News - How To Abuse Aim Assist With 1 Trick. Best Controller Aim Assist Settings Warzone 2



A few articles ago, I promised a guide on abusing aim assist in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone. I didn't forget that this is as easy as it gets. A few settings, one tip, and some pointers on how to use it, and you'll be transformed into a top-tier, accurate shooter. Pay close attention to what I say in this article, as it sounds very simple, but the small nuances make all the difference.

If the only thing holding you back from that next rank is your aim, welcome to the fix. In today's article, I'll be showing you how to make your aim assist double in strength and stickiness with just a few simple tricks. I could hear the mouse and keyboard players now screaming. That aim assist is a cheat code and that you should be ashamed for using a controller; you're basically using Aimbot, but whether it's overpowered or broken or not, it's a part of the game, and a lot of us have just been controller players since our early childhood; some of us just don't want to switch.

Call of Duty, especially Modern Warfare 2, has the strongest aim assist potential that we've ever seen; the only games anywhere near it would be Halo, and then the early days of Fortnite before aim assist was slightly nerfed, but that's not our fault; that's the dev's fault, so with that being said, don't worry about some of the angry comments that you're probably going to hear when you snap onto someone and it looks like your aim is stickier than some Elmer's.

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Glue now, real quick.

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last article I said if you wanted a shout-out, you had to share the article and comment on the word "shared," so here's everyone who did that on the screen. Shout out to all you guys, and thanks for the support. If you want to shout out in my next article, just go below this article. Thank you, guys, and enjoy the tips.

Best aim assist settings in mw2

Tip number one: The correct settings are the ones that you must change to fully utilize the aim assist mechanic, in the way that I do as well as many pro players do. You may feel free to change the settings as you wish, but don't be surprised if your aim assist is less reliable than mine and the others who are using these settings.

First off, we have your aim-assist type. This should have a Black Ops feel. You're free, like I said, to try these tips with the other aim assist options, but they probably won't be as effective. That doesn't mean that you can't be more comfortable in another setting, though, because, remember, aim.

It comes down to comfortability and muscle memory first, with aim assist being just that something that assists your aim; it doesn't do it all for you, so this may not fit exactly what you like, but it's what I use, and these tips are mainly based around Black Ops aim assist. Next up, make sure that your aim response curve type is on dynamic; this isn't really up for debate, but changing it will have a negative impact on your aim assist in almost all cases. Next, for ads, it's important to slow down your ad sensitivity a bit to be more precise; I personally run 0.90.

Ads sensitivity settings

Ads sensitivity settings

I recommend trying anything between 0.80 and 0.90 until you find the sweet spot where you can make your micro adjustments freely without over- or under-aiming. Make sure that your ad sensitivity transition timing is set to instant and turn on custom sensitivity per Zoom.

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My settings are as follows; feel free to copy them. I think they work great for me, and maybe they'll work great for you. They may be a good starting point, and you can tweak them after you set them, so my low zoom is 0.80, 2 to 3 times, and my high zoom is 0.80, four to five times. Zoom is also 0.80.

Anything beyond five times is set to 0.90 to give me a bit of a snappier aim when on something like a sniper rifle.


Now for dead zones This depends on your controller, but you do want it to be as low as possible. What this does is set how much you have to move your analog sticks for it to register your input, meaning the lower it is, the quicker your adjustments to your aim can actually happen in the game.

aim assist

To find your dead zone. Most newer controllers can go down to about 0.02, but older controllers, especially those with bad stick drift, may need to be as high as 0.27 to 0.30. Go into the firing range and sit still if your aim is slightly moving when you're not touching your right analog stick or if it feels too slippery, as in, when you move your stick a little bit, your aim goes all over the place.

You should slowly raise your right stick dead zone by about.03 until you find that perfect number where your controller has no stick drift. It may take a bit of time, or you may get it right on the first try. also a side tip. Change your trigger dead zones to 0.01, or swap to the flipped button layouts so that as soon as you press the aim or shoot trigger, it happens in game.

Make sure you turn off all gyro behavior; it absolutely affects your aim assist when left on in a negative way. Ignore anyone who claims otherwise. It has been tested by multiple pro players and has no positive effects. Now, hopefully our settings are perfect, so let's dive into actually using them to break this cheesy system that Activision has set up.

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So shout out to Hex Smith for that article, but he didn't talk in it at all, so I will be reiterating some of the points that he made while also adding my own personal techniques that helped me reach iridescent rank and also help me a lot when I'm playing public matches or anything else. Let's start with the myths that he touched on in his article , Rotational.

Activating the 2x aim assist trick

Aim assist only works when moving, and this is simply untrue now for anyone who doesn't know that rotational aim assist is , really amplified by the Black Ops setting that we turned on earlier, and when you're moving left or right, it's going to really pick up that amos's strength and make it a lot stickier.

It's just as effective if you're standing still, though, and here's how you can make that work. This is a rotational aiming assist. I'm sitting still and pre-aiming. At someone who is running towards me, as you can see, no matter what happens. I'm getting no Amos's strength now, as I explained a few articles ago, rotational aim assist level, so take a look at a much stronger level when moving your left stick left or right forward and backwards is not the way to go even if your stick is basically going all the way backwards or forwards as long as you need to slow it a little bit just somewhat to the left or somewhat to the right, it.

will kick in at the enhanced aim assist level so take a look at the controller on screen if you need to slow it down zoom in anything like that Go for it. You can see that as long as I'm slightly moving that left stick in a left or right direction.

Aim assist is overpowered in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, but most people dont know you can get DOUBLE aim assist strength with just one simple tiptrick. I will also be showing you which Aim Assist settings are broken in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2. Take your time practicing with new sensitivity, aim assist and aim response curve type settings. Make sure to disable Gyro Aiming in MW2 as well.
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