News - Dr Ava Jansen's Connection With Samantha Maxis & How She Has Dark Aether Powers (warzone 2 Zombies Story)

modern warfare 3 season 1

Despite this, she continued her work driven by passion in 2016. However the FBI raided janson's lab taking her person and her Research into custody 12 days later she was free to go albeit without her research nor her tenure intact, around the same time the CIA raided her personal flat taking her laptop notebooks and phone leaving without saying a word this would set her research progress back up drastically and heavily influen her decision to take Zak's offer later down the line knowing the role she's played in this she offers to help bring down Zak deadbolt accepts using Dr strauss's research Jansen begins construction of a new ethereum neutralizer, once completed deadbolt test in the field realizing it needs upgrading to take out Terminus is refined ethereum during the testing of the upgraded neutralizer the veil is pierced and jansson encounters The Entity a connection is formed and or deepened her eyes turning purple briefly and the entity speaking through her during the team's own encounter with the entity in Act 4 she experiences, a dark ether episode her eyes turning purple and hallucinating.

In this vision, she kills Renov by slitting his throat, only to wake up still on her laptop and be contacted by Renov. This could be a vision of the future, and Renov may be heading for his doom, or it could be simply wild hallucinations brought on by exposure to ethereum and potentially schizophrenia.

modern warfare 3 zombies

But to be honest. I think we should just remove schizophrenia from this discussion because even if she's experiencing symptoms, this could just be brought on by, like I said, exposure to the dark ether that could be entirely separate from that diagnosis, and it's not really fair to those who actually suffer from schizophrenia to draw those parallels.

I would say I would argue that the likelihood is that these visions are genuine and contain warnings for the future. We saw that the forsaken's vision of the heads of recream all dead has come true in Modern Warfare zombies with all of them deceased in an underground room in zakhan. And we know that he was able to contact his daughter.

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Valentina. Even when she was a child, if AA, as a child, was also contacted by the entity, then it is very likely we are seeing similar events play out here. This would mean that the entity and AA share some sort of deeper connection than we've seen so far, and it seems AA is the key to entering this world.

modern warfare 3 zombies cutscene

It would also imply that those visions, if somewhat twisted for the entity's purposes, are based in reality. I feel like Maxis is going to be very angry at this fact, especially since she has likely corrupted a lot within the dark ether, and she's going to probably be furious at AA for that. I would assume, and put all of the blame on her as well as AA.

Willingly participate in another relationship, because at the end of Cold War zombies of course the recum heads were apprehended by Eddie rofin they were taken to blackside 13 they were most likely taken to terminus Island in a prison and laboratory there to be experimented on which is probably going to be one of the launch maps for C 2024 zombies where peek is heading to try and rescue them an island just off the coast of Japan and if that is the case I wonder if Dr Gray was experimented on there maybe Eddie was trying to create people with superpowers, because we know Omega group were trying to do that for example and considering all of the recum heads were highly exposed to ethereum that could be the case and maybe he forced her to have a child and that child has ended up being Dr AA who has these.

modern warfare 3 zombies season 1

However, we also hear in the beginning of the game a very interesting radio log from Perrera. This seemingly innocuous radio log shows Perrera dissecting a sample from the dark ether in his DNA sequencer. At first, he mentions the corruption of tissue this leads into discussion of how the dark ether can use naturally uring nucleic acid analoges to actually clone organic tissue and matter from our reality, this is what leads him into the question that this is important for us right now and the one I believe holds the key to the mystery of AA and the entity: can the dark ether corrupt a living person if the dark ether is capable of copying and corrupting organic matter like we've seen with the mega-abomination appearing multiple times in Cold War Zombies it was just replicated.

modern warfare 3 zombies season 1 cutscene

Is it possible this could be done on the scale of an entire person? I believe so, and I believe that a dark copy of AA created by the Dark Eternity's Matter Cloning abilities is the true entity of the Dark Eternity. Why though I suspect that AA may have some larger connections to Dr. Gray, especially if she's her mother and perhaps even Saman the Maxis, and her birth may be less natural than we currently know, like I suggested.

Maybe Rick toffen was experimenting on her leading to this and this would be an interesting plot twist to the storyline because right now most of the community does think it's Samantha Maxis, and if it turns out that it's actually some sort of copy of Dr AA a dark the version that could be possible and she's essentially being lured by herself.

modern warfare iii

I mean we do see within the trailer for Modern Warfare 3 zombie season one she's entering a portal to the dark ether and maybe she's trying to free this entity but the entity could just be the Forsaken for example we hear he is the announcer in the game for some weird reason even though he was captured in the containment chamber by Samantha Maxis at the end of Cold War zombies and Eddie rofin had that taken away but somehow maybe the Forsaken returned or maybe Rick Hoff's using the Forsaken, or something else or the forsaken's even been clothed by the dark ether maybe this entity could actually be some sort of merge between Samantha.

And AA in the dark ether. I'm not sure, but time will tell. That I've made here I will be having many more storyline articles in the future it seems like most people aren't really paying attention to the storyline in Modern Warfare 3 zombies, and I think it is unfortunate there is a lot to speculate here and they've given a lot of breadcrumbs.

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I think a big reason as to why people aren't really getting into the storyline, as they find the operators a bit generic and also the radios are scattered around the map they're not really easy to listen to or find you can't really listen to them in game without being attacked by zombies and the map is so large it's so hard to even find them so they definitely needed some sort of Intel system like C war zombies to play them in games and so far there's only really been a few that have been kind of interesting and hinting at stuff but most of the storyline, stuff is heavily hinting at COD 2024, zombies or even 2025.


Zombies that might be set in 2030, or something like that after the events of Modern Warfare 3 zombies around that time setting, so there's a lot of story line set up for the future here, and I'm really excited to learn what is next, so make sure to subscribe because, like I said, almost no one is covering the storyline right now, so I'll be keeping you up to date.

We'll be talking more about Samantha Maxis in the future as well as Rick Tof's project Janis, And that. Island Launch Map as well.

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