News - How To Get Aether Blades, Dog Bone, Gold Armor Plates Solo Guide (warzone 2 Dark Aether Solo Guide)

Mega Abominations all of these because the tank will not actually run these over and they will like come to the side and the front of the tank and they will be able to damage it but zombies you don't really need to worry about so just let the tank deal with them basically if they're coming from the front, so again once you come to a stop throw one of them Casmir grenades down let us suck the zombies up and then wait until that one runs out Chuck another one down and take out any mimic disciples or manglers that are coming towards you, because obviously these Casmirs don't suck them up.

how to get gold armor plate schematic

Either way, as soon as you've done that one, just keep an eye on the back of the tank and make sure nothing hits it from there. Behind, and then hopefully at this point now, if you can get a n drop like this then happy days if not then just don't worry too much about it just keep it going, as soon as you come to the last one hopefully at this point now you've got quite a few of your Casmir grenades left cuz this will be pretty much a straight run for you if you got three or more Casmir left so Chuck one down like this, and that one suck all them up you can Chuck one at the front if you got enough to basically spare just to be on the safe side of, things obviously keep an eye on the Casmir grenades if you still got some then just Chuck another one down and then Chuck another one down in the front so this will basically just ensure that you will basically 100% complete this without.

Fail, so as you can see now, we're still pretty much at the end of the tank's health, and it's pretty much the end of the contract, so that's basically it, guys.

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