no attachment at all. This is a very effective thistle.

Xten havoc 90

Xten havoc 90

Velocity ammunition once again for those long range kills where you really need that advantage in bull velocity so that you can take down your opponents a lot faster true, attack grip rear grip is going to be our choice of rear grip once again for that strength of fire speed and ads speed making this gun more speedy and able to take down the opponents, and we got the Slimline Pro optic, and the reason why I'm running this is because I really don't like any of the stocks on this gun personally.

I feel like with a clear, you know, optic, I can see my opponents a lot more quickly.

Lm precision stock

Schlager soldier grip

Schlager soldier grip

We want to bring up this gun faster and have a faster time to kill, and keep in mind that with the Val 46, it has two spin-to-fire speed attachments, which really gives the Vasive 9K a run for its money. It's a very speedy weapon; the Vel 46 is MT7; it's also extremely accurate as long as you can see; and you can get some very easy long-range kills with this thing as long as you know how to chain your shots.

So rock, devel 46. It's a nice competitor to the events of 9K, and finally, last but not least, we've got a wild card of a gun here, and that's going to be the MX-9. Now, the reason I'm putting the MX-99 here is because it got a boost to its friend's fire speed with the most recent update of season three.

Slimline pro

Slimline pro

I decided to use the Slimline Pro because the optic on this gun is a little bit ugly, but you could rock this online Pro if you want to.

Ftac c11 riser

best guns for ranked mw2

Iff you want even moreaccuracy,y you couldrockk the BruinHDR56,stock,k but you lose a lot more movementbenefits,s sopersonally,y I don't like thisone;e I'd rather just use theSCB5566 stock,k which is a lot more powerful when it comes to ourcomb,b we got the f-tax {219}s you cansee,e this one actually boosts action to fire feed and ouradsspeed,d allowin, us to be a lot moresnappyy with thisgun,n allowing us to bring up the SMG faster and have an overall faster time {219}ne, of the othercombss are really all that useful in myeyes,s but this C11 Riser really comes in clutch in a lot of situationd you will see why with the next attachment and, for our rear grip we got the Bruin q900, grip which, is also going to boost our Sprint to fire speed and our ads speed so this is another gun very similar to the valve 46 that has two Sprint to fire speed and ads speed attachment and, the beauty about this is that you can bring up this gun faster than the even the vasov 9k and once again give it a run for its money so that's where the mx9.

best ranked guns mw2

comes in clutches with some of the best movement in the game because it only has 25 rounds, it has even less rounds than eval 46 so, you can rock this class right here these five attachments are nice but like I said if you want just a little bit more extra ammo you could Rock the 32 round mag in place of the swimline pro and see how that feels for you but, in performance the mx9 is a dangerous beat {219}itt does not move in terms of recall Likee, it is extremelyaccurate,e as you can seethere,e but the only problem isyou'veu got to make sure you're hitting your shots because otherwise you're going tobe,e youknow,w reloading a ton in thosesituations,s but as long as you're in 1v1s or1v2s,s this mx9 could definitelycompete,e and it', gotsome reallye crazy good movement really, crazy good movement that'll give all the other Weaponry a run for its money so about the fx9 man you might be surprised by how powerful it is now because it's Sprint to fire up speed buff that.

NEW TOP 5 UPDATED Pro Meta Best Ranked Play Classes MW2 Season 3 CDL Best Class Setups Loadouts Guns.
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