News - I Found The Secret To Winning Control Every Time Warzone 2 Ranked Play


Today we're going to try to play some control, but this time we're actually going to use a submachine gun. See how this one goes. Try mixing it up a little bit. If it gets difficult, we'll get back to an AR. But to start this one off, let's see what we do. So my teammate's on the hill right now.

Now I didn't know somebody would be under ground; he's behind me. I didn't know that anyone would be underground. I simply watched it because nobody had that, and it's all about predicting where they're going to be, so especially in a game with red dots, you can kind of bait opponents in right A lot of people Red Dot Chase, my, that's so annoying, man.

I didn't expect that, but a lot of people Red Dot Chase What that means is that when they see a red dot on the mini map, they just start chasing it. This guy's not our spol; we need to kill him. My teammate there has to get my trade twice. I don't know where this guy is I get the first I get killed first.

My teammate's just behind me, and he doesn't get the trade. It's not good enough, so that guy's got four kills for free. There you go. He's now dead. So again, look at the mini map. Look at, more importantly, the names of the players. There's two down. Okay, going to go through as the SMG player.


I need to get in their face, get up, and there's a guy on my left. There, we know he's very weak. Push him back away—not too bad. We get a nice little two-piece from my teammates pushing through. It's going to be a difficult game, man. They've kind of outsmarted us to start this one off, but on a highrise control offense.

I don't think we're doing too bad, to be honest, so he's standing up there going to Chu, and I'm just going to push through to the other. No, he's on the stairs, man. I wasn't even going for the kill; I was more going for the information kind of trying to shoulder people, but that's a really hard one to predict and not predict but to kill them, so guy behind me, this guy loves it, so what you want to do if someone spawns Tra you like that honestly, you can leave them there, that's what phased to optic they left the spawn Trapper there, and as long as you get your kills, you can push up, like right now the spawn Trapper is not doing anything if we're not dying, we're literally simply sitting on the hill.


I've got the far left; we've got everything covered. Perfect, really good offense around there; honestly, perfect. So the spawn trapper, let's break down Phil's gameplay there. It was good stuff. Okay, so Phil was the guy spawn trapping us. It was good play. the problem you have is that as a spawn trapper, if the enemies push up, you need to then be able to evaluate the situation and be like.

If my teammates are dying and no one's spawning out, am I really being useful and the answer is no, so that's why it's not about it's not really black and white whether I should spawn trap. no It's like, okay, let me spawn trap effectively, let me get the kills repositioned, let them chase for me if they push out, let me back off, and just try to help my team as much as possible go through; they're probably going to go towards blue.

Here, see our shoulder for information. Make sure no one's up. Here, there's actually a guy around here. There's one last guy, look, I was going to say last guy looks like he's top p as well. Top p goes through a we're not doing bad with Subman not doing bad at all. As the subm machine gun plays, you need to take subm machine gun gunfights, and that's going to be underground.

There's a guy here. Actually, look at the mini-map. They are going towards A, so I need to help my team at A. Right now, instead of going straight to them, I'm going to watch out for reinforcements, and then I'm going to help them. Now, man, they have a proper setup right now. They had a really good setup.

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We'll break it down in a second. Let me try locking in and getting them off there. That guy's one shot going to push him. We really have to get him off there, man. We really have to get him off there, which is so unfortunate, so what I was going to say is that the thing they did was really good.

This round, honestly, is just being able to get kills and then have both players on the point. The fact that they had two players on the point made it really difficult for us to do anything. I'm going to go around trying to get the guy off our spawn. I think my teammate actually did end up killing him.

That's three down. We need to get there as quickly as possible. Right, that gu one shot was going to back away, so they started to understand my play style a bit more. Playing underground doesn't mean they can kill me, but they're starting to definitely understand it a bit more, so I need to mix things up a bit again.

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They're probably going to expect me to be. Here, sneak a bit through now. If we can trap them in the base, we can actually win this one, so I'm staying and playing my life here. This is what I mean. Because we got the kills, we can trap them here, so hopefully no one sees me. So look at the mini map; they're all on the left.

Okay, there's two perfect kills going to back off again. Repositioning is about playing from different angles now, so now I'm expecting them to come through. This is stressful right now; he's literally on the point, and I'm not there in time. Yeah, I mean, we tried, man, we tried, so Brad's on five kills in two rounds, a little bit annoying, a little bit annoying we but again, I don't really blame my team.

I try to win myself; it doesn't matter who I have on the team, but let's keep going. Going, considering both teams are on offense again, it's the same as the invasion last game, which is really strange. One thing I will say is that we are off the cruise, which can really be impactful here. I might have to get an AR around in a minute to just be a bit more impactful, but I'm not doing bad with the sub.

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Huge no man, he came behind me and made me weak, so I just T the stun and I started tweaking a little bit, but we got the crew, and that's all that matters right there. The crew should hopefully get us a point, and if I use it effectively, it should get us a point. All right, that guy's fully stunned, so what am I going to do?

Go through and take out that guy. First, those were just great shots. To be honest, with you two down there, you go. That was a really good play, in my opinion. no, ammo man, no, ammo, no, ammo, I don't mind getting Mixie. This guy's good stuff. My teammate didn't die there; that's huge. If he died there, it would be harder to push out someone who might be there.

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