News - Huge Changes Are Coming To Warzone 2

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It's rage, and welcome back to some more seasons of Modern Warfare 3. In the recent article for the start of season 3, we covered the Moors and a couple of sniper changes that came to the game, and now if you guys saw that article, that article was like 15 minutes long, and there was actually more that I had meant to add into the article that I had cut so I wasn't yapping so much in that article.

Along with the addition of the Moors, we saw a couple of Nerfs again here with the XRK, stalker, as well as the SPX 80, but there was actually a pretty significant sniper buff that I wanted to go ahead and cover here at the start of the article, and it's specifically. With the heavy bolt attachments on a lot of the snipers, I'll go ahead and put the article up on screen for you guys now.

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Sledgehammer had tweeted this showing off a heavy bolt change they brought to the game where if you run the specific heavy bolt attachment for whatever sniper it may be, your centering is going to be a lot more centered, because up until this point in time the way that sniping has worked in this game and like the way that it all centers is that it's a lot like Black Ops 1 sniping, where it's not exactly centered, and that's kind of to like balance SL Nerf the snipers depending on how you look at it although I feel like we can mostly assume it is a little bit of a Nerf to quick scoping but we get that it's not going to stop us I think it was also at the start of season 2 or just around the season 2 point in time where they had brought in more adjustments to just how centering.

In the game, there's no longer that random sway. The reason they didn't add it to the snipers is because they didn't want it to be too overpowered. In that regard, I get it, but I do think that adjustment with the heavy bolt is really nice. I think that this is going to be great for something like War Zone, even within that same article.

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Sledgehammer showed off a really huge buff to the Modern Warfare 22 weapons that they've been needing for a very long time. They fixed SL reduction, a lot of the visual recoil that came with modern warfare weapons, and all the smoke and dust that gets kicked out of those weapons. It's another one of those things that we have talked about a lot with modern warfare.

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There is just too much going on here, so again, with modern warfare 22 weapons, there's now just a lot less visual effects going on. You can actually stay on target and see what you're shooting at, which is huge for mouse and keyboard players. So seriously, thank you, Sledgehammer. It's a very serious question again, just kind of like going off the rumors that we heard that Sledgehammer has had to go to Infinity War to get the okay on a lot of decisions that get made with this game.

If it is still true that Sledge is having to go to IW to get the okay to change these kinds of things, then why again didn't Infinity War just do that throughout the course of Modern Warfare 22? I really can't stress it enough, because this is actually a huge change for Modern Warfare 22 weapons. It's really nice.

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What I wanted to do here for this article was go ahead and try that out. I want to go ahead and take the quick bolt off the Moors and just try it on a couple of different snipers to see how it really feels. Still, with the way that mag holster works on the Moors, I don't know if having the heavy bolt on is going to really slow it down that much, but we'll see.

I also wanted to go ahead and mention this right here. I started the article, and there is a free trial going on for Modern Warfare 3 right now. I believe it's running through April 8th, like 1:00 p.m. Eastern on Monday, April 8th. If you've been hesitant or waiting for a time to check out Modern Warfare 3 while it's free, now is the perfect time, especially with this season.

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Great change, honestly, but again, with the heavy Bolton looking where that center dot is, that's exactly where your shot is going to go right away. Aim in right away. That's where your crosshair is. honestly, but again, I see why they didn't do that for the light bolts. I get it. You don't want to make the snipers too fast.

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I get it. It's like Black Ops all over again now. Also, this is something that I wanted to bring to Charlie's attention. Intel tweeted this out the other day, saying that Sledgehammer Games has hinted during a creator call this week that they are working on bonus mastery rewards for those who have earned mastery camos in both multiplayer and Modern Warfare zombies.

There are no updates on what the rewards are or when they will release, yet I'm really glad that Charlie brought that up and brought some more attention to it because there may or may not have been a certain somebody within those Creator calls that brought that up to them. There may or may not be a certain dork in that Creator call that has gotten Grand Mastery in both Modern Warfare 22 and 23.

And wants his rewards for it personally. The main thing that I want as of right now is just the new Modern Warfare 3 Grand Mastery title card and emblem. That's the main thing that 's the main thing that I want right now, but I mean, if there's more rewards coming for doing all of the specific Mastery rewards.

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I'm all on board for that because it incentivizes people to do it. Of course, it still depends on how good the rewards are, but for me. I'm just going to do it anyway because, you know, completionist, now specifically with what Charlie was tweeting, talking about the camos only, not exactly Grand Mastery rewards.

So if you are someone like me who's also completed Grand Mastery, then I don't really know what's in store for us yet, but assuming the main focus right now is just on the camo rewards. I think what they're working on mostly is having more mastery rewards for those who completed everything, like Orion Bioluminescent.

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Borealis. Interstellar, if there is a reward for getting all four of those, then I would hope SL assume there's going to be something for Grand Mastery, but I already talked about this a lot in my Modern Warfare 22 review. It's kind of like why put in the effort for only like a percent of the player base that does like 0.001% of the player base that actually does the Grand Mastery Challenge, and yeah.

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I'm really feeling the slowness on the heavy bolt. I'm way too used to the quick bolt. I mean, it is really nice, though I mean that initial accuracy right there is a beast, but speed, on the other hand, is a little crucial. Yeah, not this; I mean, with mag-holster, it's still not that bad, and the centering is really nice.

Season 3 of Modern Warfare 3 brought us some massively appreciated changes; fixing vfx on Modern Warfare II weapons and even a little sniper buff to the heavy bolt attachment! Also, the game is currently free to play.
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