News - New" Top 5 Best Classes For Ranked Play Warzone 2. Warzone 2 Best Class Setups

Mcw class

Mcw class

YouTube in today's article I'm going to be giving you the top five best classes for rank play in season 1 in Modern Warfare 3 so for the first class we are going to be going over to the mtw so moving over to the first attachment you can either use the Slate reflector or the MK3 reflector, what a lot of the pros like to use is if you're using this class for long range like anchoring or holding angles they like to use the MK3, reflector but if you're rushing around playing Fast Pace you want to be having the Slate reflector on but for my personal preference I am going to be running the MK3 reflector as I like to play a little bit passive but also get in faces as well moving over to the rear grip we're going to be putting on the RB claw PSL grip as this helps with that recoil control gun kit control and fire aim stability, we end up gaining a 10% recoil gun kit control and 7% on the vertical and horizontal recoil, control.

best class mw3

If we head over to the barrel this is where we are going to be adding the 16.5. MCW Cyclone long barrel as this does help with that bullet velocity aim idle State and fire aim stability we end up gaining 15%, on that effective damage range and minimum damage range and we also get plus 18%, on that bullet velocity unfortunately we do lose a little bit of ads movement speed and Sprint to fire speed but with the other attachment we are going to be adding that will bring it back up and for that attachment that is going to bring our movement speed and Sprint to fire speed back up we're going to be heading over to under barrel and we are going to be adding the dr6 hand stop as this helps with that aim walking speed aim downside speed strength to fire speed and movement speed we end up gaining an 8.3%, on that ads speed and also an 8.7%.

On the ad's movement speed, we do end up losing 8.3%. That hit-fire spread, but since we are using an AR, you don't really have to depend on that hit-fire, so that's fine. Moving over to the fifth and final attachment, we are going to be heading over to the muzzle, and this is where I'm going to be adding the purifier muzzle break.

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I know a lot of people right now are using that Jack BFB as it helps massively with that horizontal and vertical and gun kit control, but me personally. I do prefer that purifier muzzle break, as with the Jack BFB you do get that increased radar detection, which means that it shows the arrow and the direction that you are looking when you are firing this weapon.

I know a lot of people do like using the t51r, Bitted Break, but me personally, again, I do like my purifier muzzle break. So this is going to be the class for the MCW. As you can see, the gun basically shoots almost as straight as a laser beam, and you're able to hold angles and still have that pretty fast movement speed while being able to rotate between hard points and stuff like that.

If we head over to the secondary, we are going to be going over to the retti.

Renetti class

Renetti class

And for this retti class this is going to be the best class that you can make when it comes to rank play so for the first attachment we are going to be heading over to the optic and this is going to be slate reflector as you can only have one optic when it comes to the retti, moving over to the second attachment this is going to be the and this is going to be the mlx, short competition, and this is going to help with that Sprint to fire speed aim downside speed and movement speed so if you need to quickly pull out the pistol and just nail someone you can and moving over to the third attachment, this is going to be the rear grip and we are going to be adding the bru Onslaught assault grip as this helps again with that recoil control gun kick control and also that fire aim stability.

best class setup mw3

We end up gaining 10% on that recoil gun kick control and 7% on that horizontal and vertical, which means if you have to switch to the retti and take someone out a little bit of a medium distance, you are able to since this retti does only have four attachments for this specific class we're going to be heading over to the muzzle as the last attachment and this is going to be the compensated, flash hider as this helps with that vertical recoil horizontal and fire aim stability and we also get a bonus shortness radar pings which means we aren't on the radar as long as we would be if we didn't have this on we do lose a little bit of ads speed but when it comes to having the RTI it doesn't really matter anyway cuz you're only using it to take out people that are weak anyway, if you do want to put a fifth attachment on you can come over to the magazine and add the 24 round but unfortunately when it comes to the cons you do lose a lot on the ads speed and movement speed and not only that you lose a lot of movement speed while ads So for my build.

best class setups mw3

I don't like running in the magazine. When it comes to the tactical. I do have my smoke grenade on right now, and that's only because when it's on, the smoke grenade will automatically get put on, but when I'm playing control or hardpoint, it will automatically switch over to the stung grenade. And for the field upgrade.

I am running the trophy system, as when playing hardpoint obviously, you don't want to be getting cross-map need, and if you are playing snd and you want to push up at a fast pace, you want to get your trophy system down so you don't get flashed or Ned, etc. For the perks on my gloves, I'm running the assault grips, as this does help with accuracy while ading and jumping.

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When it comes to the boots, I am running these sneakers just so I have silent footsteps, and for my gear, I am running EOD padding. I used to run tag mask quite a lot, but I found that I was getting Ned more than flashed, so I prefer to run EOD. So that is my MCW class setup. When it comes to rank play for the next class, we are going to be heading over to the Rival, so when comes to being an SMG player in Modern Warfare 3 rank play, the Rival is clearly the best choice.

Rival class

Rival class

I know a lot of people do like running around with the Swarm, but I think this is getting G, if I'm not wrong, and it will be removed at the beginning of season 2.

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I'm not 100% sure on that, but I'm pretty sure about the attachments for the Rival 9. For the first attachment, we're going to be heading over to the barrel, and this is where we're going to be using the Rival SE clear shot barrel, as this helps with that bullet velocity, aiming Idol way damage range, and recoil control.

We end up gaining 7.5%. On that horizontal and vertical recoil control and also a bonus 5% on that recoil gun kit control, we also end up gaining 12.5%. On that effective and minimum damage range and also 15% on that bullet velocity, we do end up losing a little bit of ad movement speed and normal movement speed and sprint to fire, but with the other attachment we will be adding, we will be bringing that back up and making it, if not even more, move over to the muzzle.

The NEW TOP 5 BEST CLASSES for RANKED PLAY in MW3! Modern Warfare 3 Best Class Setups.
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