News - Don't Miss. Fastest Way To Level Up Guns Warzone 2 Season 3. Level Up Guns Fast Warzone 2

level up weapons fast mw3

If you want to do looting and you want to use the buy station for contracts, you can do scavenger. Or Intel or big game Bounty but the best one I'd recommend is most wanted, this is because it gives you more XP so it gives you 5, 000 weapon XP you have five for 4 minutes but you can run it down by opening loot containers, so whether that's loot boxes, duffel bags whatever it might be just keep opening loads of containers that will run down the time by 10 seconds each time you open a container and the good thing is it's not just you if you have friends they can open containers too and that will run down the timer for you as well so keep opening containers to run down the timer that will help you complete the Most Wanted contract in maybe like 2 minutes, at most so really quick you will have then got the XP and money from doing the contract, but then you also would have got lots of XP from opening the containers so do the Most Wanted contract, you'll still be marked so obviously take care not to die try and stick with teammates if you can but I would recommend.

It can be useful to do this contract in an area away from the flight path by yourself so you're less likely to come across enemies that might try and kill you, as that's very annoying, and obviously use vehicles to get between the contracts a little bit faster. So contracts are the first main thing, and the second thing is looting.

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This gives you more money it reduces the Most Wanted contract survival time like I say and you also get XP as well so you get 100 XP per loot container you open which counts towards your weapon XP as well so 10 containers is 1, 000 XP and so on and there's so many to open so it's really easy and like I say it includes any storage container things like duffel bags loot boxes tool boxes fridges cupboards lockers they all count so it's definitely worth using that's the second thing and the third thing is the buy station so once you've got a bunch of cash from collecting, cash from looting.

modern warfare 3 weapon xp

Buildings cash registers, that kind of thing looting containers and boxes contracts looting from enemies all that's going to get you a lot of cash head to the buy station buy lots of items like armor plates and that's going to give you a bit of a bonus towards the XP as well all in all you're going to get a lot of weapon levels just from doing that in plunder, that's a fantastic, way it's a similar method for Battle Royale as well but that's basically the main method you want to do in war zone so in summary you want to do the cont tracks especially Most Wanted open lots of loot containers collect lots of cash and then go to the buy station and buy a bunch of armor plates obviously make sure you're getting kills as well so go to higher flow areas if you can along the way but the main thing is obviously to stay out the way and do the contracts, and the loot containers and so on so that's it for plunder what about for V lockdown if fond lockdown is around here's what you want to do put on the resupply.

mw3 fastest way to level up guns

Perk in your perk three slot that allows you to recharge equipment over 50 seconds put on the decoy grenades, which you can replenish. From the resupply, perk and the Munitions boxes throw lots of decoy grenades into popular areas with enemies and every time a decoy Coy grenade goes off you're going to get 200 XP when it goes off near an enemy so use your decoy grenades, as much as you can throw them near enemies open locks of loot containers again 100 XP per container there's going to be tons of them around the map so make sure you open those the other thing you want to do is obviously get kills each kill is going to get you several hundred weapon XP and finally holding the zones will get you a lot of XP as well so each one's going to get you about 500 XP when it's captured but you can rejoin it about 20 to 30 seconds after so you can get at least 1, 000 or 1, 500. XP from a zone quite easily, so that's probably the best thing to do, and you also get bonuses when you're capturing the zone with teammates as well, so that's basically it for V lockdown all in.

Best weapon xp method in mw3/warzone

Best weapon xp method in mw3/warzone

I'd say all these modes are good, but I would say probably the best mode is war zone, either VOR lockdown, which is probably the best, followed by plunder.

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