News - Exploit These Warzone Mechanics 2024, Bot To Pro Instantly


There are three secret mechanics that pro players use to outgun casual players and get high kill games, and today I'm going to share them with you because I know there's a lot of players out there that want to get better at the game the quickest way possible. I know that because at one point that was me I wasn't getting a lot of kills and I was dying to campers and players that were just stacked, but after watching many streamers, doing research about these broken mechanics, and putting them into practice.

I got better at the game and started to get high kill games. There is a way for controller players to use it. Too, all right, so let's start with the first mechanic. You might have seen it before, but it's a really overpriced mechanic, and it was even voted G by Call of Duty Pros. If you guessed it, you're right.

It's sneaking, and just a few weeks ago, Call of Duty Pros wanted snaking to be banned in future MW3 tournaments, but snaking, GA, gets 10 out of 12 votes from Boston. Seattle, L.C.; Vegas optic rocker ultraphase. NYL, snake: a player has to position themselves behind an object, rapidly switching between the prone and croing positions.

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Snaking allows players to remain protected by cover while also getting great intelligence on the opposing team without being vulnerable to incoming fire. If snaking is used correctly, it gives you an extreme advantage when playing not just in war zones but in multiplayer too. All right, so let's move on to the second secret mechanic.


What I want to share with you isn't much of a secret, but the way in which you use it—that's the big secret. It was here in the previous Call of Duties, but they brought it back, but it's here in a different way, and yeah, it's the dolphin dive. Many players don't use the dolphin dive, and it's extremely useful if you use it the right way.

So when doing the dolphin dive, you'll have to have a few things: One, you have to have a ledge to dive off of, and two, you have to have good timing.

This video is a Warzone 3 guide about the most broken mechanics in WARZONE AND MODERN WARFARE 3. If you want to get better instantly.
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