News - I Found The Secret To Winning Control Every Time Warzone 2 Ranked Play

There you go again, making him weak. Now the problem is we don't have anyone. I was going to say no one's dead on their team so no one's really going to spawn up there's only one of them but now it's actually looking good again the offense team we're doing so well on the offense I don't know how three go down that's the last guy there going to stun, him so while they're fighting there I'm actually going to go into B and just make it harder for them they now have to push both sides so I feel like he's going to push my left I'm just going to hold, it there's, one I'm literally one shot I rather not die I rather go around to I could have played for the second tick but I'm going to try my timing, here if I got that kill there would have been the perfect play because I died it was a bit of a trolly play not the end of the world but could have done better.

What a kill from my teammate. That guy's got one shot. I have a pistol. Only he's going to back away. There you go. That's four that's literally a four-stack. There, he's right up there. There's no way I let him go through there. My teammate's got the kill. Things are getting so mixed up right now.

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Things are getting so mixed up in 8v8, but we need to take our time here and make it play like a search and destroy a little bit. Okay, we started off with a sub. I think I'm going to get an AR right now, man. Just close this one out. I think I showed you guys enough with the sub of how to play routes and stuff, but it's really important to mix things up as well.

Well, my, what a kill! I didn't want to shoot because my teammate was there. I didn't want to kill him, and it ended up getting us TWP, so I'm glad I took the challenge there. There's a guy behind us, no. Shot, this is so strange right now. I've got a play that I think could work considering a 5v3 I'm simply going to go around and just try to get a kill here if I get a kill be 5v2 it'll be perfect there you go there you go I'll get him I'll get him, now there you go let's go team what a play from the team right there what a, play my so we still have the cruise for the last round we still have the cruise miss out this time I'm going to play a little bit different I'm going to sit up and literally top propane with an AR and just make it a lot easier for myself.

Man, make it a lot easier for myself, so I'm thinking now that I'm thinking of going towards top heli. I normally go top right, but I'm going to go top heli. I'm going to start off going top. Heli has a big Cru missile to work with on defense. Things are looking good right now; it just depends if we can capitalize on this.

We look at the Min; there's three of them on the. Right, okay, so one underneath me again. I'm constantly looking at the mini map just to see exactly where they're coming from and how we can stop them, so that's three down the last guy's back right, big kill going to watch the middle, perfect, we're good to.

Go; you don't want to overcommit as well, because if you overcommit, you're going to show more of your body. I haven't gotten the assist just yet, so I know they're still coming through the right one of them. At least look at the minap; they're all coming through the left. My teammate got a three-piece last guy's there; if I was a little bit quicker, I would have saved him.

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I mean, we're frying right now. We're doing everything we need to. I've still got the Cru if needed; I'm just not going to waste it right now and get carried away. I'm just going to hold it. This, in my opinion, is the best spot on the map. For defense, there's no better spot, in my opinion; obviously, there's someone underneath me I need to be very careful of.

He's probably going to jump to the point. There you go; you don't even need the cruise missile to end that one off. I mean, that was a flawless, flawless defense.

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