News - New" Get Killshot Skin Fast. Fastest Way To Get Skulls & Bones Warzone 2 Horde Hunt Event

fastest way to get skulls in mw3

And then what you want to do is open your inventory and hold down the Y button on Xbox or the triangle on PlayStation. And basically, cancel the contract, if you're in a team with multiple people you need to do this a little bit earlier, so that you have time to do it and then what will happen is that the zombies are going to keep spawning in even though you've canceled the contract which is a very odd glitch the zombies will keep coming and coming over and over against it's really useful and you don't have to worry about the objective or anything if you, walk far enough away from that area where you're doing the objective the zombies will despawn and then they won't come back again so do stay, roughly in the area but you can go a little bit outside if you need to and just keep farming The Kills over and over again to get bones, you can get quite a few hundred bones, in not too long at all so not too difficult and for the, skulls you just need to kill armored zombies basically so it isn't too difficult that's what I do I have Farm X fills or Outlast contracts things like that and you'll get a fair amount in no time so that's it for zombies. What about if you're playing War Zone ?.

How to earn bones & skulls fast in warzone

How to earn bones & skulls fast in warzone

Well, in War Zone, the best mode you want to be playing is plunder, and what you want to do is basically. Here's my strategy, which is quite useful. I'd recommend exiting the plane and landing somewhere out of the way of the flight path, so far away from where people aren't spawning and not too busy, but make sure there's a lot of buildings around.

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What you want to do is you want to Rush from building to building, opening all the loot containers. And I'm talking about everything from first aid boxes to duffel bags, cash registers, lockers, cupboards, and fridges. Supply boxes for all of those containers. Any container you can open will count each one you open.

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You're going to get 100 XP and weapon XP, which is good money, but it's also going to give you bones, so you're going to get 30 bones per container you open, so really quite a lot of bones, which is fantastic. Because you can just open loads of them really quickly and really farm, it is excellent, and there is also a chance of earning seven skulls.

It's not every box; it's relatively rare, but every now and then you'll open a container and it will give you seven skulls, so 30 bones each time and a chance of seven skulls, so in my match. I was able to get. I think, 40 skulls and over a thousand bones easily. Just by opening boxes, you can get quite a lot, and it's relatively easy; it shouldn't take you too long again. This is a great and easy way to do it.

Best bones & skulls farming method!

Best bones & skulls farming method!

So those will be the three methods. I quickly wanted to talk about which mode might be best overall. I'd say, obviously, as I'm sure you guys aren't surprised, multiplayer is probably the best way to do it, especially if they're smaller maps. If they're larger maps and it's a bit of a slower paac mode or you're getting killed a lot or something, it can be not quite as good, but if you are on the smaller maps and you're really pushing to the hard point and getting lots of zombie kills, you can get lots of skulls and bones.

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That's probably the best way. Like I said, if this is a larger map and you're not doing quite as well, then war zone is probably the second-best way, but it's a very consistent way. You just go into Plunder Somewhere Out The Way, open loads of boxes, and you're going to get loads of bones and a fair amount of skulls as well.

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I would say zombies are the slowest method; so far they might be quicker away, but I'm sure there's other bonuses and stuff, but at the moment, the way I was doing it didn't seem that fast to me. Maybe they'll change that, or maybe there'll be other ways, but for now, it seems like the best way is multiplayer, if not War Zone, and you know, if you're playing zombies, you can get some anyway, but it's not the best way to do it.

I'm sure there's a bonus. You know, using certain blueprints and stuff or certain bundles that you have to buy, but this is just the free way to do it, so I hope you guys found this useful. If you did, you could obviously earn all the items included. You know the ether tools, ray guns, and other items you can unlock.

If you guys find this helpful, make sure to drop a like on the article and check out my other season 2 guys, like how to level up weapons fast and how to level up the battle pass. Zombie guides, camera guides—that kind of thing.

NEW GET KILLSHOT SKIN FAST FASTEST WAY To Get Skulls Bones in MW3 Horde Hunt Event.
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