News - Easy Dark Aether Strat Anyone Can Do Warzone 2 Zombies For Legendary Loot

I just couldn't move at all. I could spin around in a circle, but that's it. I couldn't swing my fists. I couldn't, you know, move my legs. Again, I was just stuck until the zombies ended up putting me down. Keep in mind that when I ended up doing this and when that happened to me. I didn't have a weapon in either hand or in either slot.

I should say, so that might have something to do with it this time when I came in here. I did have that GS in my secondary slot; I just didn't have it out. I had my fists out the whole time. I'm not 100% sure if that is a fact, but that is what happened to me, so I would just beware. If you don't have a weapon and you're trying to do these contracts, you might get stuck with them now that we are over our holdout mission.


And if you have enough decoys, you should be able to get this one done really easily, and all you're going to have to do is I kind of figured out a method to the madness to do this one, and all you're going to have to do is throw out a decoy count to seven and then toss out your next one since decoys last for 8 seconds.

You're going to want to allow that extra second of time just because. If you wait right at those 8 seconds, Mark those zombies can immediately. Just snap and turn on you really fast, and you can go down quicker than you know it. Just count to seven and then toss out that next one, and I was kind of doing something a little bit different here in this match since I had those cashmir.

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And I figured. Hey. I got all these zombies in like a big ass group whenever I threw like a decoy, so I would toss the decoy and I would get them all grouped up, and then I would throw a cashmir over there and just get them all sucked into that just to get rid of them. Look at that guy. Easy peasy i would say this is probably the easiest contract to do if you don't have a weapon.


Just duplicate the hell out of decoys, and then holding out in this holdout mission is not very hard if you have some confidence in your movement. You're just going to have to be ducking from those disciples, and manglers are going to be shooting at you a little bit, so just move around and you should be fine.

The loot out of this contract, though, I'll say, definitely could have been better. We ended up getting an epic ether tool, and then we got another blood burner key. That damn blood burner key, man. You guys really could have given me anything else, and I would have been happier. Now we're going to run along the side behind these buildings here, and we're going to hit this portal so that way we can just drop down on top of the mall and grab our last bunny contract, now these ether extractors.


Man, lately they've been no joke, like since they've upped the number of zombies that are in here, this contract is actually, I would say, one of the harder ones to complete now. Once you get each extractor done, running from one to the next is just kind of a pain. You're going to have a lot of zombies around you, and then even after you get the contract done and completed, once it blows up, make sure you either have an extra decoy on you or you have your ether shroud ready because those things are still going to be charging at you.

Gathering up some monkey bombs or cashmere would definitely help you guys out when doing this contract. I would suggest dropping the monkey bombs over Kashmir. I don't know about you guys, but I'm kind of on the same side. I actually like things to be challenging. I like to be challenged if it's too easy; yes, I had a lot of fun with the flamethrower.


But let's be honest, everything in the game was just too easy. If there's absolutely no challenge or difficulty, then people are just going to get really bored, fast. Ever since the dawn of time, zombies as a mode has always been a difficult one. It's always been very challenging. Not only is it challenging, but it's also been cryptic, to the point where they really want you to kind of figure things out on your own while you're under pressure.

That's kind of like the point of zombies to begin with. It's not really supposed to be an easy, cozy game. If you guys want cozy games, there's plenty of games on the switch for you all right now. Just let me stop. No hate towards the switch guys. I actually absolutely loved my switch. one of my favorite consoles, here we are guys finally over at our extraction, and not the greatest of Loot on this run, we ended up getting two blood burner keys.

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We did get that Maga holding, which to me is worth a lot, and we got two Elder sigils, which was kind of the main point of this run. You guys can hear that ball in the background. For some reason, my cat loves to play with her ball whenever I'm recording. Yeah, I just wanted to show you guys this strategy.


Hopefully, this is something that you guys can do if you need to come into the dark ether, and if you're running low on stuff to use, this is an easy thing that you guys can do to fill up that stash again. A big thank you to everybody who stopped by the article today. I greatly appreciate it. A huge shout-out to all my channel members.

You guys are the absolute backbone of this channel. Drop a like on the article. If anybody is new, I hope you have a wonderful day, and I will catch you in the next.

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