News - New "1 Burst" M16 Class Is Godly After Update Warzone 2. Best M16 Class Setup - Warzone 2

best m16 class

Now, when I think of a weapon that deserves a buff here in Modern Warfare 2, it goes to the M16. If it's a Subline Pro, the Chrono Mini Pro, or the XRK On Point, there are a lot of good choices here if you want to go with a red dot, a scope, a sniper scope, whatever it may be, but for my first attachment for my build, we are going to be adding on the Slimline Pro to change those iron sights.

You're not going to have any troubles here, so make sure to have this on for your next attachment, now jumping over to the ammunition type make sure you have on the over pressured rounds now I believe it was in season two they actually buffed all these attachments and the high velocity rounds used to be the top dog for the ammunition type but now the over pressured rounds are now we have Target Flinch, and this does give us the most damage but once we tune this attachment we can increase that bull velocity making it faster than the high velocity rounds and also giving it more damage you're getting those pure straight one-shot, one-shot.

best m16 class modern warfare 2

You're going to love it, so make sure you have the overpressure rounds on now. Jumping over to the muzzle, we're going to be adding it to the X10 port. 290, Muzzle: This can help with vertical recoil and control. Now with the M16, the only pattern of recoil pattern I see is horizontal, so if you spam the weapon, even if it's just straight vertical recoil, we're going to have this on.

It's going to calm that down. It's not going to be jumping everywhere. It's going to have really good control of this weapon. It's not jumping up anymore, and especially when we get to our tunes here, it's going to make it even better. There's no recoil at all, so make sure to have this on, and then for our final attachment for my M16 build, we are going to the laser, and we're going to be adding on the FSS overview laser for extra handling.

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We're aiming down slides lightning quick now, shooting faster off a Sprint, and it is a plus. We have mixed abilities now. The twos I'll be running for this build are going to start with the overpression round, so I have my bull velocity of 4.42. It really doesn't change anything, but what they make that you're going to want to change is the recoil stabilization on that left bar, which is going to give you that three-tick recoil of 0.41.

best m16 class mw2

Our weapons are not going to move at all, and you're going to have full control of them, so make sure to copy this down. Now for all the lasers, I have my aim down speed at 16.45, and on my Sprint, the fire speed is up 0.42, just increasing that handling even more. We're aiming down super quick now, and we're not going to lose any more gun fights.

We're shooting faster off a Sprint, which is good. The M16 is going to feel like an SMG with these tunes and this attachment here now for the optic. I have my eye position maxed out afar at 2.25; it's giving us less visual recoil, the weapons can be a lot easier to see out of the Red Dot sight, and also we do have some more aimed on site speed at 1.06, just increasing that handling, and then for our final attachment, guys, for the rear grip, we're going to put our sprint to fire speed up to 0.29 and my recoil status at 0.52, but overall, guys, here is my updated build for the M16 here in season five now.

best m16 class setup

I was actually really surprised when they buffed this weapon, so maybe it looks like they're going to start buffing some weapons nobody uses anymore. What is your highest kill game, and did you drop any nukes? But in today's gameplay with the M16, we dropped over 100 kills and a double nuke. My, God, all right, we'll take that M16.

I don't know what it is, homeboy. What are you doing, my man? All right now, we just need Well, first of all, I need to get my aim right, but we should be fine after this there we go. I don't know why it's been such a long time. I think the last time I actually uploaded an M16 build was three months ago.

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I mean it. I kind of remember making the article, but it shows like how fast time's going by right now, and honestly, for me right now. I don't know I don't know maybe it's a good thing, but because you know the new Call of Duty's coming out, you know, this is basically September, our last full month of Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 in War Zone 2.

best m16 class setup mw2

It's kind of crazy to think about because going into the next, you know, we have the new season in October, well, no, we get it, we get the new season in September, and in October, from the 6th to the 16th if you're on Playstation, we get the we get to play Call of Duty for 10 days, so I mean. I mean, in October, October is going to be a it's gonna be in the next month.

I was, you know, just talking my head off right now, and we're kind of just going crazy. I haven't even used the advanced UAV quite yet, but I don't know if I want to use the advanced UAV yet. I feel like I might waste it if I do so. All right, we get our first MGB without even using an advanced UAV, so we are going to take that and let me reload my pistol real quick.

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I went ahead and maxed this out. I've been playing the same day as the ISO 45 article out yesterday, but I will say this M16 is actually really nice, and I feel like we need to start. I feel like we need to start playing some objective games, though. I mean, it's literally 63 to 2, which I can't even see.

best mw2 m16 class

My I am so weak right now, dear Lord, we actually might just see if we can go flawless here, and never mind we couldn't go flawless, that's actually unfortunate, but I will say I am actually really surprised on the M16 that should be a kill that was getting those one bursts. I mean, that's about guessing, like, almost 15 meters, up close one burst, up close one burst; you just have to make sure all three bullets hit, and after that, you should be chilling, but sometimes they can still be inconsistent, but most of the time I'm getting okay.

I need to quit being a little I need to stop being too cocky there, but most of the time I am getting the one burst, so 47 kills. I mean, we're still kind of cruising. Here we go, one burst, one burst, one burst, all right, I only hit; I hit like four of my bullets there, one burst. Keep trying to get these one-shot bursts; throw Nate up there; easy kill; I'm going to call that UAV in.


I just like that one thing I really hope for in Modern Warfare 3 is the streaks. Man, I really hope it's like just simple to call in. I don't have to hold down, or, you know, if I'm if I can just have like a scroll, you know, like you could like navigate through, if you just press up and down on the arrow keys.

I mean, it was just simple to cycle through the streaks, but now it's like it's so difficult to do that. And Air Force TTV got us. Let's go, all right? All right we don't have enough for a UAV. Let's go i mean, we brought the game back, so I mean, that's good, I guess, but we are at 69 kills. That's one burst.

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