News - Make Warzone 2 Look Perfect With Nvidia Filters. Maximize Visibility

It's hard to really see what this is doing. It's sort of sharpening, but it's more just that it's bumping the texture. Bloom has this kind of horrible lighting, almost like the sun is in your eyes. I don't know why it's in here; I don't know why you'd ever want it, maybe for a stylistic feature, but yeah, we're just going to keep it at zero percent.

best nvidia filters for warzone 2

Next, we've got HDR toning, which sort of feels like it should have been in the brightness and contrast area; it essentially brings down those highlights just that little bit more. As I bring this overexposed water down, a lot of the overexposed sky and a lot of this water down here are just going to be cut back a little bit so we can focus on the things we care about: the areas of land in front of us and the buildings where people can be.

I like to put this at around minus 40. I don't feel like bringing it any lower than that would be too helpful. It's a really powerful part of the overall Nvidia filter process. Then finally, we've got "sharpen," which is a personal preference. Overall, I really don't feel like you need to have this score so high in this game.

Also read:

I've currently got a sharpening filter running through another area, which I'm probably covering in another article, but you've got Fidelity FX Cast sharpening built into the game, so sharpening filters are not as necessary.

Final results & outro

Final results & outro

So if we take a look around now, this is how our world is looking; we've got really nice, sharp visuals. The lighting isn't too blown out, so we can compare this quite quickly to what it looked like before. There's someone driving around in a truck below me. This is what it looked like by default; it almost looks like a different game, and I thought that this looked pretty good out of the box.

It doesn't compare to what you get from a good set of Nvidia filters like this. The next thing you need to do is watch my article covering settings that you didn't know you needed to change in Warzone 2. There are some gameplay settings that are incredibly important and are disabled by default or just set to the wrong setting, which is not very good.

You need to go change them right now, so give it a watch


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