News - New" Solo Tombstone Dupe Glitch After Patch Warzone 2 Zombies. Mwz Tombstone / Stash Limit Glitch

Do it over and over and over again, and you guys will have unlimited items, but every time that you rinse and repeat it, make sure that you have Tombstone on your character. You do need that scorcher to get to the warning barrier, and you want to make sure you crumble your tombstone when you come back.

mw3 zombies solo glitch

So here's how you guys do the bypass and stash limit, and this one is very consistent for me. I get this every time, and I was able to go past the stash limit, so do this. All you need is one character with a medium backpack, and that's what you want to do the glitch with. If you want to do that Tombstone glitch with that character with the medium backpack, then you need a separate character with a small backpack.

After you do that dupe glitch, you have items in your gear and items in the game, and your Tombstone You want to do the glitch by just taking the last two slots at the end of your rug sack. I kept saying backpack; it's really a rug sack, but you want to take the last two items and swap them with something else in your stash; can it be anything?

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After you swap the two with at least one other thing, you then want to swap one of them with a signature; it needs to be this signature right here at this point you want to swap over to your small backpack. Then you will see that it will not say to delete items. Then you want to go back to your medium backpack, and you will see that the item is gone.

mw3 zombies tombstone dupe glitch

Now you want to do the same thing with the other slot. That doesn't appear in your small backpack, so just replace that with the sigil, then swap the small backpack for the medium backpack, and you'll be fine at this point. Whenever you do the dupe glitch, you can do this to go past the stash limit.

Like I said, I wasn't struggling to know items weren't disappearing when I was doing it this way, so try it this way, and it should work. All right, guys, that's it for this article. Here's the after patch anyway. Have a great night, and don't forget to check out the silent services. inshallah alhamdulillah, And may Allah bless

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