News - New" Top 5 Best Classes For Ranked Play Warzone 2. Warzone 2 Best Class Setups - Season 2

fastest ttk mw3

Swarm a lot of people don't realize how good the wp swarm is this build right here we have a lot of Mo ability ads speed is very fast friend to fire speed and the overall recoil there's like no recoil this gun has a lot of range I know it's a little bit hard to hit my shots up to there but with some practice you are perfectly fine there's a lot of range on this gun and so you guys definitely got to try out the Rival I mean the wp, swarm I don't know why I keep messing up the name so this gun does have a d horizontal so that's why we got the purifier mzo break previously I actually yeah run the Jack BFB sorry for giving you guys misinformation.

The Jack BFP is definitely the one you want to rock on here. Yes, we are losing damage range, but this thing just got a damage range buff, so you're not going to really notice that whatsoever. Now this gun is going to have absolutely no recoil. You can add a barrel. The reason I'm not adding a barrel is because I don't want to lose damage.


I mean, I don't want to lose something like Sprint to fire speed and ad speed. I really like how mobile the gun is if I were to run a barrel. I would run this compensated one because it increases damage range and we're not losing Sprint of fire speed. A lot of people think to run this one, but no, you're losing so much SP of fire speed that, in my opinion, it's not really worth it to you.

It might be, so you could try out this exact build right here. It has a lot of damage range, no recoil, good sprint to fire speed, and we get a lot of recoil control with these two attachments. This stock is such a must if you guys look at the recoil control. Oh my days we get so much of it yes we're losing a lot of our mobility but that's why we are running that under barrel and this gun already naturally has a lot of Mo ability so I feel like most people are going to like this class but for me I would rather run it just like this maybe even add like the MK3, reflector or the Slate reflector.

modern warfare 3

As you guys can see, a lot of the classes on here are personal preferences; there's like some meta variations. And then you just want to find the variation that you like; we got the same exact replica, so you guys don't need a screenshot of their trophy, system ordinance gloves, etc. I mean, so underrated.

I know a lot of people are going to skip over the snipers. There's only one sniper in the game, even if you're not a sniper. You need a good sniper to build the snipers. They are very overpowered; they should be banned and rank play because our player health is so high that the enemies can put so many shots in you and you only need to put one shot in them to kill them, making this very cheese.

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It's an easy-to use weapon, and I believe when we add this optic, it actually makes it so the enemies don't see a glint or anything, so they won't even know you're sniping with it. Basically, what I did for the cat for this build was just max out the mobility, making it so if you do need to quit scope, you can quick scope, and then we have a pretty good optic that's good at close range.

modern warfare 3 best class

If you like to have more zoom, you can just go through and find an optic that suits your personal preference. I know a lot of people like this optic, so you can just go through and find the one that you like. For me, I really like the Coro Eagle Eye 2.5. Sometimes this is so broken and overpowered.

And so I recommend people take advantage of it, so maybe you know enough people are going to complain about the snipers and they will take it out since the snipers are so easy to use in this game. This is when you want to use a different retti and build the same exact Rene, but we actually got the Rene.

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Slower, but there really aren't too many cons, and we get a pretty good damage range. We got the L4 our flash hder on here because we're only losing a little bit of our ads, but if we look, we're losing 8% of our ad speed, but this thing this gun just got nerfed by 10% ad speed, so now it's going to feel 133% slower, which a lot of the prosos might be running.

modern warfare 3 best class setup

I think I'm saying that right; they might be rocking this one even though we're losing damage range just so you have a little bit more mobility on the gun, if that makes sense right now, though they are running the L4 flash hider, and then since the mobility is so much slower in this gun, now you kind of have to run the hand stop before they would run maybe the Phantom so you get recoil control and mobility.

modern warfare 3 best class setups

But now since Mobility is so slow we got to run the hand stop Jack BFB, is taken out of the game so you can't run that scummy muzzle that muzzle was so overpowered for the rear for a lot of firing aiming stability remember what I was saying you need to have a lot of stability, and you need a lot of firing, aiming stability so our gun doesn't shake which the RB Claw is going to do just that we got a lot of gun recoil gun kick firing aim stability and overall recoil control, yes we are losing a little bit of our aiming idle sway but we have the more important parts like you know up on there I don't know why I said it like that and then for the Optics so the pr made it so you have to run a optic, if you don't really care about following that stuff then you could take that off then add like the Precision heavy War Forge those are so underrated.

I used to run these all the time. The RB Regal Heavy is still pretty good, but we are losing a little bit of 8s speed, and we're already losing some with the new patch, so you might not want to run these for me. I would probably run maybe the Precision Heavy; this class is very good if you guys want to take a screenshot, but now for the main class of this article, we are going to be going over to the barrel and we are going to be adding the midnight 13in.

modern warfare 3 best guns

Barrel, this one is going to increase the damage range even more, so now we get a 20% boost, yes, we are losing more recoil control, but we get more mobility, so now we are getting 5%, more ad speed, which this gun just got a 10% deduction, so now we're only getting about 5% deduction, we have more damage range, and we have pretty good mobility, making it so we can actually go over to the underbarrel, then we can add the Phantom 5 hand stop mitigating, some of the recoil control loss that we are getting with the mus.

I mean with the barrel, and then we are going to still get our handling. Upped up, you can add the hand sty, but I don't think you really need that because the midnight is already giving us mobility, and so basically they're kind of canceling out the cons, and then for the muzzle. I am going to be adding the bitted break just because we do get more damage range with the midnight barrel, so I don't mind losing more damage range, and then we get more recoil control, and the ad speed is still going to be pretty fast, so hopefully that wasn't too confusing.

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