News - New Top 5 Overpowered Class Setups After Update Mw2. Warzone 2 Best Class Setups. Weapons

Best chimera class setup mw2

Best chimera class setup mw2

all right Let's go over the new top five best class setups after the recent update here in mono for two. Now for the first attachment, we are going to go ahead and rock the Bruin flash grip to bump up that sprint to fire speed as well as aim down sight speed. This is a great attachment on this assault rifle in order to bump up the close-range handling.

Now For the tuning, we are going to bump up the fire speed to negative 19 and we're also going to increase the aim down sight speed to negative 0.71 in order to destroy people at close ranges a little bit easier. Now for the stock, we are going to rock the Ravage 8 stock with a great attachment, Choice, coupled with that Bruin flash grip, to increase that crouched movement speed.

best mw2 class

Now for the tune, we are going to bump up that aim walking speed almost all the way down to negative 2.09, and we're also going to bump up that aim down sight speed almost all the way down as well to negative 3.48, remember, maxing. It's a great attachment to take out players at close range, medium range, as well as longer ranges, and you guys should definitely enjoy it.

Now for the muzzle, we are going to bump up that aim down sight speed to negative Point 13, and we're also going to increase the aim walking speed to negative 0.16 again, to bump up the close range handling here. Now for the muzzle, we are going to rock the polar fire; it doesn't say what it does, but it is overall going to add that sound suppression damage, range bullet velocity, and obviously a little bit more of that recoil smoothness, so we're going to smooth out that recoil pattern and get that close range capability with that sound suppression, and a little bit more of that long range capability with the range as well as that bullet velocity.

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Now, with the tuning here, we are going to increase the bullet velocity some more to plus 0.77. And we're also going to increase that aim down side speed to negative 0.99 in order to go ahead and increase that close range handling to rigging. The Best of Both Worlds Is Here Close Range as well as long range having that ability to run on their spawn but that sound suppression is going to be a huge plus gonna make getting higher streaks and potentially a nuke a hell of a lot easier and then finally for the underground we are going to rock the f-tac, 356 to further smooth out that recoil pattern making sure we can take people out very easily at those medium to longer ranges and we're also going to get that added aiming stability.

Just make it very usable out at those medium to longer ranges. Mana, the build is going to be the combat knife with sun grenade proximity, mine, and for the custom perk package we have on double-time scavenger resupply. As well as quick fixes, and then finally for our field upgrades, we have Pro enabled with Munitions.

Box, and Dead Silence. It's an absolute beast, and the Chimera is definitely a great gun to use. In fact, it is brand new.

Best minibak class setup mw2

Best minibak class setup mw2

Now for the next class, it'll be I can take a look at ; the mini back This is definitely one of the most underrated SMGs in the entire game probably, because it does take a little bit of time to get it unlocked; you have to use a bunch of other weapons to unlock the submachine gun, but it is worth the time and effort to do so now for the first attachment, we are going to rock the true tac grip and bump up that sprint to fire speed as well as aim, down side speed, a great attach to the run on this SMG, because we're going to be able to snap on the players very quickly and get that first shot.

best weapons mw2

Now for the tune, we are going to bump up that sprint to fire speed to negative Point 44, and we're also going to bump up that aim, down sight speed, to negative 0.87. Again, to improve the close-range handling, now we're going to be rocking a stock here and we're going to rock the marquee. R7, stock Normally I'd rock the ultrazad stock or the VLK stock list, but that R7 stock is going to drastically increase the close range performance by bumping up the Crouch movement speed.

Sprint speed, as well as aim down sight speed. Now you want to go ahead and tune this attachment by increasing that aim walking speed even more to negative 1.24, and we're also going to bump up the aim down sight speed again to negative 2.32, to go ahead and strengthen that close range handling. This weapon is going to be dominant at close range, that's why all these attachments and tunes are going to be either increasing the ads or that aim walking speed now the optic is going to be unnecessary, here, because the iron types are literally open, so it's gonna be very easy to pull out at those medium to longer ranges, and then obviously we're going to skip over the laser as well because these attachments are not going to be benefiting the mini back in the slightest.

cod mw2 best class

We are going to rock a barrel here, and luck is going to be the only barrel of choice, and it's going to be Box 7-279 Barrels allowing us to have that increased damage range, hip fire accuracy, as well as bullet velocity, just in case we get caught in a medium- to long-range gunfight, are going to drastically help us out when taking off those players.

Now for the tuning, we are going to bump up the aim-down sight speed to minus 22 and we're going to increase the recoil steadiness, not the aim walking speed, to plus 0.37, so we can go ahead and be a little bit more accurate at longer ranges. Now for the muzzle, we are going to rock the Synguard MK5.

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Overall, a great attachment on the mini back, giving us that sound suppression, bullet velocity, damage range, and smoother recoil. This is a great attachment to use for those close-range and long-range engagements. For the tuning, we are going to bump up the bullet velocity to plus 0.74 and the aim downside speed to negative 1.22.

modern warfare 2

Just overall great here, close range as well as long ranges in the final, we are going to go ahead and rock the mini back grip magazine. This is overall going to be just a for grip here, giving us the ability to have increased aim idle stability and smoother recoil with that recoil stabilization. Unfortunately, we cannot tune this attachment.

I want you guys to go ahead and equip all these attachments with the tuning. You're going to see that this weapon does have a quick draw and is going to have very low recoil, so let me go ahead and give this a try. It's going to be a great SMG to use if you guys are running gun aggressive players, then the build is going to be the combat knife stun grenade approximate mine, and for our custom perk package we have on double time scavenger, resupply.

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As well as quick fixes, and then finally for our field upgrades, we have Pro enabled with Munitions Box and Dead Silence. Make sure you guys go ahead and give the mini-back a try. It's an honored SMG. People don't really run it that much, but I am telling you guys that it is an absolute monster.

Modern Warfare 2 - MW2 Best Class Setups Best Weapons MW2 in Season 1! These NEW Best Class Setups have NO RECOIL and INSANE DAMAGE in Modern Warfare 2! Hope you enjoy the video and make sure to have a wonderful rest of your day.
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