News - Get Everything You Need Just One Game Of Warzone 2 Zombies

mw3 zombies 3 plate vest

And there's a gas mask. How lucky are we? So I wouldn't worry too much about a self-revive, and if you are worried, then pick the easiest contract that you know you can complete. And then just do it solo, and if you're looking for a weapon, if you're not getting lucky with anything that you like anywhere else, or if you don't want to spend the points to spin the mystery box, doing these raid weapon stashes will give you weapons from the stashes.

And of course, looting means you can just find weapons like we did. For example, there's a long bow, and there's a sniper rifle. Look at that, but it's a blue rarity, so that's pretty nice. I don't think I'm going to stick with it because it's a sniper rifle, and I despise sniper rifles in zombies, but the longbow is not a bad one, and these raid weapon stashes are really easy to complete.

All right, let's see what we get. We have a green ether tool, which is really nice, and then we've got a bunch of launchers, which is not good. While I was waiting for that. I looted around and found an encrypted hard drive, so that got us a bonus of 400 points, and we've got nearly 10, 000 points already, which is pretty good for the next contract.

mw3 zombies durable gas mask

Decoys are always really beneficial, especially in the higher tiers; they will distract all of the zombies, so don't be afraid to use them even in Tier One when you don't have all the things that you like. Just an ammo mod yikes, now contracts are all well and good, but in Tier One they are only worth 2, 000 points each, so when possible.

Definitely try thinking about going to Tier 2. In Tier 2, the contracts are worth 3, 000 points, so definitely a lot more efficient. However, being in this area, I wanted to show you something really special. This area is fantastic; for loot, not only will we pick up this delivery cargo contract but this room specifically.

mw3 zombies durable mask

It has a lot of good loot, but it looks like it's already been scavenged. Here yeah unfortunately but there is a medium ruck sack here there's usually like a medium ruck sack a three plate vest or at least something, good here but it looks like it was all taken away but you can look at these medkits for stuff you can look down in this Locker for good things too look at that that's a blue storm mener why would anybody pick that here we've got this guy that no he's been open that's a turret circuit we might actually take that but we didn't get anything which is perfectly fine like I said we're not going after the traditional, things for zombies we're not going after Pack-a-Punch we're not looking at the legendary ether tools or whatever we're just focusing on getting enough points, so that way if we don't find anything.

In this game, we can go to a Tier 3 buy station and buy it straight up, and we got Juggernog, which is really good, and Brain Rot, which is also nice. Now, seeing as we do plan on going to Tier 3, it would be wise of us to look for stamina, and I did manage to find stamina. Way over here, so I am going to make my way over here in a vehicle.

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Try to go as fast as I can because we are starting to slow down or run out of time here, and it is worth noting once you get a handful of schematics. The Zero to Hero stuff starts becoming really easy because you can bring in stamina, you can bring in a legendary ether tool, or a really strong weapon, and you don't need to worry about coming in with absolutely nothing.

The progression of this game is actually really fun because it can be long-term. Also, a pro tip: if you need to get anywhere fast, always look for these cranes or anywhere that you can get up high, so that way you can jump off a parachute. And move a lot faster. There's a lot of stuff that you're going to want to do.

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You're going to want to shoot that little orb there because it has ether tools in it. You're going to want to do all these other side things, but if you really want a Zero to Hero with the large rock sack and the durable gas mask, then you really want to focus your time. You only have 45 minutes.

mw3 zombies large backpack

We got a raw ethereum crystal and Deadshot. I am going to take Deadshot now, and there's something really important we need to really think about here and think about the timing of everything now. If you are somebody who doesn't have a lot of Pack-a-Punch crystals or schematics in your stash saved up, you might want to take this Pack-a-Punch Crystal so that way you feel a little bit safer in Tier 3.

Like, that's what I'm going to do right now, but don't be afraid to save those powerful things for the next game. For us, that's a free 5, 000 points that we can use to maneuver Tier 2 a little bit easier, and if you hadn't already noticed, these delivery cargo contracts are the fastest. And there's very lucky double Pack-a-Punch Crystal right there; that is insanely rare, but now, believe it or not, I think we're ready for Tier 3.

mw3 zombies large backpack locations

I think we've got enough points; this is probably going to be the most nerve-wracking. Thing about your run, but don't worry, the more you do it, the better you'll be at it, so in tier three you're not going to be able to do what we're doing right here; you're not going to be able to be killing zombies, especially with a green Pap one weapon here, so the main strategy is going to be running away and training the zombies much like zombies of yesterday, so in order to do that the most effectively, you're going to want to open up your stash, drop your second weapon, and run with your fists out.

Next, before you go anywhere, ooh, there's an ether tear right there, okay, so we're going to go up there, but before you do anything, you're going to want to locate. The buy station that you want to use, there's one right here, and one right here, you can plan your route of attack. I think we're going to fly with this ether tear all the way into here; we're going to throw a decoy grenade or two; we're going to buy all of the things; and then we are going to escape through this road here or just fly off the side there somewhere.

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With that being said, I would highly recommend using decoy grenades and even ether shroud, usually my go-to. Is energy mind but ether shroud great for when you're going into tier three and you just need a couple seconds for zombies not to look at you but use whatever you're most comfortable with? Those would just be my two recommendations.

mw3 zombies large rucksack

And remember you've got a self-revive, here so if you go down it's not the end of the world you kind of want to come into this good angle of attack here maybe you want to land on a ceiling but you can see if you don't make any noise zombies usually aren't around so you can just sit here and what do you know go into the gear down here, right here is going to be a durable gas mask and here's a large ruck sack just like that and look at that we're all good it's all quiet we're in the middle tier three with the green weapon and we're all fine look at all the stash spaces we got now if you wanted to grind out a little bit more contracts, you would go down here you'd buy a juggernaut or kill streak or something like that but kill streak not the most important thing in the world here but as you can see my weapon sure isn't doing anything and there's Mega Abomination.

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