News - How To Dive Cancel Mw2/warzone 2 And Update On Slide Cancel (max Movement) Cod: Warzone 2


I think that's what it's called; I learned this from a friend, and I have heard that a lot of CDO players or a lot of good players already know about this. I guess I was kind of late; I just figured it out like four days ago when somebody taught me, but you can actually dolphin dive faster in order to run faster; maybe you want to pick up from the ground a lot faster and be able to fight people.

There's a faster way to dolphin dive in this game, and that has helped my movement a lot, even though it's a super small detail, and you still only get a little bit more movement than you normally do, and that adds up over time, and you can just be more aggressive. And moving the player all the time if you're doing it, so the funny thing is that's exactly how it would be in Modern Warfare 2019, right where you're sliding, canceling, and pressing crouch, crouch jump, and in this game since.

I'm on the inverted feature where I press the Crouch button once in order to dive; it's crouch jump; it's the same exact thing. So right here. And this is kind of how it would look if I was doing it without the side thing, without the side or without the dive cancel, and it still looks pretty fast; it looks pretty fast, and if I wanted to shoot off it, it would probably be this, where I'd have to like bounce up and shoot; that's the delay on it.

cod warzone

But if I do the crouch-crouch jump, where I'm just doing a crouch-crouch jump, you actually get a little bit more of the movement, being able to pull up your gun faster being that you're pressing the crouch again, so it would kind of be like this if I'm crouching. If I'm doing the crouch-crouch jump or the crouch-cross jump, you press the crouch as soon as you touch the ground, so crouch-crouch, and then you can jump.

And you can see right there that I immediately get up from the ground, whereas if I wasn't doing it like this, I would. I'm on the ground more, and it doesn't bounce me right up, so if I'm not doing it, it's hard for me to bounce up all the way. I have to press Sprint from here, whereas if I do it and then Crouch real quick.

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I immediately get up just like that, so if you're just looking at this article very broadly, it does look like I'm doing the exact same thing, but if you try it in game and do it multiple times, you will know you will notice a difference of you doing it over and over and again like I said with the other dolphin dive feature right.

cod warzone 2

I like to do it sideways, so when I'm doing the dolphin dive sideways when I'm just moving around that map like this to be able to dodge sniper bullets, maybe you get a little bit of extra movement left and right that is going to allow me to get up immediately as soon as I dive from here so. If I were to dive over here and shoot somebody over there, it would look like this: Whereas if I didn't do it, then I did the dive, so it would just be like this: so very little time where you actually get reduced speed, but it does make a big difference, at least for me, and I am able to run around the war zone map a lot easier while doing this now in my other article.

how to

I kind of wanted to clear up some things about the slide cancellation because that article has gotten a lot of views, and I got that off somebody, and there are a lot of negative comments on it. I know there's always going to be negative comments being that it's a highly viewed article and I'm getting a lot of people who aren't usually on the channel, so they have their opinions, but there's a lot of people who aren't working or, two, it's just going to be useless, so no, it has not been patched.

I could do it right here or wait for my English a little bit, okay, do it right here, so there goes slide cancel, right there. So, yes, when people are saying the side cancel is not even that good, so you're just wasting your time or you're trying to do something that doesn't work, it still works, but it's just a lot more situational in this game than in the other game, and I have talked about that in this article, and probably the reason why when you see me.

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I barely do it, if I ever do, is The main reason I said to do it is like if I were jumping over here. I could slide cancel right there and then back up, and that would allow me to get another move in order to break cameras or to peak something, so slide over here maybe I'll show my body a little bit like at the end of my side here and then I can jump all the way over here.


So it's like side-cancel and then jump over, so if doing stuff like that, there are still multiple ways to do it; it's not completely useless, but it does have a lot less use than other games, mainly because you can't slide whenever you want to. For example, I can slide all the way out here, but I can't cancel at all.

But if I do the solid cancel, I have to jump first, then slide cancel super fast, and then pop all the way back, so it is a curve. It is a learning curve, and you can only use it in certain situations, most Of the time, I'm not going to use this as I was talking about in the article today, the dolphin dive cancel.

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I use that all the time, over and over again, because I believe that it's better to use that all the time than to just use regular dolphin dives, but yes, the side cancel does have a ton of situations where it's useful. It could be completely useless, and there are also probably a lot fewer situations where you can actually use it.


Also, for the people who care a lot about having fun with the movement and stuff like that, this is an amazing feature for them as well, so I wouldn't go too crazy on it if you were. I understand what a lot of people are saying, but it's not great in this game, or they feel like I'm just teaching something that could be a waste of time.

I am saying that is optional; you don't have to learn that to be good at this game, but it is some cool thing that we have found that you could use in this game, so that's just something I wanted to say out loud right there because I don't want to make you feel bad. Talk about the side cancel and say, Guys.

I'm going to do the side cancel all the time because it's a new way that's broken. Modern Warfare is fun, and it has some uses, but you do not need that at all to be a high-level player to be top-tier; you don't need the side-cancelling at all; it's just a great new addition to the game that somebody's figured out.


It is fun, and sometimes it has some situations it could be used on, and with that being said too, I did talk about it in that article, right? You could do a slide cancel fast like this and then a dolphin dive cancel, and you can mix it up too, just for simplicity's sake. I think I would rather just do the dolphin dive over and over in Word Zone.

How to Dive Cancel in MW2Warzone 2 and UPDATE on Slide Cancel MAX MOVEMENT | COD Warzone 2. ALL MY OTHER PLATFORMS.
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