News - New" Best Longbow Sniper Class Setup Warzone 2 (max Speed And Damage)



All to be nice ain't about winning; no talk twice; I don't play dice; I'll make a move on the board; precise; the [__] is a price. I made a fiddly ice call. I'm on a flight. The crew head got. First, I got breakfast plans at the Waffle House. Next up is my y. I'm South Beach. We talk about showing up in Brooklyn.

I'm a flat Bush and weeping red Angeles. I got on the couch. I held you back. They were going to tell you that you still have time and minutes. This is all good.


black That's hot. That's hot what is going on, everybody? I wanted to give you the perfect quick scoping loadout for Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 season 1, as you can tell by that little Mont Montage at the beginning of the thumbnail and the fact that it's literally on screen right now.

We are going to be talking about the Longbow, and guys, I got to admit that this load out is so satisfying to use; it's super. Snappy has great one-shot potential, unless it doesn't, of course. Are you serious, just like, play, hit marker? It has stupid high mobility, and in the right hands, it's going to make everyone on the enemy team rage and ask you for the load out at the end of the day, so let's dive right in and build this thing out.

The build

The build

So starting from front to back, we are going to be upgrading to the Pro99, long barrel.

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The big thing here is that we want to increase the effective damage range and the bullet velocity. This is going to make it feel just a little bit more like a hit scan and just a little bit more satisfying when it comes to getting those one-shot kills. The problem here is that it is affecting our ads and Sprint fire speed, which is definitely not great, but we are going to be fixing that in just a second.

Next is going to be the quintessential ad attachment, and that is going to be the FSS, or V laser, so if you ever need to increase ad time on anything in this game, just throw this thing on and you're good to go. As you can see here, our ad speed has improved, our Sprint fire speed has improved, our accuracy has improved significantly, somehow, and we can see that our rechamber time is being negatively affected.

It's not a big deal, though, since this is a semi-auto. Sniper rifle moving down the weapon this should come as no surprise but we are going to be running, no stock and if we take a look at things a little bit further this is just the go-to mobility attachment it is really affecting our recoil control though pretty negatively, but again not too big of an issue moving down we are going to throw on the Citadel, grip we're just kind of bringing up our recoil control just a little bit and now last but not least and what I consider to be the most important part of this build and something that I'm not seeing really anyone else talk about is our magazine so we're going to swap out for the 10 round mag there is no world in which you should ever need 30 rounds in a quick scope build in my opinion taking a look at things here though we are seeing across the board, nothing but Pros in terms of Mobility.

Before & after stats

Before & after stats

Handling and even a little bit of recoil control look so Taking a look at the before and after, we can see that our damage has increased, our fire rate hasn't really changed, which isn't really an issue with the long bow, our range has increased, and then our accuracy and recoil control have taken a little bit of a hit, but really nothing that is really noticeable or to be concerned with because we're seeing massive improvements, with mobility and handling exactly what we want for a quick scope setup.

Pros of the build

While this build is great, there are definitely some pros and cons to it. The first pro is going to be speeding up the ad time and overall mobility, and the weapon handling for this entire build is just insane. This build really prioritizes. Mobility and handling, which allow you to really take space across the map and also allow you to get on some unexpected flank routes, which is definitely nice in combination with speed, are qualities of versatility.

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So this loadout is actually really, really good for pretty much any game mode and any map. You can quick scope, drag scope, and hard scope when you need to. It's really a do-it-all build. Another big pro is enhanced reaction time, so with this setup and a higher fov, you're going to be spending less time in your scope and a lot more time moving around the map, which is definitely going to give you a competitive edge against little Jimmy camping in a corner.

What the [__] is this piece of, and the fact that the build is so quick and so reliable that when you do come across little Jimmy camping in a corner, it's not going to be a problem, and the biggest pro for me anyway is style and flare. This is just such a fluid and reliable build that is so fun to use if they bring back the movement from Modern Warfare 2019.

And really allowed you to flow. This would be just insane, but as it stands personally, this is the most fun I've had in a Call of Duty in years, so.

Cons of the build

Cons of the build

With all of those pros, there are still going to be a few cons. First and foremost, there are going to be unexpected Close Quarters fights, so to be clear, this thing is a hipfire demon, and you can absolutely hit some pretty disgusting no scopes, but the simple fact of quick scoping is that if you get caught out in a close-range gunfight nine out of 10 times, you're going to die to the sweaty MCW or SMG player.

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That's just the way it goes, and we couldn't talk about the longbow without, of course, talking about hit markers, so if you're hitting anything below the upper chest neck area, you're going to get a hit marker, so this can be really, really infuriating. I've definitely raged quite a few times because of this, but the fact of the matter is that this build is so damn fast that it would be insane to have total one-hit potential, so the simple fact of the matter is to just get better.

best longbow class mw3

That's that's all it is, but like I said, this build is super fast, super snappy, so much fun to use, and personally, the best time that I've had in Call of Duty in years, so I hope you guys like this build. I hope you try it out. And of course, if you're looking for more Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 gameplay, go ahead.

Hands down the best quickscope class in MW3. We're of course talking about the Longbow! We built out the best longbow class setup to prioritize speed and mobility while also having quite a bit of damage built in. This thing SHREDS and is SO MUCH FUN to use.
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