News - Never Rely On Pack-a-punch Schematics Ever Again Warzone 2 Zombies

No pack-a-punch crystal

No pack-a-punch crystal

Now there's two different ways we can play this game we can do tier one contracts until we get a pack-a-punch one Crystal and hopefully have enough points to immediately, leap frck to Pack-A-Punch 2 or we can go right to Pack-A-Punch tier one and then start grinding out contracts in tier 2 the last time when I did my no Pack-a-Punch punch run I definitely feel like I wasted too much time in tier one so we are going to go straight to the Pack-A-Punch and with our 5, 000 points and the discount on the Pack-A-Punch that I now remember we have I'm going to Pack-A-Punch this right away and go straight into tier two and start working on those contracts so essentially we're starting basically where we started last game but with like 4, 000 less points I think this is literally the exact same as eliminating the Bounty contract we just picked up.

how to

Oh, a disciple—that's going to be weird. No matter where we go, there's that self-revival. Now I'm going to take this ATV, and we're going to go over to that cargo delivery contract right away unless someone else picks it up first. Nope, we're good. All right, they're probably going straight to Tier 3, like everyone else in this game does nowadays.

These containment levels are exactly what Modern Warfare 3 zombies need. This game really plays a lot more like DMZ than it ever plays like zombies, which is okay. CU DMZ was really fun, and I would love to see more things implemented from DMZ into Modern Warfare Zombies. I would love to see obviously an increase in stash space passive upgrade so we can upgrade our perks and our field upgrades, and our ammo mods and stuff like that, and we're going to be smart and upgrade our Pack-a-Punch.

mw3 containment level

Right now, this guy's totally going for that poundy hot contract, isn't he? Yes, indeed, he is all right. Well, I'm going to go for this cargo delivery. Then, my point is that these little additions, like this simple containment level thing, are a small thing; it's a little thing that you might not think about, but as you can see, it changes the way you play the game; it changes the potential that the player has to play this game; it gives us way more flexibility.

And clearly. I have yet to fully learn how the system works and use it effectively, but if we had bartering, a wallet, and all of these other things, it would just keep adding to the replayability that Modern Warfare 3 already has. Now we are one contract away from getting the Pack-a-Punch, and it's only 35 minutes.

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You might not remember this, but the first test I did with no containment levels using a Pack-a-Punch 2 crystal. I got tier three with 28 minutes left on the game, and we still have 35 minutes left of the game. These containment levels are huge. I mean, I knew it would be faster, but this is ridiculous.

mw3 zobmies pach a punch level 3 crystal

I love this, and just like that, we are done with containment levels and grinding out these contracts, absolutely blowing anything before it out of the water. Of course, I still need to go back and redo the Pack-a-Punch 2 test because I messed that one up, but this is our no-Pack-a-Punch thing. 3238 3238 that run was faster than my single Pack-a-Punch test, and if no one else wants this ether tool, I'm definitely going to steal it. The fact that this run was actually faster than the Pack-a-Punch might seem confusing to you, but let me remind you that I actually forgot about the discount on the Pack-a-Punch for a little bit, and then I'll remind you that we basically started with Pack-a-Punch level one here because of the immediate points that I had to spawn in with from the containment levels, so really, that's just a huge equalizer, and I'm really excited to redo this Tier 2 test because this could be insanely fast.

Pack-a-punch 2 crystal (valid test)

Pack-a-punch 2 crystal (valid test)

And we're back again to test out the double-pack-a-punch crystal here. Boy, if I'm right, every Tier 2 contract is going to get us $3,900. Points, which means that all we really need to do is complete two tier three contracts, and we should have 1,200 points, a little bit more than 1,200 points enough for tier three Pack-a-Punch.

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This is perhaps the longest cargo delivery contract I've ever seen in my life. I was going to say maybe we can get this within 5 minutes, but with how long this is going to take, I don't think so. All right, we did get another cargo delivery contract right there, and that's going to be nice now. These containment levels also have a kind of negative side effect.

mw3 zombies

I was like, Hey, maybe you know, pick up some rare items in your rucksack and sell them at stations and get money that way. However, it seems like if you have this geared-up operator with all these containment levels, don't even bother with that, which I mean, you know you could see as a good thing, but it's just one less thing that the players are engaging with.

I guess it is worth mentioning. You might be wondering. Donuts, why aren't you doing any Tier 3 contracts for this test? Like I said, I wanted to get an average player's capability. I guess an average player has acquisition capability, and I thought not every player was going to be able to rush to Tier 3 in the same way that maybe you and I watch YouTube articles.

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Obviously, if you have a legendary tier 2 Pack-a-Punch, you can go straight into tier 3, and you're only like one or two contracts away from getting that tier 3 Pack-a-Punch now. Even though I did a whole extra contract the first time I tried this with my tier 2 Pack-a-Punch, it looks like we're going to have a similar amount of time here we are at boom.

Which only saved us about 30 seconds or so, but I mean, 30 seconds is 30 seconds. We have to have a good scientific test, don't we?



Let's take a look at our final scores. Our more accurate pack 2 time remaining was 37 minutes and 45 seconds, meaning it only took us 7 minutes and 15 seconds to get tier 3 Pack-a-Punch with a pack-a-punch 1 Crystal. We had 32 minutes and 38 seconds remaining, meaning it only took us 12 minutes and 36 seconds in order to get tier 3 Pack-a-Punch with just a pack-a-punch 1 Crystal, and the big upset, no Pack-a-Punch Crystal.

We had 32 minutes and 38 seconds remaining, meaning it only took us 12 minutes and 22 seconds. No Pack-a-Punch Crystal involved at all at each of these times is faster than the Pack-a-Punch 2 Crystal with no containment level. This is absolutely awesome, so if you're really anxious and nervous about saving or putting Pack-a-Punch crystals in your stash, you could see I have two Flawless crystals in my stash right here.

mw3 zombies fast cash

Maybe we need to reconsider. The value of these pack-a-punch crystals is a 3-day cooldown on all of this stuff, which is kind of ridiculous, absolutely, but when it only takes you less than 15 minutes to get this with a maximum containment level person, it honestly balances out pretty well. Now, keep in mind that this could be even faster when you use something better than a rare ether tool, even with something like an epic ether tool, which I exfill with all the time because now the game hands them out like candy.

You could run Tier 3 contracts and get Pack-a-Punch. Even faster if you want to see just how effective these ether tools are in Tier 3, well, you're going to want to watch this article and

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Containment Levels, released in season 2, give players an added bonus when on an exfil streak and successfully completing contracts.
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