News - Gameplay Breakdown. Movement, Angles, Flow, And More. Warzone 2 Multiplayer Tips And Tricks


Gray here today is bringing a Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 gameplay commentary, and what you'll be watching here is an insane gameplay breakdown by Insane. It's going to be a domination, 10 vs. 10 on the map. I just want to start off with 10v10 because it is a lot easier to explain things in terms of 6v6 and 10v10, so without further ado, let's get right into the gameplay breakdown.

all this kind of stuff we have to think of before we get into the match as well as kill streaks, but first things first, we have to go left, middle, or right whenever we start a game. This is how multiplayer works. Map is pretty much going to start off in a 6v6 and 10v10 mode, so I'm going to choose the left here in this example, and I'm going to go ahead and push all the way out left.


The reason I'm pushing all the way out left is because it's the least amount of angle to hold up. Did you just see me doing something weird? Why am I aiming in and out over and over and over again? Well, this is something called aim cracking, and the reason I do aim cracking is because you actually get more strafing speed when you're aim cracking, and it will throw off targets sometimes whenever they're trying to shoot back at you, so before you just start hard aiming down somewhere, start spamming L2 a little bit or whatever your aim down sights button is, so you can begin aim cracking so you get a little bit more strafing speed when moving forward and side to side moving.

Back to the gameplay. I'm going to go ahead and throw a quick proximity mine in that alley right there, and I'm going to go ahead and jump onto this Tim Roofer, and off-angle, let's go and take a look at our radar, so these green lines are going to be areas that our teammates are watching. Blue lines are going to be the safe area that I know I'm not going to be killed from because either a teammate is watching it or we spawn there and it's too early in the match for enemies to be there.

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The red is where I have to watch now, this little L-shaped cut. I'm not really worried about enemies coming from, and I put a proximity mine down because one they're going to have to shoot it or they're going to have to walk through it, so I'm going to go ahead and assist these teammates because it is a flag and it can be hot, so as we can see someone's coming down to see.


I quickly take them off, and two teams will be on C, so I'm not going to waste my time sitting there. I'm going to go ahead and push forward and take a look to see if I can catch anyone off guard. Okay, real quick, before we continue on, I want to point out my movement. What I am doing is tax printing, then jumping.

This is a very simple input. All you have to do is print the tax. Make sure you have tax print, then jump, and then you want to aim as you're doing this, and the reason I do this is so that way if somebody is coming around that corner, if somebody is going to be there, they will have a harder time tracking me, snapping onto me, or getting aim assist to catch on to me.

modern warfare

Another thing you want to be aware of is angles always be looking for angles of where my enemies could possibly be as you can see to the right on this little booth there is a jump spot people could be standing on top of that trying to catch you off guard there's, also a doorway people could be coming through or the window you always want to be thinking about areas on the map by memorizing the map layout and thinking where could my enemies possibly be and then react but, also have your Crosshair placed on where the enemies could be so that way they have to react to you.

Okay, so as we can see here, I'm just going to keep pushing up into enemy territory. I already swept some angles; I'm going to check some angles I haven't, and I'm going to slide around the corner just as a little bonus of movement, so that way maybe I can catch someone off guard. A really quick teammate called up a UAV.

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Okay, maybe you're new to the game, and there's actually some really good information you can get from the tracker perk. The tracker perk also has some of its own benefits, like hiding enemy skulls and showing you some footsteps, but here's something I just want to point out: As you can see here, there's this Red Skull, and that is a perk from the tracker perk, and, as you can see on the radar, there's a guy who recently died in the exact spot where an enemy was showing on the UAV.

modern warfare 2

So, as we know, this enemy has already been killed, so there's no point in worrying about that dot, and maybe we should shift our focus to the dot that's actually behind it. Another reason I'm putting this in slow motion is because you will see an enemy throw a flashbang at me. I know my map layout; I know if I run to the right.

I will be safe from enemy fire, and that guy is going to die for me, so as you can see. I reposition based off of the flashbang and knowing my surroundings, and as enemies push out. I'm going to start rotating based off of where the enemies are pinging on the UAV. Then I'm going to look for some kills now.


As you can see, the UAV has just swept quite a bit of people at B, but I'm not just going to go straight to B. The reason is that's a death sentence all right. One guy can't peak three plus enemies unless they're all lined up, and of course the game isn't always magical and not happening, so I'm going to go ahead onto the flank and watch real quick for some picks, and then I'm going to individually challenge each enemy by looking at angles.

Now let's talk about the advanced UAV. We can see here on the radar that there are a lot of directional arrows on the radar just like our teammates, and those are the enemies. The advanced UAV is one of the most powerful kill streaks in the entire game because it shows enemy locations in real time.

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More than likely, the enemies have an advanced UAV, and you have to be very careful when this is being utilized. You need to be smarter about your decision-making, or you will just fall victim to enemies knowing every move you make. Since the UAV kill streak is just so easy to earn at four kills, Call of Duty really becomes a game of connecting the dots.


Pretty much you are just looking at your radar, trying to look for enemy pings that are showing up on your UAV whenever one is called in, and then you're pretty much anticipating where your enemies are going to show up based off of the map layout. Now obviously, there's a little bit more to Call of Duty than just that because, well, you have to understand spawns, and you have to understand where.

Your enemies are going to be coming from naturally without a UAV or an advanced UAV, but that's not to say that UAVs are not something that happens almost all the time in a Call of Duty match. I mean, I'm not going to lie to you guys whenever I'm playing the game; it's constant friendly uavs or enemy uavs being called in, so it really is just a game of connected dots.

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