News - New Top 5 Overpowered Guns After Season 3 Update Warzone 2. Warzone 2 Best Class Setups

best class setup season 3 mw2

Now, the optics—we're going to be skipping over this. Now, you can rock an optic if you don't want to run one of the other attacks recommended, but honestly, I think the iron sights are crystal clear on this loadout. Now, we're also going to skip over the laser. We're not going to rock this; we don't need it on this build, but you have to rock the 10-inch SA Phoenix to run this setup, which I believe is one of the best honey badger builds in the game, and we're going to have increased damage range velocity.

best class setups mw2

and fire accuracy as a nice bonus here, as well as recoil control, which we do need now for the tuning. We are going to be increasing the name-down sight speed to negative point 13 and the aim locking speed to negative point 16. Now for the muzzle we have the polar fire sometimes, it does glitch out and doesn't show exactly what's done here but we're overall gonna have increased damage range low velocity recoil smoothness and overall making this weapon a lot easier to use at longer ranges now for the tuning we are going to be increasing the bullet velocity some more the plus 0.77 and aim downside speed at negative 0.99, now we are not rocking in underbarrel we don't need to um the setup and because of this we are going to utilize the 45 round magazine so we can run a gun and absolutely destroy people no matter where they are and no matter how many of them are on, the map if you don't like the 45 round feel free to go ahead and rock the Chrono mini pro but I think as we'll enjoy it because if you see here in the firing range we're gonna have a quick ads.

I like that all of my builds are going to have very controllable recoil, and many of the setups are going to be dolkatachis.

Best vel 46 class setup mw2

Best vel 46 class setup mw2

We're not running a rear grip; we're going to skip over the rear grip on this submachine gun. Normally, I always skip the rear grip on the Vel; I just don't really see a lot of help with it. We're going to rock a stop, which is going to be that demo RXT stock if you can control the recoil. The collapse is also a better option, but The rxt will be a little bit helpful because we're going to have far more recoil control, and for the pros, we're going to have that crouch movement speed, sprint speed, and aim down side speed not as good as the collapse but again more recoil control with the tuning we are going to rock a walking speed to negative 1.47, and aim down side speed to negative 2.58, we're not running an opt because well the iron sights are amazing on this weapon but we are gonna rock a laser, which is going to be the VLK LZR.

best class setups season 2 mw2

Seven milliwatts is going to be one of the few weapons I rock a laser on because it's going to help us out at those close ranges, giving us that increased aim down sight speed, aiming stability, and also sprint to fire speed. For tuning, we are going to bump up the downside speed to negative 37.84.

Instrumental fire speed to negative 0.37 we're gonna go ahead and mirror these on this specific build now, for the barrel we have to rock that lock DX 203, millimeter this is a mandatory attachment on the Vel unless you want to have a ladder hit markers and I know people don't want that to happen for, the tuning we are gonna bump up the aim down side speed to negative Point 15 and recourse that it is at plus Point 34 a perfect balance of close range as well as long ranges to help out this weapon at long range some more we are going to rock that X10 razor cop rock, this weapon loud and proud I've been running a lot of my submachine guns without suppressors, and I've been enjoying them because they do pack more of a punch at longer ranges here horizontal.


Vertical recoil control, and for the tune, we are going to increase that gun kick control some more at plus Point 21 and aim down side speed at negative Point 46, and finally, for the underbarrel, we are going to rock that shark fin 90 here, smoothing out that recoil pattern and zero cons exactly. How I like it, and then finally, for the tuning, we are going to bump up that walking speed to negative point 28 and more stabilization at plus 0.65.

Once you go ahead and jump in the firing range, you're going to see that you do have a quick ad with the setup, and you're going to have very controllable recoil even at those medium ranges, which is going to be super helpful with this submachine gun. The banner of the build is going to be the Dual Kadachi's Sun grenade proximity mind, and for the perks, double time scavenger resupply Quick Fix, and for the filled up if we have a Munitions box and dead silence, a great submachine gun if you want to go ahead and challenge as nav or lachman sub players, and speak of Basna, players cut number five.

Best vaznev 9k class setup mw2

Best vaznev 9k class setup mw2

Take a look at the vast nav 9K man. This is going to be a great build if you're just looking for an AR SMG. Hybrid here; this gun is seriously packing a punch now. For the rear grip, we are going to rock the true tack grip for that increase in fire speed and aim-down side speed. You can't go wrong here with this, and for the tuning, we are going to bump up the fire speed to negative point 15 and aim down the side speed to negative point 32.

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We don't need steadyness because this gun is not going to have any recoil. With the stock, we are going to go ahead and rock that ultrazat. Stock here, this is going to be a great attachment on this weapon for simply increasing that aim walking speed as well as additional sprint speed. The broadside fct is a good option, but again, I don't want to reduce the recoil control, so we're not going to run it for the tuning.

cod mw2 best class

We are going to increase that walking speed to negative 2.32. And aim downside speed at negative 2.84, a great compromise for close range handling and not destroying the long range capability, but the optic rack's going to be skipping over all these, not necessarily this was part of the cast off family, so the iron sights are perfect now for the laser, we are going to be rocking the OLED laser, a great attachment on this weapon increasing that aim down sight speed stability as well as sprint to fire speed transform, this weapon into an already good but even better close range monster for the tuning we are going to be bumping up the aim down sight speed to negative 334.55.

For this class, we're actually going to be skipping over the barrel because these are not going to be needed, and we're also going to skip over the muzzle because we don't need any recoil control under this category, and we're also rocking this weapon loud and proud because that's the way to do it with the Vasnam.

Modern Warfare 2 - MW2 Best Class Setups Season 3 Best Class Setups MW2! These Best Class MW2 have NO RECOIL and INSANE DAMAGE in Modern Warfare 2! Hope you enjoy these Modern Warfare 2 Best Guns Modern Warfare 2 Best Class Setups and have a wonderful Season 3 MW2 and rest of your day.
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