News - New" Best M4 Class Warzone 2 Season 6. Best M4 Class Setup - Warzone 2

I didn't know if that was a I didn't know if that was alive or dead, all right Let's keep this up. Though we're chilling, we are really chilling. I'm dead i'm sure I'm dead because, you know, a random nay just got thrown at me. I'm going to Chuck that right there. We have people just kind of looking up in the sky right now, and we have a huge, huge advantage over them.


There is another vital one, all right. I think it's time for me to I think it's time for me to step in here real quick and take over the game for us. There we are. I'm going to Chuck that right there. Slow them down. We're going to Chuck that over. That's a kill. Where is everybody? We gotta make this adventure AV worth it.

What a pistol fight you guys had, all right? This guy's going to be on this side of the truck, and we're going to be this guy right here. Easy, easy let's keep this up. I'm going to get lucky here. Three, two, one boom adios. How fortunate a man is! All right, we're on our brutal again. I'm going to go ahead with this veto until I get a UAV sweep.

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I'm going to Chuck that Nate over. I thought I heard footsteps. You gotta be careful, man. Little footsteps get you killed. All right i need my other nuke. I need my other nuke. I kind of need it now. All right, as long as if I could, if I can just see the word jug there, we are perfect. A little double nuke, we're going to take that we're at 95 kills too, all right.

m4 best class

We got a double nuke, and let's see now if we can get a hundred kills; we still have a lot of time here. Not too weird, I'm going to ego-tell this; too many bullets were missed right there, which was unfortunate. All right, let's keep this up to 100; we're at 10.73. By the way, you shouldn't have been looking up at the sky.

I mean, I just feel like I feel like an SMG player right now. You know, being able to move quickly around the map with this weapon? I guess it's one of the main reasons why I like this M4. All right, no buns in here; there's someone shooting behind me, so I don't know. All right, 222, we are going to have to clutch this up.

We need to see brutal; we might not even get to see the word brutal. We're at 232-233 for all, right? I'm still chilling, I think. I have no idea where a soul is. We're at 240. Well, I don't think that we're going to get our triple nuke here, which I'm actually kind of sad about. Well, never mind; there it is.

We got our little triple nuke. I will sure take that. Let's go, man. 140 kills, we got a triple nuke, what a game, and what an M4 class! This saying is actually really nice. 141 kills we're going to take that. Let's

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