News - New "best" Amr9 After Update Warzone 3. Best Amr9 Class Setup - Warzone 2


I dropped 32 kills on Von Del Park using this meta amr9 class setup, so I'm going to break down every single attachment that I was running to make the amr9 one of the best SMGs in War Zone 3, so jumping straight into the first attachment for The Meta amr9, build we do want to start with a muzzle and the one we are going to be rocking is the zon 35 compensated, flash hter this is the new best muzzle to run on SMG builds in War Zone 3 because it gives us a 5% decrease to a horizontal recoil and 15% to the vertical recoil with the only cons being a 5% increase to our aim down sight speed so it's going to get rid of most of the recoil on the weapon while still keeping it very quick now.

For the second attachment, the AR9 has one of the worst iron sights that I've honestly ever seen on an SMG, so we definitely want to throw an optic onto the build, and the one that I do like to use is the Nidar Model 2023, one of the cleanest and easiest to use close-range optics in all of War Zone 3, and on top of that, it gives the least visual recoil in the entire game, making any build that you put this thing on very easy to use now.

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One of the biggest downsides about the AR9 is that it does have a bit slower aim-down sight speed than some of the other SMGs, so to fix that, we do want to throw a stock on, and it's going to be the demo LTS stock, which is going to give us a 10% decrease in aim-down sight speed, speeding this build up a ton and allowing us to compete with those other SMGs before I finish off the rest of the build.

amr9 3

Back into the build now, as we always do, we do want to throw a magazine on, and it's going to be the 50-round mag, obviously just increasing our magazine capacity, making this thing a lot more liable for fighting multiple enemies at once, and for the fifth and final attachment to complete this amr9.

Build once again we want something to up AR mobility and handling so with that being said we are going to throw on the dr6, hand stop under barrel and it is going to do exactly that gives us a 7% decrease with the am down sight speed 8% of the Sprint to fire time along with a 5% increase to our movement speed making this build very good all around if you would like a bit better recoil control you can also use the MSP 98 hand stuff but then you will be missing out on that aim down sight and Sprint to fire speed buff which like I said earlier is one of the things that this SMG is lacking here's the full meta amr9, build for War Zone 3 season 2 one of the better SMGs in the entire game right now and with this build I drop a 32 kill game on Von Del Park so with that being said let's get into,

BROKEN AMR-9 Loadout in MODERN WARFARE 3 new AMR-9 Class Setup in MW3.
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