News - New "1 Burst" M16 Class Is Godly After Update Warzone 2. Best M16 Class Setup - Warzone 2

I swear my veto hates me. It kills me so many times. Solid coffee there we go. Homie, you're not killing me. I'm just not going to let it happen. This is a triple watch: boom, dead, see ya easy. I called out, I'm getting a lottery ticket. We're getting a lottery ticket. I'll let you all know if I win.


There we go. I mean, sheesh, all right, we have another veto that is good. I still don't know I still don't I still don't know how I feel about the pistol. I don't know. I feel like I can make a better build, though, so I'm going to keep trying for a better one. There we go, all right. We're going to go ahead and call that advancing.

Vito's coming over here. I'm running i feel like I'm playing Frogger against my veto. Really nice and easy. There we go. There we go on a 15. I thought my teammate would have seen him, but I guess not. We're at 97 kills as well. Okay, well, my veto got him. That's fine i guess he has a lockman's shroud.

I do have to say that I kind of like the Lockman shot. I know a lot of people may not like it, but I actually enjoy using the Lochman Shroud, and I have to guess we should be pretty close to our nuke. I mean, we should be, and we're at 105 kills as well, so I mean, we should be pretty close to the nuke.

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We might have gotten it already, but I'm not too sure. Well, there we go; there's our double nuke. We'll take it. I guess we're just going to finish the game on a higher shooting streak. I really don't think we need to try to go for another nuke. I just don't see it happening; honestly did I literally missed him all right.

m16 buff

We're at 218. I might be able to stay alive a little bit longer. Yeah, I definitely feel like this weapon needs overpressured rounds for that target flinch, but we can tune it and make the weapon do a little bit more damage, okay? And we died, so we're at 117 kills. I am going to take that, though, and I don't have time to get to it for a veto.

We are at 118. There are eight right here. I saw him again. All right, perfect. We're at 121 kills. We are going to take that. Let's go, man 122. We are going to take that with an easy little double nuke. That's what I'm talking about. Let's go this M16 is actually kind of crazy now.

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