News - New" One Burst M16 Class Destroys Warzone 2. Best M16 Class Setup

Because that's where it like maxes out, then it goes in ever so slightly at the very end, and then as far as the far distance goes, in the close we max that for far, which is that's going to push it as far away from us as possible that red dot sight instead of having it closer or rate, you know somewhere there we like to be able to see a lot around our site, and so that's going to make a very big difference in how this gonna look on your screen.

best mw2 m16 class

We're going to give it the Assault t60, factory stock. I don't really know why they called it this, but anyway, it's the Crouch movement speed here for that increase. Sprint speed and ad speed are really good stuff. Don't care about that Crouch movement speed; we like the sprint and, of course, the ad speed, and all the rest of these aren't really going to do too much.

I mean, you're going to lose so much of that aiming stability and recoil control; I don't believe it's worth it, and of course, you lose a little bit of aiming stability, so you lose a little bit of aiming stability, so you lose a little bit of recoil control, but this is just a great addition to the gun.

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Now we're once again going to go for a little bit more aim down sight speed and aim idle stability, so we're going to throw this on here and see what we get out of it, and you can see. I mean, it's a pretty stark contrast. Between here all the way down to the bottom, where you start getting a massive decrease in your accuracy, we maxed out the ads without messing with our accuracy too much, which is good.


Now we're going to aim for idle stability here, so we're going to try to boost that a little bit. You can see that it's actually going to get almost better towards the very end, but it's just a minor leap, and it's not going to make that much of a difference. We're not going to chalk up the rest of the attachment by, you know, a little bit just to get a tad bit more out of it in terms of your aiming idle stability, so at a plus 1.78.


This is going to work out beautifully for our final attachment on this gun. We're going to go throw on the X10 grip spring to Fire and add speed to it to make it agile and mobile, even though it's a burst gun. I don't like being a sitting duck, and I don't like camping, etc. Being a sentinel is what the developers call it, but it's just a camper and I don't believe in doing that, so we're going to use the X10 grip, but all we're going to do is negatively effect the rest of the weapon, so we're not so we're not, so much besides negatively effecting the rest of the weapon, so it's the very end of that sort of like "Circle of Death." and, it's not going to do much besides negatively effect the rest of the attachment, so we're going to leave it right there at a plus 0.40.

And then we can see that going for a little idle stability, it has a massive jump, and then it does like literally almost nothing, so we're going to get it to about the maximum we can, which is plus 0.29, and ask me that for that, and now we have our full builds here for the M16 off in the firing range.

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I bounce up a little bit. You can pretty much get a kill with one burst as long as you hit the dome of the skull, or with two shots and then one. It's very simple and easy to be able to do. This is a very underrated gun. Don't be Randy, and I'm out of

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